
"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

author:Rice rice mom childcare

Wen 丨 Rice Rice Mom

"My Sister" has always been expected by people before its release, and after the release, it has indeed received praise from the majority of the audience, and almost everyone who walks out of the theater has tear marks on their faces, and people have been deeply moved by the sister-brother love in the work.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

The plot of this work is actually very simple: in an accident, the sister's parents both died, leaving only some inheritance and a younger brother.

At first, the sister did not like the younger brother very much, and once hated the younger brother very much, and the younger brother's attitude towards the sister was not very friendly.

However, after the strong winds and waves, the two sisters and brothers finally relied on each other for their lives. And the most tear-jerking plot is this "big wind and big waves", people see the light of family affection from the continuous progress of the sister and brother's life, and see the blood thicker than water feeling between the sister and brother.

I believe that many parents hope that their children can love each other like the brothers and sisters in the play, then parents need to do good guidance and education in their daily lives.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

▲When the second treasure is very small

From the beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to let Dabao understand the existence of the second treasure.

When the second child is pregnant, bao mom and father should let Dabao know about this matter, and let Dabao clearly understand that in the near future, he will have a younger brother or sister, and this younger brother and sister will live, study, play with Dabao, and be able to help when the other party is in difficulty.

From this time on, parents should let Dabao understand that Erbao will be a very important relative in his life.

In ordinary life, if the second child has any movement in the abdomen, you can also let Dabao participate in the experience. For example, if the second child rolls and kicks in the mother's stomach, then the mother can let Dabao feel the behavior of the second treasure, thus deepening Dabao's understanding of the second treasure.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

In addition, it can also allow Dabao to participate in the prenatal education process of Erbao, such as allowing Dabao to learn the appearance of his mother or father, telling stories to the unborn Erbao, and so on.

Don't ignore these details, you know, the more benign impressions dabao has established on erbao, then the better Dabao's attitude towards erbao will be after that, maybe adults don't notice it, but in fact, the friendship between Dabao and Erbao has begun from this time.

Let the great treasure witness the birth of the second treasure.

When Erbao is born, it is best to let Dabao participate in witnessing the birth of Erbao.

The preparation done during the previous pregnancy has been able to establish some more subtle emotions between Dabao and Erbao.

At the historic moment of the birth of the second treasure, it is necessary for parents to let the big treasure and the father witness it together. This witness process seems insignificant, but in fact, it has a great psychological impact on Dabao.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

If Dabao can be allowed to see the second treasure after birth with Bao's father for the first time, then Dabao will feel that he is a very important figure relative to erbao.

And there will be a feeling that the growth of the second treasure cannot be separated from oneself, which is actually a biological instinct, any creature will be impressed by the first person he sees after he is born, and any creature will also have a different feeling for the new life he sees.

When taking care of the second treasure, you can seek the help of the big treasure.

When we first took care of the newborn, although we said that we did not need the help of Dabao, after all, Dabao's ability was not enough to help the family take care of the second treasure.

However, we still need to let Dabao do something for the second treasure, let Dabao have a sense of family responsibility, and the new members need the attention of all the old members.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

When Dabao can do something for the erbao who is waiting to be fed, dabao will feel that he, like his parents and father, is the closest person and the most important person to the erbao.

After Erbao is ignorant, he will also have a very deep affection for this big treasure that has been taking care of himself, so that the feelings between the two people will reach an unprecedented depth.

Of course, because Dabao and Erbao are both children, the feelings between them are sometimes more than those between them and their parents, and parents should be happy about this.

▲When Erbao grew up

Don't always compare the big treasure and the second treasure, each child has its own advantages and should not hurt each other.

Slowly, Erbao will always grow up, and Dabao will also understand the peer relationship between himself and Erbao, at this time, Dabao and Erbao may care about the depth of their relationship with their parents.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

Many parents are often prone to confusion at this time, that is, they often compare the big treasure and the second treasure.

For example, Erbao's learning is better than Dabao's, And Dabao's looks more handsome than Erbao's, and so on. In the minds of parents, it may be that they want to motivate children in this way, but in the eyes of children, this is simply an indirect "provocative" behavior, which will gradually create gaps between Dabao and Erbao, and there may be some cracks in the relationship.

Don't always let the big treasure "give way" to the second treasure.

Whether it is the big treasure or the second treasure, they are still children, their minds are not sound, and their thinking is not stable. Although we all know that the elder and the young are orderly, and the boss should be tolerant, the child may not be able to think it through.

In addition, even if the children are more sensible and can understand this truth, this kind of words that let Dabao let the second treasure should not be proposed by the parents, because the parents' proposal will make the big treasure have a feeling of "eccentric two treasures".

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

Especially sometimes parents have no patience in the face of children, once there is something between Dabao and Erbao, parents do not care and directly accuse Dabao, which will make Dabao very cold.

If parents often do this, then Dabao is likely to have a retaliatory mentality, even if Dabao itself does not have any hatred for Erbao, but in view of the parents' behavior, Dabao may achieve the purpose of retaliating against parents by unfavorable to Erbao.

The contradiction of the two treasures of the big treasure, do not easily mix, try to let the children solve it by themselves.

The two treasures are children, children in their usual lives, naturally there will be a lot of bumps and bumps, in general, the contradictions between children will not be very deep, often play for a while on the face, not a moment and reconciled.

However, there are many parents who often do not understand this phenomenon between children, and always intervene in the contradictions between children at the first time.

"My Sister" perfectly interprets the Chinese style of family affection, and the whole theater is moved to cry

When parents intervene in contradictions between children, it is actually equivalent to adding some insoluble problems to the contradictions. For example, if parents maintain the big treasure, then the second treasure is not happy, and if the parents maintain the second treasure, then the big treasure is not happy.

A contradiction that may have been small between children will become a big contradiction related to "parental belonging" because of the participation of parents.

The end result is usually that the parents greatly intensify the contradictions between the children, and there is no solution.

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