
There are 129 winning works of the Bingxin Prose Award, which are questioned to have a low gold content! Red Child in charge: Not for the elite

author:Red Star News

Recently, the 8th Bingxin Prose Award Ceremony was held in Meishan, Sichuan.

It is understood that this year's 129 works (articles) won awards. A total of 10 (articles) of works in Sichuan Province have won awards, and some netizens said that why are there so many awards? Will the gold content of most of the winning works be low? With such a question, yesterday, the reporter of Chengdu Business Daily contacted the main person in charge of the Bingxin Prose Award, the executive vice president of the China Prose Literature Association, and the famous writer Red Child.

There are 129 winning works of the Bingxin Prose Award, which are questioned to have a low gold content! Red Child in charge: Not for the elite

The picture shows the red child

Red Child talked about the origin and purpose of the Bingxin Prose Award. He said that the Bing xin prose prize was established in 2000, and after Mr. Bing Xin's death in 1999, he left a will for his family to donate a sum of money to the Chinese Prose Literature Association, and set up a fund or award to support amateur authors, with a focus on female writers. At that time, the red child served as the deputy secretary-general of the society, and the main person in charge of the society decided to set up the Bingxin Prose Award after consultation.

"This award is not an elite award, but a mass literary award, more for the majority of amateur prose writers." Red Child said that the Bingxin Prose Award is different from the Mao Dun Literature Award and the Lu Xun Literature Award, which is an elite award and funded by the state. And as an academy award, the Bingxin Prose Award is funded by self-financing, in collaboration with local governments or businesses. The Bingxin Prose Award is more encouraging, and it is an affirmation and commendation for literary newcomers and amateur authors.

Red Child believes that the Definition of the Bingxin Prose Award as a mass literary award is of far-reaching significance, which is equivalent to doing a literary greening project, and a country needs iconic literary works and representative writers, but it must also have a broad mass literary foundation.

After the award, the red child also heard a lot of discussion, and some people claimed to have won the highest award for Chinese prose after winning the award, which the red child did not fully agree with. "We never see it that way, it is not to win the prize to reach a very high height, even if it wins the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Mao Dun Literature Prize or the Lu Xun Literature Prize, it is not without controversy, art is not like sports competition, literary works are difficult to quantify and judge." It can only be said that the winners roughly represent a level. ”

There are 129 winning works of the Bingxin Prose Award, which are questioned to have a low gold content! Red Child in charge: Not for the elite

Bingxin's daughter Wu Qing attended the 8th Bingxin Prose Award

The representative big-name writers in the Sichuan prose circle are still less than lacking

The reporter asked what are the characteristics and advantages of the Sichuan award-winning works this time? Hong Bao said that the overall number of winning works in Sichuan is relatively large, at most Shaanxi, and there are also more provinces and cities such as Shandong, Hebei and Chongqing. There are several reasons for this, these areas are all major literary provinces, and from the propaganda and cultural departments to the literary federations at all levels and the writers' associations, they all attach great importance to prose. Second, these provinces and cities have established prose associations, and the members of the Sichuan Prose Association are more than 2,000. Meishan, Luzhou, Guangyuan, Deyang and other cities have prose societies, and even in some counties and townships have set up prose societies, sichuan prose associations are the largest in scale, the mass base is good, there are many people involved, and it is very normal for many people to win awards.

How is sichuan prose developing? Hong Bao mentioned that although Sichuan is a big province of prose, with high enthusiasm and a particularly good mass base, there is still a shortage of big-name writers with national representation in the prose industry. Now there is a good foundation, after three to five years Sichuan prose will have a big breakthrough in the country.

When asked which prose writers in Sichuan impressed the red child? The red child replied that the impression is very deep and cannot be talked about, such as the iconic essayists represented by Yu Qiuyu and Jia Pingwa, which are not yet in Sichuan. The authors of Sichuan write more regularly, and their enthusiasm for direct participation in life is very high, but the prose ultimately relies on artistry and thought. The realist creative style should be vigorously advocated, and breakthroughs should be made at the technical level, which is also a national problem. The number of prose writers in the country is very large, estimated to be hundreds of thousands, but few have really made breakthroughs to form styles. This question is also a problem that has plagued us for many years, the biggest problem is that prose theory is weak, and there are not many breakthrough views.

There are 129 winning works of the Bingxin Prose Award, which are questioned to have a low gold content! Red Child in charge: Not for the elite

Winners take the stage to receive their awards

Judging criteria: pay attention to humanistic care, 11 to 80 years old

Each winner is a prize of one thousand yuan, which is the same rule of the Bingxin Prose Award from the first session. What are the criteria for judging? How to ensure the fairness of the selection? Red Child said that the Bingxin Prose Award selected by the Chinese Prose Literature Association is not the same as other selections, and the awards of the Society consider a variety of aspects, such as region, male and female ratio, professional representatives, local influence and other issues. Each session has famous artists, such as Tie Ning, Jia Pingwa, Chi Zijian, etc., they are only representative roles, the focus of the award is more of the authors of the provinces and counties, they are not the best written, but they deserve to be selected, such as a teacher in his eighties in this award, who has written for a lifetime, and his lifelong desire must be to hope that writing will be affirmed, and his award is not only his own glory, but also the glory of the local area. Authors like this, who must be evaluated, are significant from every angle. The youngest winner this time is an eleven-year-old girl who co-authored a book with her mother, which has a special nature and must also be judged. In addition, in addition to entrepreneurs, soldiers, public security cadres and policemen and other professions, literary organizers, newspaper editors, and other people who have made a lot of literary contributions for a long time are also the focus of their attention.

There are 129 winning works of the Bingxin Prose Award, which are questioned to have a low gold content! Red Child in charge: Not for the elite

Response to misconception: Most of the winners are not low in gold content

Some netizens said that there are many winning works of the Bingxin Prose Award, will the gold content of the award not be high? The red child responded directly, and this misunderstanding was unreasonable. He said that there are four kinds of people who are usually misunderstood, the first is that he won the award and did not want others to win the award, got on the bus, grabbed a seat, and did not want others to get on the bus to squeeze him. The second is that he didn't win the prize, didn't get on the train, and was annoyed to see others get on the platform. The third type of person gets into a car for himself and disdains getting on the bus, thinking that he is a character and a master. The fourth type is the person who follows the blind coaxing, such people have not learned about the Bingxin Literature Award, do not understand literature, do not understand the Chinese Prose Literature Society, and are purely blind arguments.

Red Child said: Many people have a wrong understanding of "gold content", "The awards of the Bingxin Prose Award are divided into four categories, which is equivalent to forty works in each category, and thousands of people in the National Prose Literature Association write, and forty works are selected in one category. The first, second, and third prizes of the China Journalism Awards selected four or five hundred award-winning works, how can there be more? There are hundreds of winners in the national labor model evaluation, is this too much? Red child believes that the gold content is not only the selection of one person or several people, then this award has the gold content, people think about the problem with habitual thinking, think that the evaluation is less is the high gold content, the selection is more than not. Awards are the positioning of the organization, not relying on inertial thinking. With the support of the majority of literary writing enthusiasts, the impact of the recipients on local literature after returning to various provinces, cities and counties is the gold content of the award. "Every writer does not write for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and the amount of gold is not the number of awards or the number of prizes, nor how many prizes are awarded. No one in the Bingxin Prose Award came for the prize money, but there were people who cried for it, and they came in such a mood, which was an affirmation of their own writing, and this was the position of Bingxin in everyone's mind. ”

Chengdu Business Daily client reporter Chen Mou photo interviewee provided

Intern Editor Deng Xianlong

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