
Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

author:Eat all over Fuzhou horse language

Will be launched from time to time alone series, the so-called solitary food refers to the Ma Language one-person foraging, foraging food is recommended by Ma Friends in the account, may be a stew pot, may be a cover rice, may be fishing or may be cow slip, etc., in short, is suitable for a person to eat, and want to eat back.

Dong Yicheng

Every time I go to Xiamen, if I can choose by myself, my first stop must be to go to Hubin Sili to eat sand tea noodles, only when the bowl of sand tea noodles is under the belly, the heart will settle down, Xiamen, I arrived. Fuzhou has so many Minnan people, very strange, shacha noodles but very few, less well-known, Tonghu Road Zhangzhou snacks counted as a family, Chaoyang Road also has a family also called Zhangzhou snacks, but to ask Fuzhou the most well-known, of course, Dong Yicheng, pinch a finger, since the last time I ate Dong Yicheng salt water duck sand tea noodles has been five years.

Dong Yicheng has moved to da Confucian shijia, just at the intersection of Liangcuo Road and Meifeng Road, please refer to Baidu Map for the specific location.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

The store has become bigger, there are more things, this store has a feature is that you have to write your own orders, no IPAD or order QR code, is a pencil and paper, look at the writing clearly and hand it to the kitchen, a bit interesting.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

I remembered the little girl who would chop ducks at a young age, she should be in junior high school or even high school now, time is like an arrow.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

Saltwater duck

Shop name has saltwater duck, saltwater duck natural points, minnan saltwater duck with sauce to eat delicious, I once ate an Anxi saltwater duck, characterized by a large amount of garlic, duck meat a strong garlic flavor, very unforgettable.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

Clay shoot jelly

Look at the number of sandworms to know the real thing, pickled white radish shreds are the best companion for these cold dishes, Fuzhou people may not be accustomed to the slippery taste of the soil shoot jelly, and even a little afraid, but with the addition of white radish shreds to eat, the taste suddenly becomes rich and delicious. Whether the earth shoots are better or the stone code is better, this can almost trigger a debate war.

I'm also a little afraid to eat, something like sticky stuff, like okra.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

Five-spice rolls

So-so, I personally think that the five-spice roll should be fatter and more delicious, and it is the best to eat just out of the pot, but eat two more bites, it is also tired, after all, usually rarely eat, not very accustomed.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

Sand tea noodles

The protagonist came, pork liver large intestine pig lung sand tea noodles, that piece of tofu is the delicacy of the eye, see that spoonful of garlic, you know that Dong Yi into the sand tea noodles can not be wrong.

The soup is rich, the special taste of sand tea is something I can't accurately describe in words, a mouthful of soup down the stomach, feel a stream of energy slid down the mouth to the stomach, as if hit chicken blood, suddenly excited. This bowl of noodles is absolutely high in calories, and adding water should be unhealthy, but the delicious ones are almost unhealthy.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

Four fruit soup

Stone flower frozen barley mung bean silver ear watermelon, and then add smoothie, after eating sand tea noodles, the mouth is full of sand tea particles and taste, this soup is used to gargle just right.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

Last night with FangJie Energy Wei tea chat, talking about catering, unanimous consensus, those rely on the vibrato small red book popular Internet red shop can only be the first batch of people to cut a wave of leeks, behind is the drum to spread the flowers, to see who is unlucky to follow the trend, Fuzhou so many years abounds similar phenomenon, the beef cake in front of the street is, Daming Street that earned explosive, followed up and cried. Want to do a century-old shop, but also have to do solid cooking, dishes determine the vitality of the store, Dong Yicheng counts as an honest person honest store, rooted in the community, rules and regulations, dishes are not much but everything is serious, naturally can cultivate the soil of survival, such a shop to support, to share.

This time the solitaire features are the first-class Yongtai hibiscus plum dried, heart abalone, mung bean lily sago, tangerine bean paste, autumn moon pear, hand peeled mustard fruit, friends who love snacks do not miss the magnolia pepper claw and solitaire classic pork shop, fish skin peanuts, scan the code solitaire order.

Ma Yu Duo Food Record (125) I eat sand tea noodles in the Da Confucian family

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