
The appearance of "invisible guests" in the home is really a headache

author:Dwarf oil durian sugar

In the summer, all kinds of insects come out for a walk. Whether he is a beneficial insect or a pest, listening to the symphony played by insects in the wild and in the forest is sometimes a real pleasure. But if there is the company of these little guys at home, Xiaobian Jiu feels that few people can be comfortable. And today Xiaobian wants to tell the big guys about two kinds of insects that you can hardly see with the naked eye.

1. Book lice

It is a household pest that is more common in recent years, book lice do not bite people, but will destroy furniture and books on a large scale. They are small and sometimes appear on the walls and cannot be seen with the naked eye without looking closely. Sometimes it will crawl on a person's body, and although it does not bite, it will disturb your rest.

The appearance of "invisible guests" in the home is really a headache

2. Swollen leg bees

This is not a good lord, the shape of the "swollen leg bee" resembles a sword-shaped rainbow stink ant, so many people think that it is an ant, and the back of the ant brother is indeed a little black. They are very small, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them with strands of hair. After being bitten by it, it first hurts a little, then there will be a slight redness and swelling area about the size of a 5 dime coin, and it is still very itchy, and they will not act collectively. To solve the problem, they must find out where their nests are, and the place where the home stores Chinese medicine and dried chrysanthemums is the focus of investigation.

The appearance of "invisible guests" in the home is really a headache

Finally, it is recommended that everyone ventilate their homes, keep them dry, especially in the summer, and prepare more anti-mosquito bite potions. Once there is an "invisible guest", it must be dealt with in time. Especially if you have a baby at home, you should pay more attention to it.

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