
Dong Jianzhong: The famous writer Jia Pingwa's trip to Lu's family

author:The scene is always new

News source: Western Online

Dong Jianzhong: The famous writer Jia Pingwa's trip to Lu's family

Jia Pingwo at the Blue Grass Red Army Memorial Hall

On the afternoon of April 4, 2011, the famous writer Jia Pingwa quietly came to Lushi County to collect wind. During his 5 days in Lu's, he tasted local snacks, visited regional cultures, and talked about the relationship between Lu's County and Danfeng County, which was unforgettable.

Jia Pingwa came to Lu's mainly to find historical information about Lu's and facilitate future creation. But he acted in a low-key manner, so that almost no one from all walks of life in the Lu clan knew about it. I was the second person to contact him, and the first person to contact him was Xiao Zhao, an ordinary worker in Hengjian Township.

A year ago, Xiao Zhao, who loved to write, sent jia Pingwa two study pieces, but he did not expect that Jia Pingwa actually wrote back to him and wrote a comment. Since then, they have often exchanged phone calls and text messages, and slowly, they have become friends who have never met. During the Spring Festival, Jia Pingwa texted Xiao Zhao saying that when he returned to Danfeng's hometown during the Qingming Festival, he thought of Lu's turning around. Xiao Zhao told me the news.

On the morning of April 8, Xiao Zhao called me and said that Jia Pingwo had come to Lu's house, it was already the 5th day, and he was leaving in the morning. He said that after Jia Pingwo arrived at Lu's family, he repeatedly told him not to tell anyone that he was in Lu's, saying that he could not cause trouble for the leaders. Putting down the phone, I quickly found several written materials about Lu Shi and hurried to the hotel.

Shaking hands, saying hello, giving up seats, Mr. Jia was humble and easy-going, so that I had no sense of distance in an instant. In front of Him, Jia Ping was dressed simply, the blue tweed cover seemed to be stained with a lot of dust, and the black leather shoes on his feet had not been wiped for several days. However, his thick eyebrows and deep gaze give people a taste of his extraordinary wisdom.

Jia Pingwo has a thick Shaanxi tone, which is very similar to Lu's local dialect, simple and easy to understand, which makes people feel very intimate. Therefore, we talk about the historical origin of the Lu clan, the geographical environment of the Lu clan, the cultural heritage of the Lu clan, the entry of the Red Twenty-fifth Army from the Lu clan into Shaanxi, and the revolutionary career of Mr. Cao Jinghua.

Jia Pingwa said: "My hometown is connected to the Lu landscape, and I have long wanted to come and see it." I know that the place where Danfeng, Luonan and Lu clans meet, people call it ''Chicken Singing And Smelling Three Counties'', we are actually all fellow villagers... I have been in the countryside these days, the lu people are really good, treat people very realistically, very kindly... Lu's county town is so big and so well built, I really didn't expect it. ”

During the conversation, I once again proposed the idea of informing the relevant leaders of the county, and Jia Pingwa politely declined: "The leaders are very busy, or don't affect them." ”

The accompanying teacher Mu Nan urged that it was time for breakfast, so I quickly took out the paper I had brought and asked Jia Pingwa to write me a sentence. He said, "What's the point?" Then he picked up the pen, thought about it a little, and wrote down the seven words of "Lu Shi has been a talent since ancient times".

Lu's breakfast, the most famous is the original sauce beef soup, I proposed to drink beef soup, Jia Pingwa said: "Okay, let's go drink beef soup." I knew that the conditions of the beef restaurant were very simple, so I gently explained to him, and Jia Pingwa said, "It's okay, you can eat, I can eat." ”

In a long-established beef restaurant in the city, the taste of beef soup is indeed extraordinary, Jia Pingwo drank two bowls in a row, and kept praising "delicious".

At 9:00 a.m. on April 8, Xiao Zhao and I took another car to take Jia Ping'ao to Guanpo Town and return to Shaanxi.

At noon, we rushed to Lancao Street in Guanpo Town, the westernmost point of Lu's town, and the town leaders arranged authentic Lu's home-cooked food. Jia Ping was eating grits rice, sour yellow cabbage, and lazy cake steamed bun with relish, and even said good. After that, everyone visited the Red Twenty-fifth Army Headquarters located in the compound of Lancao Middle School, and Jia Pingwa also left behind the ink treasures of "Red Orchid Grass", "Blessed with Reading", and "Brilliant Spirit".

Jia Pingwa's trip to Lu's was a relaxing life experience, in his words, "casually turning around". Within a few days, in addition to going to Tanghe Hot Springs and Bears Ears Mountain, he spent the rest of his time wandering around the villages in Hengjian Township and the back alleys of the county seat. Xiao Zhao said: "Teacher Jia is interested in everything, see what to ask, some things he has to ask the root to find out clearly." ”

When I went to the hotel to see Jia Pingwo, I brought him a copy of "Lu's Literature and History Materials" and Mr. Jin Guang's collection of essays reflecting Lu's customs and customs, "The Last Scenery". When I was parting, he asked me to send him a set of "Lushi County Chronicles" later, saying that "when I have time to study and study, I want to write something about Lu's."

What Xiao Zhao felt most deeply was Jia Pingwa's simplicity and truthfulness. He said that Teacher Jia had been eating at a rural farmhouse for several days, eating everything, and his favorite was fermented steamed buns, oil-fried buns and sour yellow cabbage, and he couldn't do without garlic and peppers. Every evening back to the county town, eat all the pasty buns in Muslim restaurants, and don't want a dish, a dozen yuan will be sent. As he was leaving the hotel, he looked back and saw a piece of steamed bun in the plastic bag on the table, and said, "Take this and eat it when you get back." Xiao Zhao said that Teacher Jia was tired of walking in the countryside, and casually sat on the stones and weirs on the side of the road, regardless of whether it was clean or not. At noon on April 7, when the sun was shining, Jia Pingwo actually slept next to a bean straw stack in Daijia Village, Hengjian Township, and woke up and said: "Comfortable and comfortable, more comfortable than Simmons!" ”

He was a very kind, casual man, with a little humor from time to time. Once, they walked into a farmhouse, were stopped by a dog, and the others quickly took sticks to drive the dogs away, and Jia Pingwa said: "Don't dare to fight, the dog baby is here to welcome us." When he returned to Shaanxi, he prepared to cut a short road from Jiulongshan to Guanpo Town, and on the way his commercial cart frame was on a saddle-shaped mound. We had to get out of the car and push the car backwards, and Jia Pingwo also came forward to push the cart with us. He shouted "Hi yo hi yo" as he pushed, and the tone was melodious and funny, which made everyone laugh. In the countryside, he saw a mountain that had been washed away by mudslides and said, "Scales all over the body, if you are a person, you don't know how much it hurts!" Then he said a meaningful sentence: "But the mountain is still a mountain, and you can't wash the whole mountain down!" ”

The brief contact with Mr. Jia Pingwo made us feel a lot. His demeanor has benefited people a lot.

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