
The Expedition of the Red Twenty-fifth Army Has Made Great Contributions to the Chinese Revolution Wu Huanxian: The "Soul of the Army" of the Red Twenty-fifth Army

author:Gansu released
The Expedition of the Red Twenty-fifth Army Has Made Great Contributions to the Chinese Revolution Wu Huanxian: The "Soul of the Army" of the Red Twenty-fifth Army

Precious photographs left by Wu Huanxian during the Long March.

The Expedition of the Red Twenty-fifth Army Has Made Great Contributions to the Chinese Revolution Wu Huanxian: The "Soul of the Army" of the Red Twenty-fifth Army

A majestic sculpture that stands in the tomb of Martyr Wu Huanxian. This group of photographers: Shen Lili, a reporter of the New Gansu Gansu Daily

"The expedition of the Red Twenty-fifth Army has made great contributions to the Chinese revolution, and Wu Huanxian has made indispensable contributions!" --Mao Zedong

He was the founder of the revolutionary base areas of Eyu-Anhui and Eyu-Shaanxi; the founder and main leader of the Red Twenty-fifth Army; and one of the highest-ranking generals of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army who died during the Long March.

He is Wu Huanxian, who is known as the "military soul" of the Red Twenty-fifth Army.

It is sad that Wu Huanxian was unfortunately shot and killed in the battle of Sipo Village in Pingliangjingchuan, Gansu Province, when the Long March was close to victory, at the age of 28.

The gushing water is the affectionate expression of the revolutionary martyrs; the majestic Palace Mountain is the witness of the heroic history of the revolutionary predecessors.

Carry out the "family-breaking revolution" and actively participate in the peasant movement

There is a mountain in the east of Zhengjiagou Village in Xiaofeng Township, Jingchuan County, called Dongbao Box Mountain. The tomb of Wu Huanxian martyr is at the foot of Dongbao Box Mountain. On the tombstone is Li Xiannian's inscription in 1979 "The Tomb of Comrade Wu Huanxian".

Wu Huanxian was born in August 1907 to a landlord family in Caomen Village, Sijiao, Jianchanghe Township, Huang'an County, Hubei Province. In his short life, he always had great loyalty to the party, fought bravely and tenaciously, had extraordinary organizational skills and political foresight, and made outstanding contributions to the creation of the revolutionary base areas of Eyuwan and Eyushaan and the development and growth of the Red Twenty-fifth Army. The narrator Wang Yuanyuan said eloquently.

Born in a landlord family, Wu Huanxian was gifted and intelligent from an early age, gentle and handsome, deeply loved and valued by his family, and lived a worry-free life. In 1923, at the age of 16, Wu Huanxian was admitted to the Macheng Silkworm School with excellent results. Macheng County is close to Wuhan, which was one of the earliest areas for the Chinese Communist Party to carry out revolutionary activities. Influenced by this, Wu Huanxian joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League at school and has since strengthened his faith in Marxism-Leninism and the Communist Party.

During the winter vacation, Wu Huanxian brought back a portrait of Marx from the school and hung it in the position of worship at home. His father, Wu Weidi, was furious when he saw this and insisted on tearing down the portrait of Marx. Wu Huanxian said to his father seriously: "This man is Marx, the revolutionary teacher of the proletariat of the whole world, and if you worship him, you can respect a new society." ”

In early 1926, Wu Huanxian joined the Communist Party of China, determined to believe in Marxism-Leninism and carry out the "family-breaking revolution." He invited his own tenants and debtors to his home and said to them, "From now on, whoever rents my family's land will own it, and the cultivators will have their own land and act according to the Communist Party's ideas; whoever owes my family rent and debts will not have to be repaid, and even the profits will be written off!" In order to dispel the doubts of tenants and debtors, Wu Huanxian drew matches in front of them and burned all the land titles and IOUs. Wu Huanxian's move caused a huge sensation in his hometown, and many ordinary people, while being surprised, also began to accept the revolutionary proposition that "cultivators have their own land".

