
Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

author:The Mouse Emperor Chief Village Lady

Whenever we write about food, there will be fans who praise, and the reason is nothing more than two points, one is that the two of you walk outside all year round and eat all over the world' food, so that you can be happy. The second is to praise us not only for the blessing of the mouth, but also not for the burden of it. Because by looking at the pictures, they found that the emperor was getting bigger and bigger, but he didn't have a big belly. The village woman is getting more and more beautiful, but she can't find extra meat. As a result, someone seriously asked for the secret book. Here, we answer together: people do not eat fat, but lazy fat. We both walk outside all year round, and of course we will be very worried and troubled if we do not follow the group. We advocate green life, call ourselves green life home, and stipulate that the hiking distance should not be less than 8 kilometers per day when we are outside. Therefore, even with each whale swallow, the calorie intake will be exhausted in a lot of physical and mental exercise.

Therefore, do not be afraid to see the food, although the food is delicious. After that, I must be fierce, and I will never be lazy. In this way, while feasting on the food, you can also maintain health and body. You will not be cowardly in front of good food, and you will be confident when you boast to others.

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To eat the sticks, do it yourself! First, put the steamed sticky rice into the stone mortar, then take a special wooden stick and dip it in the water and start beating hard!

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

I hit me I hit i hit! Fight until you can't see the rice grains at all!

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Compared to this one, the two goods upstairs are too unprofessional.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

The beaten rice dumplings feel like new rice cakes! It's just softer.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

There are many ways to eat it, sweet or salty, which is probably the most local way to eat: mixed with local ginger brown sugar.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

It can also be wrapped in crushed peanuts, and the personal invention is to first dip ginger shredded sugar and then wrap peanut crushes, which is both sweet and fragrant.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough
Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

This kind of thing that looks like dumplings has a unique name in Liancheng: peach. The skin of the peach is made of glutinous rice flour, and the filling is mixed with pork, tofu and shallots, etc., and then wrapped.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Guess which is the work of the village woman?

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

The peaches wrapped in my own are delicious

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Shanghang Huai pig with Yongding vegetable dried, the highlight of this dish in Huai pig, about Huai pig, the locals have a saying slip: lion face, unicorn tail, black bear paw, beauty waist! It can be seen that this pig is an unusual pig, it must be the descendant of the second master brother and Chang'e! The cholesterol content of Huai pigs is more than 60% lower than that of ordinary pigs, which is really a foodie gospel.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Various ways to eat Huai pork

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough
Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Liancheng White Duck Soup:

Liancheng white duck was originally called white duck, black-billed duck, because the feet and head is black, so the local also known as "black head", there is a "duck Chinese essence" known as the "duck Chinese essence", the Qing Dynasty Daoguang years is a tribute, but also because of its unique nutritional value was rated as "the only medicinal duck", white duck meat is tender, rich in essential 17 kinds of amino acids and 10 kinds of trace elements, of which the glutamic acid content is as high as 28.71%, iron zinc content is 1.5 times higher than ordinary duck, cholesterol content is particularly low, whether it is meat or soup, can achieve heat detoxification, Nourishing yin and tonifying kidneys, expectorant and opening tips, calming the mind, appetizing and strengthening the spleen. Therefore, there is a local nursery rhyme: "Black head, swimming in the water; the only medicinal use is the top; the emperor eats without worry."

What is even more rare is that such a delicious and nutritious product is particularly simple to make, and it does not need to add any ingredients except salt when simmering, no fishy taste, no greasy, and the soup taste is particularly clear and mellow.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

This is also "duck", the full name of the duckbill fish, the scientific name of the American spoon sturgeon (also known as the duck-billed sturgeon), native to the Mississippi River Basin in the United States, is a large freshwater economic fish, and dinosaurs are brothers, dinosaurs have been extinguished, this cargo has persisted for 300 million years, no wonder it is obvious that the fish has grown a hard and long duck mouth - it is more than 50 cm long mouth accounted for more than half - otherwise it is not worthy of its generation.

The duckbill is scaleless and tender, but has a somewhat sandy feel.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

The bones of the duckbill are transparent and very crispy, which can be used in the pretzel method and is crispy.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

This is the village woman's favorite ah, fried meat and taro together boiled ah boiled until rotten, delicious chewing, haha.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Cisbola is a freshwater plant, the leaves are like arrows, the edible part is a fleshy bulb, and the "Compendium of Materia Medica" calls it "to reach the kidney qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, stop diarrhea, dissolve phlegm, moisturize the skin and hair".

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Dried long tofu

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Purple potatoes are made into salty flavors, and the brain hole is instantly opened!

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

This thing that looks like gnocchi is actually: taro! child! strip! Too wayward.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

During the Longyan period, there was a dinner eaten at Tim Fu Villa, the owner of the villa was a literary uncle, used to be a troupe, singing a good voice, because it was arrived at night, failed to appreciate his family's wine cellar transformed from the gold mining cave, fortunately, the wine is still drunk!

Their home-brewed olive wine!

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

The owner of the villa said that his family's vegetables are original, all of them are grown or raised by themselves, and this big supplement of pig tail black bean soup is also, supplementing collagen beauty and beauty.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

There are also super tender teppanyaki cowboy bones.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

The green Huaishan lamb stew is most suitable for the cold winter in the south.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Fragrant wild vegetable balls.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

The last scrambled egg to have to put on the shell is also drunk: Australian ostrich eggs! What a big plate! Just, what about this white pot of egg white, egg yolks?

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Loach, commonly known as stone tiger fish, forked woman, sand beard, is a small fish that lives in mountain streams and rapids, with a sub-cylindrical body, a flat abdomen, and no scales. Locals say the goods were transported alive to Beijing and sold for up to 8,800 yuan / catty. Whoops!

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

In contrast, this stream fish stewed tofu is a civilian price, but this village woman prefers this, in the end, she has never seen a scene drop.

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

Yuzu Piss: After the leftovers were taken home, the dumplings were wrapped in fresh strawberries and sugar, which was super delicious!

Personally beat the rice cake wrapped in peaches, accompanied by Huai pig white duck ci zi zi potato, this meal tastes enough

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