
Sister Moon came out to relieve the anxiety of new mothers: let go of her hands and let the children grow up naturally

author:Beiqing hot spot

Recently, CCTV host Sister Moon published her new book "Sister Moon as a Mother". This book is a parenting notebook compiled by Sister Moon based on her own personal experience, and the whole book is about 260,000 words. In the book, Sister Moon shares her pregnancy preparation, pregnancy experience and parenting insights.

Sister Moon joined CCTV in 1998 as the host of CCTV Youth Center for more than 20 years. Years of experience in dealing with children have made Sister Moon very aware of child psychology. Her hosting style is bright and versatile, and she is loved by children. The book "Sister Moon as a Mother" brings together the wisdom that Sister Moon has accumulated over the years with her children, and integrates her deep feelings for her children after becoming a mother. Between the stories, there are also many small science popularizations of pregnancy and child-rearing, and Chen Ruixue, director of the Department of Gynecology of Guang'anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and Fan Ling, director and professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital and chief obstetrics and gynecology expert of Beijing New Century Women's and Children's Hospital, are specially invited to check the knowledge points.

Sister Moon came out to relieve the anxiety of new mothers: let go of her hands and let the children grow up naturally

At the age of 35, it was not smooth sailing, but eventually the clouds opened and the fog dissipated

The book "Sister Moon as a Mother" begins with an account of Sister Moon's experience when she was 35 years old and preparing to become pregnant. Like many professional women today, Sister Moon put more energy into her work before the age of 35. She loves her job very much and loves the feeling of being surrounded by children, which keeps her mindset young. Before the age of 35, Sister Moon always felt that she was not ready and wanted to have a child later.

However, after the age of 35, women are medically considered "advanced maternal age", and the risk of pregnancy and childbirth will increase. Sister Moon has been preparing to have children since she was 35 years old, and the process has not been smooth. Shortly after becoming pregnant, the doctor informed her that the child had stopped having children, which was a very big blow to her.

At present, people's work pressure is generally very large, environmental pollution is becoming more serious, "fetal cessation" seems to appear more frequently, and many women are worried as soon as they become pregnant. Suspension of childbearing will have an impact on women's psychology and is a very worthy issue for discussion.

In this new book, Sister Moon combines her own experience to discuss "fetal cessation" from both psychological and scientific aspects, especially from the scientific point of view, Sister Moon shares the professional interpretation of this problem by medical experts: "Most fetal cessation is actually a problem with the chromosome itself, which is a natural elimination, not where the mother does not do well. Having experienced a fetal cessation, the next time you have the same chance of conceiving a healthy baby is the same as that of a normal person. If there are no two consecutive fetal cessations, there is no need to go through a lot of checks. The doctor's answer gave Sister Moon a lot of help and comfort, so Sister Moon hopes to pass on these contents to the reader, hoping to answer some of the reader's confusion.

Sister Moon came out to relieve the anxiety of new mothers: let go of her hands and let the children grow up naturally

Wanting children and career development is not completely contradictory

For many women, the 30s is the career upswing period, and pregnancy and childbirth require women to reduce work pressure, and obstetric examination, childbirth, and lactation will occupy a lot of women's time and energy. The contradiction between having children and career development plagues many women.

For Sister Moon, the contradiction between the two at first also entangled her. When she was pregnant, she was not only the host of several shows, but also the producer of the show "Music Express", and she was very busy. But she was 38 years old and had experienced a break in childbirth, and she cherished the opportunity to get pregnant. After weighing it up, Sister Moon decided to take a break and go home to take a baby. But this does not mean that she completely gave up her work, and after serious communication with the leader, Sister Moon suspended the front stage to preside over the work, but the behind-the-scenes production work continued, and even during the confinement period, there were many colleagues who visited with work tasks. Sister Moon also realized that as a children's program host, she did not have her own children, which made her lack of fundamental confidence in facing children, parents, and explaining parenting knowledge. Having a child of her own will bring her valuable experience and, from a longer-term perspective, will help her career development. Sister Moon appealed that whether to become a mother, women should carefully consider according to their own actual situation, and if they decide to have children, they should be responsible for their children. This decision must be made by yourself and should not be swayed by others.

Let go of your hand and let the child grow up naturally

Sister Moon is a person who likes children very much, and she confesses that when she was a child, she liked to bring children to other people's homes. After having her own children, Sister Moon has invested a lot of energy in parenting. However, Sister Moon is more concerned about creating an environment for children to grow up happily, giving children a full sense of security, and allowing children to grow up physically and mentally. In terms of early education and learning, Sister Moon has its own unique attitude.

For Sister Moon, children's literacy, numeracy, English ability, etc. are not the most important, the most important thing is to cultivate children's interest in learning, cultivate children's imagination, association, and independent problem-solving ability. Therefore, Sister Moon prefers to guide from the side and give children encouragement, she is very good at finding children's interest points and shining points, and carrying forward the advantages of children, so that children can explore in a spontaneous state and learn naturally. "When a child is interested in something, he doesn't need to be urged by an adult, he will learn it himself." Sister Moon said.

In the book "Sister Moon as a Mother", Sister Moon also shared a lot of her own experience in telling stories to children, teaching children to draw, etc., and mentioned many communication skills with children. However, Sister Moon believes that the most important thing is to truly understand and respect the child. Communication is not an end in itself, but a way to convey love.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Zhiyi

Editor/Bow Lifang

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