
"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

author:Young Chinese workers

The bizarre wish of fortune-500 CEOs

As the president of an invincible Fortune 500 company in the business world, his life is certainly a successful model in the eyes of others. But apart from his work, he had little pleasure; and as he began to recall his life frequently in his hospital bed, he found that all the social fame and wealth that had once made him feel infinitely proud had all become dim and meaningless in the face of impending death.

The president of the Fortune 500 company said: "As long as people have enough wealth in their lives, they should pursue other things that have nothing to do with wealth, but should be more important things, maybe feelings, maybe art, maybe just a childhood ideal." The endless desire for wealth only makes people greedy and boring, into a perverted monster – as I have portrayed all my life. When God created man, he gave us a wealth of senses so that we could feel his presupposition of love in the hearts of all people, not the illusion of wealth. Some people say that love and emotion are illusory, and wealth is real. But at this moment, I know very clearly that all the wealth I have won in my lifetime cannot be taken away, but only the innocent feelings and materially unrelated love and emotions that have been precipitated in my memory cannot be denied or automatically disappeared. They are the real wealth of life. ”

"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

20200108 in the square in front of the Liwu Building of South China University of Technology

The priest's dying confusion

A priest in Brooklyn, New York, who had cheated on his wife's feelings for 7 years, was morally condemned for cheating in marriage.

The priest said: "She (the object of the priest's infidelity) made me realize that the feelings that arise naturally have nothing to do with a woman's ability and "rightness", even if she can't do it, is not confident, or even helpless." I even feel that it is innocent to fall in love with a woman, and not to appreciate a woman who deserves to be loved is to fail to live up to God's intentions... It was in the process of loving this woman named Caroline that I felt the existence of God and His intention to create humanity most truly! My heart was filled with a wonderful and miraculous feeling of god's presence and his divine love for the first time before. Loving a person is a unique privilege given to mankind by God, and not feeling or acknowledging its existence is disrespectful to this gift and a proof that God's love has never been felt. ”

"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

20200709 taken downhill in front of North 6 Dormitory of South China University of Technology

The female professor had an unexpected last desire

A professor at Columbia University's School of Education, who has been strictly disciplined by his parents since childhood, has always been "someone else's child", with excellent grades, a complete family, and a decent job. However, at the end of her life, the seriously ill female professor is very envious of the children in the bunker of the children's playground, and she also wants to shoot mud, pile sand, and then push down, throw water on others, smash things without scruples, tear paper, curse people, engage in all kinds of pranks, and then show her teeth like a comedian haha weird smile...

She said: "Recently I have thought about it, in fact, I have never known what it feels like to be truly happy, because I have become accustomed to meeting the requirements of others, everything I have done since I was a child is to show others, to make my mother satisfied (but she has not been satisfied with me until now), as for who I really am, what is my personal needs, what I really like, I don't know at all, and I rarely think about it." I gave everything to my family and my family, I did everything I could to maintain the image of this family, and never doubted that this was my duty. Eternal denial, no matter how hard you try; perpetual inferiority, no matter how desperately you try to get rid of it. Everyone has that little stake in their lives (I've heard a story that in India, if a baby elephant is tied to a stake, after many ineffective struggles and unable to escape, it will automatically give up and run away and stand there obediently, whether there are people or no one around. Although it later grew tall and large, and would be pulled out with the slightest pull of the small stake with his nose, he still stood there as tamely as he had been as a child, and he did not even have the idea of trying to escape and pull out the stake. Only because he already believed that running away was an impossible thing to do—that the experience of childhood had become his lifelong belief. A small stake could do nothing to control an elephant with a huge body permanently.) ”

"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

20200715 in front of Building 12 (Law School) of South China University of Technology

The last monologue of aids people

A librarian at Columbia Law School in the late stages of AIDS, telling his story with a gay and Irish painter (AIDS man), is a story of love and betrayal.

The librarian said: "He (the object of betrayal of the librarian) to find someone else, I have his own reasons and needs, feelings can not be forced, nor easy to make moral judgments, just like the clouds in the sky, beautiful when it is beautiful, floating past or letting go." Each of my relationships has its own color and life trajectory, no need to force, no reason, just to appreciate the real traces it has left in life... Each person's life is like a chain, and the connection of each ring set is determined by seemingly accidental but inevitable factors. No one wants to live a life that is accused of being different from the traditional way of life of most people, but the reason why those of us who choose our own way of life, even if we are under terrible pressure, know only us, is neither because such a life is a fun game, nor because we are "degenerate" by nature — the internal causes, the role of individual circumstances and family factors that vary from person to person, are difficult to understand without personal experience. Accusation, and even persecution of those who are different from oneself, has always been the strength of human beings; and understanding and forgiving them with love has always been the weakness of human beings. A human being who seems to be strong is actually very weak and helpless. The last thing he knew was himself, but he was anxious to conquer the outer world that was far less important than his inner world. "

"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

20200826 photographed in the Liwu Building of South China University of Technology

A map of the nun's mind

A nun suffering from advanced breast cancer, family relations are tense, her parents are both cheating, the relationship is not harmonious, and she longs for love because she can't get out of the trap of love, so she wants to be a nun to get away from this earthly world.

The nun said, "I learned that love originally had a lifespan, not an eternity, no matter how beautiful it is, and no matter how real it is." Whether he loves it or not, he knows it at first sight. Even if you give all your love, time, and money, you will get it with disappointment. Even so, you can't hide your inner love. If we could control our love, we wouldn't be human. I think that maybe the love of men and women is conditional and lifespan, and it is painful. Perhaps, as they say, only God's love is eternal... It is only at this moment, at the end of my life, that I understand that what we want in the world is actually that little bit of real love, whether it comes from family or anyone else, with it, there is a reason to live, there is everything; without it, people will be perverted, they will be crazy, and they will find a substitute for love through imagination. The existence of God only means one thing: the world is short of love. My life seems to be full of regrets, but it is a life of really looking for love. That's enough. In fact, those who have love are Gods, and they can turn others into Gods'. ”

"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

20200828 photographed at South China University of Technology North Lake Library (Kindergarten)

Farewell remarks from earth travelers

The 73-year-old traveler is a lotte man, even if he has been told by the bald-headed, big-nosed doctor that he can only play for another month. He was also a poet and left us with a small poem:

"I happened to pass by a place called Earth and stayed for decades.

I loved there,








Now, everything will pass,

Because the trip here is coming to an end.

Where will you stop next?

I tightened my backpack,

Found forgetting to bring canned meat for lunch. ”

"Huayuan Reading 01" under "Don't say, it's really too late: The New Yorker's Last Words"

20200715 on the boulevard next to the west express delivery point of South China University of Technology

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