In the autumn of 1926, Wu Huanxian established the first peasant association in The Four Corners Caomen Village, and launched a vigorous peasant movement. The local tycoons and gentry were extremely disturbed by this, so they colluded with the bandits and sneaked into the four corners of Caomen Village in the early winter, persecuting 100 families. Wu Huanxian's father, brother and sister-in-law, including 6 people, were killed by bandits during the run. The blood of his relatives made Wu Huanxian realize that if the peasant movement is to achieve the final victory, it must be armed with peasants. In January 1927, Wu Huanxian established a peasant team of more than 130 people. With Wu Huanxian's unremitting efforts, this peasant armed force later grew to nearly 4,000 people and became the backbone of the jute uprising.

Rebuild the Red Twenty-fifth Army, blood sprinkled on the northwest frontier

After experiencing the jute uprising and creating the revolutionary base area in Eyubian, the young Wu Huanxian became the commander-in-chief of the guerrilla forces in northeast Hubei.

Due to the failure of the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the main force of the Red Fourth Front army in the Eyu-Anhui base area was forced to withdraw westward. At this time, Wu Huanxian, under the circumstance that the armed forces were scattered and weak and the struggle situation in the Eyu-Anhui base area was very grim, proposed to Shen Zemin, secretary of the CPC Eyuwan Provincial CPC Committee, to reorganize the Red Twenty-fifth Army.

On November 29, 1932, the Cpc Eyuwan Provincial Committee held a meeting of the top military cadres in Huang'an Tanshugang, and decided to reorganize the Red Twenty-fifth Army on the basis of the five Red Legions remaining in the Eyu-Anhui base area, with Wu Huan as its commander. The rebuilt Red Twenty-fifth Army, under the leadership of Wu Huanxian, soon became the new main force in the struggle in the revolutionary base areas of Eyu and Anhui. On April 16, 1934, the Red Twenty-fifth Army and the Red Twenty-eighth Army met at the Leopard Rock Division in Shangcheng, and the Red Twenty-eighth Army was reorganized into the Red Twenty-fifth Army. After the reorganization, the Red Twenty-fifth Army was headed by Xu Haidong and Wu Huan as political commissar.

On November 16, 1934, the Red 25th Army set out from He Jiachong in Luoshan, Henan Province, holding high the banner of "The Second Advance Detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army To The North to Resist Japan" and began the Long March.

"This is a photograph of Wu Huanxian carrying a shell gun on the Long March Road, and it is also one of the few photos left on all the Red Army's Long March Road, and the sculptures in the memorial hall are also based on this photo, which can be said to be very precious." Li Xiaojing, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Wu Huanxian Martyrs' Memorial Hall, pointed to a black-and-white photo in the exhibition hall. Wu Huanxian in the photo has a beautiful face and a firm gaze.

Unfortunately, shortly after taking this photo, Wu Huanxian died on the Long March Road. The Long March continues, but he can't continue..." Li Xiaojing's voice was low, and we seemed to be pulled back to the thrilling battle.

In mid-August 1935, when the Red 25th Army reached the area east of Pingliang in Gansu, it was blocked by the fortification of the 35th Division of the Kuomintang Army Ma Hongbin's army west of Jingchuan. In the precarious situation of interception in the front and pursuit of soldiers in the back, Cheng Zihua and Wu Huanxian discussed and decided to cross the Weihe River on foot. On August 21, when the whole army crossed the Jing River, a tributary of the Jing River in the south of Jingchuan County, due to heavy rain for several days, the river surged sharply, and the troops crossed the river very slowly. Halfway through the Red Army, the 208th Regiment of the Nationalist 104th Brigade, which had been dispatched from Jingchuan City, took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Red Army's rearguard troops.

Bandu was hit and the situation was critical! Wu Huanxian, who was organizing a river crossing by the river, heard the sound of gunfire and immediately led more than 100 people from the traffic team and the student company who were not combat troops around him to rush to the top of The Sipo Village in one breath, quickly occupied the commanding heights, and launched a counterattack against the enemy. The enemy suddenly lost his position and contracted in a hurry. Unfortunately, Wu Huanxian, who was a pioneer, was hit in the chest by a bullet and fell down... When the commanders and fighters of the Red Army heard the news that the military commissar was injured, they roared: "Avenge Commissar Wu!" Come on! One by one, they rushed up and fought with white blades against the enemy. At the same time, Xu Haidong commanded the 223rd Regiment to launch a charge from the front, pressing the enemy 208th Regiment like a sheep to the palm qu ditch circle and completely annihilating it, and the enemy regiment leader Ma Kaiji tried to escape on horseback and was killed on the spot. This battle is called the "Battle of Sipo Village" in the "Battle History of the Twenty-fifth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army".

