
The first anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Alliance of Hong Kong has accelerated its integration into the overall situation of national development

author:CCTV News

On May 24, the symposium on "The First Anniversary of the Establishment of the Grand Alliance for The Re-departure of Hong Kong and Accelerating Integration into the Overall Situation of National Development" was held in Hong Kong. The symposium introduced the key work of the Grand Alliance in the coming year, promoted cooperation between Hong Kong and the cities in the Greater Bay Area, and implemented various developments.

The first anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Alliance of Hong Kong has accelerated its integration into the overall situation of national development

The event first reviewed the work carried out by the Grand Alliance in the past year on epidemic prevention and control, economy and people's livelihood, youth employment and other aspects, and said that the Grand Alliance will continue to work hard to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the HKSAR and the prosperity of the country through the collective efforts of more than 1,500 co-founders and people from all walks of life. In the coming year, Major League will shoot TV series such as "Hong Kong Affairs and Chinese Heart" and "My Hometown and Me". At the same time, grand alliances will further promote Hong Kong to accelerate the pace of integration into the overall situation of national development, implement the "Departure from the Greater Bay Area" plan, carry out the education work of integrating young people into the Greater Bay Area, and use Hong Kong's advantages to connect with the mainland to achieve win-win and inclusive development.

The first anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Alliance of Hong Kong has accelerated its integration into the overall situation of national development

Tung Chee-hwa, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that Hong Kong has advantages in finance, science and technology, and making good use of it can make many contributions to the country.

The first anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Alliance of Hong Kong has accelerated its integration into the overall situation of national development

Leung Chun-ying, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that Hong Kong will carry out work in the next step, and conduct research in the Greater Bay Area, which can clearly understand which of the nine Guangdong cities in the Greater Bay Area has what advantages Hong Kong plays. The principle of connecting Hong Kong with the cities of the Greater Bay Area is "local needs, Hong Kong is good", or "Hong Kong needs, local strengths". (Reporters Jin Dong, Zhou Weiqi, Feng Liangchen, Ye Lili)

(Edited by Wang Tingting)

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