
#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

In the cake, the favorite is still light cheesecake, the taste is light, delicate, melt in the mouth, of course, a good cake is inseparable from good eggs, I choose Saint-Tille village grain eggs.

By Happy XuanXuan's mother's small kitchen


Cream cheese 250 g

Milk 100 ml

6 grain eggs in the village of Saint-Diele

Butter 60 g

Sugar 70 g

Lemon juice a few drops

Low gluten flour 40 g

Corn starch 20 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

1. Prepare various ingredients

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

2, cream cheese can not be taken out of the room temperature in advance, butter does not have to soften, and milk in a basin.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

3, put the pot below, add water to the pot to heat, heat through the water. Allow cheese and butter to soften thoroughly.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

4: Stir with egg pumping until silky and free of particles. This one is easy to do because the butter melts during the heating process, the cream cheese softens, and it mixes perfectly with the milk.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

5: Separate the egg white and egg yolk, beat the egg white into an oil-free and water-free basin, add the egg yolk to the cheese paste and stir well.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

6: Stir well and sift in starch and low flour.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

7, add corn starch and low flour to stir evenly, do not draw circles, in case the flour is reinforced, mix well and cover the plastic wrap to prevent the surface from drying.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

8: Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg white, and add the white sugar to the egg white three times. Hit until wet foam, lift with a large curved hook hanging down.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

9. The state of the protein

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

10: Add one-third of the egg white to the egg yolk cheese paste and stir well.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

11: Pour the egg whites and stir well. These cake pastes can fit two oval non-stick cheese molds, or two 6-inch live bottom chiffon molds

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

12. Fluffy and delicate cake paste.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

13: About a spoonful of cake paste remains in the pot, add a little cocoa sauce and mix well, the texture of the flower surface.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

14: Put the cocoa batter into the framed flower bag, cut a small opening, and squeeze the horizontal strip first.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

15. Draw vertically with a toothpick, reverse one and pull out the lines.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

16, lightly bump the mold, shock out the bubbles, the oven is preheated in advance, insert a baking pan in the bottom layer, fill the plate with water, put the grill in the middle layer, bake at 130 degrees for 60 minutes to 80 minutes, water bath method, to be low temperature for a long time.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

17, low temperature for a long time, the cake will not rise quickly because of the high temperature, cracking situation. The cake slowly puffed up, and it didn't matter if there were small cracks on the surface, it couldn't be seen after baking.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

18. After the light cheese cake comes out, it falls vertically about ten centimeters from the countertop, gently bumps twice, wraps the mold with a towel, separates the cake from the mold, buckles upside down on the left hand, and then puts it in the cake box or plate.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

19, a good light cheesecake does not collapse, does not crack, does not retract.

#2021亲子烘焙组 - "baked" feeling happy #light cheesecake

20, refrigerated overnight is still perfect shape, cool taste is better.


Small oven or eat less can be halved, but I will do it every time to share with friends, half of the amount is really not enough points. If you use more than 60 grams of ordinary eggs, 5 eggs can be used, and with grain eggs or grass eggs, use 6.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of cream cheese</h2>

1. Dairy products are the best choice for food calcium supplementation, cheese is the dairy product with the most calcium, and these calcium are easily absorbed;

2. Cheese can enhance the body's low ability to resist diseases, promote metabolism, enhance vitality, protect eye health and maintain skin fitness;

3. Cheese is lactic acid bacteria and their metabolites have a certain health care effect on the human body, which is conducive to maintaining the stability and balance of normal flora in the human intestine, preventing constipation and diarrhea;

4. Cheese has more fat and heat energy, but its cholesterol content is relatively low, which is also beneficial to cardiovascular health;

5. British dentists believe that people eat some cheese when eating, which helps to prevent caries, and eating foods containing cheese can greatly increase the calcium content of the surface of the teeth, thereby inhibiting the occurrence of caries.

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