It was in this fierce battle that Wu Huanxian was honorably sacrificed.

Smash the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" and consolidate and expand the Shaanxi-Gansu base area

Xu Haidong, commander of the Red Twenty-fifth Army, recalled in the article "Huishi Shaanxi" in "Sparks Burning plains": Unfortunately, in the Battle of Jingchuan, Comrade Wu Huanxian was killed. This makes us very sad... He is my closest comrade-in-arms, my most beloved comrade. The other day, he also said to me: "When we see Chairman Mao, don't we know each other yet?" "Now that he has fallen, he will never see the Party Central Committee again, nor will he see Chairman Mao, whom he misses day and night.

Wu Huanxian was known as the "military soul" of the Red Twenty-fifth Army. Li Xiaojing said that this is well-deserved for Wu Huanxian.

First, Wu Huanxian was one of the founders of the Red Twenty-Fifth Army. The Red Twenty-fifth Army was formed in the early days of the Eyu-Anhui Revolutionary Base Area, and Wu Huan first served as the political commissar of the Seventy-third Division of the Red Twenty-fifth Army. After the main force of the Red Fourth Front withdrew west from the revolutionary base area of Eyuwan and Anhui, wu Huan first served as the commander of the army and then as the political commissar of the army in accordance with the decision of the CPC Provincial Committee of Eyuwan to rebuild the Red Twenty-fifth Army.

Second, Wu Huanxian was the leader of the Long March (Strategic Transfer) of the Red Twenty-fifth Army. Together with Xu Baoshan (secretary of the Eyu-Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee), Cheng Zihua (commander), and Xu Haidong (deputy commander), he led the Red Twenty-fifth Army to break through the encirclement and blockade of more than 20 times the enemy's troops, infiltrated funiu Mountain, entered southern Shaanxi, and created the revolutionary base area of Eyu-Shaanxi. When Xu Baoshan died of illness, he acted as secretary of the Eyu-Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and continued to develop the base area and expand the Red Twenty-fifth Army. Unable to get in touch with the Party Central Committee, he judged the hour and sized up the situation and resolutely made the decision to march west into Gansu to meet the Party Central Committee and to go north to join the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army. So he led the Red Twenty-fifth Army to march forward, occupy two dangs, attack Tianshui, Lianke Qin'an and Longde County, cross the Liupan Mountains, push straight to Pingliang, and cut off the Sealand Highway, this strategic action of historical significance effectively coordinated with the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army to move north, and enabled the Red Twenty-fifth Army itself to develop and grow.

Third, he was a man trusted and loved by the commanders and fighters of the Red Twenty-fifth Army. As a military commissar, he was inseparable from the shell gun and was both a commander and a combatant. He charged forward and retreated, and in the most difficult and critical situations, he could always see Wu Huanxian's figure. His orders can give everyone confidence and strength.

On September 15, 1935, the Red Twenty-fifth Army successfully ended the Long March and became the first Red Army to reach northern Shaanxi. After the Red Twenty-fifth Army, together with the Red Twenty-fifth Army and the Red Twenty-seventh Army in northern Shaanxi, formed the Red Fifteenth Army, it successfully smashed the Kuomintang army's third "encirclement and suppression" of the Revolutionary Base Areas in Shaanxi and Gansu, consolidated and expanded the Revolutionary Base Areas in Shaanxi and Gansu, created conditions for the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army to place the foothold of the Long March in northern Shaanxi, and also laid the foundation for the Party Central Committee to place the revolutionary base camp in the northwest. Therefore, when Mao Zedong praised the Red Twenty-fifth Army for "making great contributions" to the revolution, he did not forget to praise Wu Huanxian for "indispensable merits."

The hero sleeps forever, and the "military soul" is immortal. This red legend has reverberated on both sides of the Jing River for a long time, inspiring us to work hard and bravely move forward. (New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Zhang Guohua Shang Deqi Shen Lili Gu Lijuan Zhu Yukun)

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