
Broccoli is known as an "anti-cancer vegetable", and you can eat these two wrong ways, and the more you eat, the fatter you get

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

When it comes to broccoli, everyone is no stranger, and it is a vegetable recommended by health experts to eat more, which has the characteristics of high nutrition.

Broccoli is known as an "anti-cancer vegetable", and you can eat these two wrong ways, and the more you eat, the fatter you get

As can be seen from the Chinese nutrition facts list:

Each 100 grams of broccoli is rich in 91.6 g of water, 27 kcal of energy, 3.5 g of protein, 3.7 g of carbohydrates, 56 mg of vitamin C, 50 mg of calcium, 179 mg of magnesium...

Overall, broccoli has a higher vitamin C content than kiwifruit, and is 4 to 5 times that of tomatoes.

Broccoli is known as an "anti-cancer vegetable", and you can eat these two wrong ways, and the more you eat, the fatter you get

In studies on cancer investigations, broccoli was found to be one of the cruciferous vegetables and also had good anti-tumor effects. Published in the top international journal Science, it is mentioned that a natural substance called indole-methanol is extracted from broccoli, which can inhibit the development of tumor cells.

But such a good broccoli, if people who want to lose weight often eat it, can they lose weight or gain weight?

Broccoli is known as an "anti-cancer vegetable", and you can eat these two wrong ways, and the more you eat, the fatter you get

First of all, let's popularize a knowledge with everyone, there are people who love to eat broccoli, there are people who don't love to eat. According to the reaction of people who do not like to eat broccoli, when eating broccoli before, they can always feel a peculiar smell, and I don't know why.

In fact, this odor or can choke the nose, mostly because of the thiocyanate component in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, which can affect the function of the thyroid gland to a certain extent, and may inhibit the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones, which is why people with thyroid disease can not overeat broccoli, and eat broccoli may become fat.

But you don't have to worry, as long as you pay attention to the way when eating broccoli, destroy the thiocyanic acid, you will not eat more and get fatter, the specific method is as follows:

Broccoli is known as an "anti-cancer vegetable", and you can eat these two wrong ways, and the more you eat, the fatter you get

Eat fresh broccoli:

The fresher the broccoli, the less thiocyanate in which mustardase cells can be produced. At the same time, we should be careful not to cut too much when cooking broccoli, because doing so is also very likely to destroy the mustard enzyme cells in broccoli.

If you can, you can directly break by hand and then wash, the cooking method is best to steam, can retain more broccoli nutrients.

Broccoli is known as an "anti-cancer vegetable", and you can eat these two wrong ways, and the more you eat, the fatter you get

Eat broccoli with iodine-containing foods:

Many people do not understand why they eat iodine-containing foods when eating broccoli, but the reason is very simple, for the sake of the thyroid gland. Although eating broccoli for a long time is of great benefit to health, it may also inhibit the body's absorption of iodine because of thiocyanate.

Then when eating such food, it can be paired with iodine-containing food, and it will be more reassuring to eat.

Therefore, this way of eating, everyone does not have to worry about gaining weight. However, it is still recommended that weight loss people eat and move with each other, so as to achieve the best effect, control weight and protect health.

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