
Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

author:History of floating jade weaving

On October 7, 1986, Liu Bocheng, one of the Ten Marshals of the People's Republic of China, died in Beijing at the age of 94.

Liu Bocheng joined the army during the Xinhai Revolution, joined the Communist Party of China in 1926, and then successively participated in the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

He was a tried and tested proletarian revolutionary and a military man of outstanding talent, who made immortal contributions to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

In 1955, Liu Bocheng was awarded the rank of marshal for his outstanding merits, and since then, no matter what position he is in, he has always been concerned about the cause of national defense and the construction of the army, and has made outstanding contributions to the regularization and modernization of our army.

Liu Bocheng's meritorious service is outstanding, as a posterity we need to remember, but presumably few people know that Liu Bocheng has always had a regret, this regret has always plagued him since 1945, until his death, still can not let go.

His eldest daughter Liu Huabei was brutally assassinated by the enemy when he was 6 years old, and Liu Bocheng spent his whole life investigating the matter, trying to find out the murderer behind the scenes, but the murderer evaporated like a human world, and there was no trace of it again.

When Liu Huabei was assassinated, the relevant personnel conducted a large number of investigations, and the words of a child who was close to Liu Huabei attracted the attention of the investigators, who said that he heard Liu Huabei say a voice on the night of the incident:

Uncle, I know you.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

From this sentence, it can be basically concluded that Liu Huabei knew the murderer, but he was not too familiar with it, but even so, the investigators still failed to find out who the murderer really was.

So what is the ins and outs of this matter, and where was Marshal Liu Bocheng at the time of the incident?

The matter has to start with the Los Angeles nursery built in Yan'an.


In the second half of 1939, China was in the midst of the smoke of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and in order to allow the generals and soldiers on the front line to fight with peace of mind, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to establish a nursery in Yan'an and named it the Central Nursery.

Chairman Mao was the first to propose the establishment of the nursery, and his daughter Li Min was later sent here, just like the children of others, without any special treatment.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

After nearly a year of planning, in the autumn of 1940, on the slopes of Lanjiaping Mountain, not far from Yan'an, this nursery, known as the "red fairy tale in Yan'an", was officially established and welcomed the first batch of small owners.

Since the establishment of the Central Nursery, it has also become the place where countless revolutionary martyrs and anti-Japanese soldiers are most concerned.

They did not want to stay with their children and enjoy happy times, but for the sake of faith and the nation, they still chose a distant place without hesitation, and chose a path of great righteousness that was uncertain of life and death.

Liu Bocheng, who had been directing battles at the front, naturally did the same, and his eldest son Liu Taixing and eldest daughter Liu Huabei were later sent to this nursery.

As soon as the time turned to 1942, due to the double economic blockade of the Kuomintang and Japan, Yan'an ushered in the most difficult period, with extremely difficult life and extreme shortage of materials, which made the central nursery, which has always had the best living standard in Yan'an, also entered a difficult period.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

This situation was known to Ms. Song Qingling, who was far away in Hong Kong, and her heart was very painful, so she immediately contacted patriotic overseas Chinese in Los Angeles and international friends in the name of "Baomeng" to collect donations.

At the call of Soong Ching-ling, patriotic overseas Chinese generously donated money and raised medicines, clothes, food and other necessities, which crossed the enemy's blockade and were finally sent to the central nursery.

In gratitude for the support of patriotic friends, Central Nursery was renamed Los Angeles Daycare.


1945 was a very meaningful year for the Chinese people, and on August 15 of that year, Japan surrendered unconditionally, and the Chinese nation won the final victory.

At this time, Xiaohuabei was already six years old, and she had long been accustomed to not seeing her parents often, but her heart was still very eager for her parents to come back to accompany her.

As an older brother, Liu Taixing often comforted her sister, and after some time, her parents' family would come back and ask her not to be sad.

In this year, Liu Taixing, because of his slightly older age, could not leave the nursery and entered the primary school.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

This is another sad thing for Xiaohuabei, saying that young people don't know the taste of sorrow, but in that war-torn day, she can't see her parents all day, how can she be happy.

With the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the situation did not improve at all, because the Chiang Kai-shek government ignored the peace-loving appeals of the people, which made the situation even more confusing, and Liu Bocheng, who had planned to return to Yan'an to visit his daughter, naturally could only stick to his post.

But what he didn't expect was that he never saw Xiaohuabei again.

The children in the nursery are the concerns of the frontline generals, and the central authorities are well aware of this, so they have always attached great importance to the safety of the nursery, and have also strengthened daily patrols and vigilance, for fear that there will be problems.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the problem still came.


On the evening of August 18, 1945, after careful inspection of the perimeter of the nursery guards, nothing unusual was found.

The director of the nursery also inspected the place where each child lived as usual, confirmed that all the children were sleeping normally, and repeatedly told the nursery staff to pay special attention to the sleeping children before dragging her tired body back to the house to rest.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

There were two nurserymen on duty that night, and as usual, they rested late, thinking of the joy of the children playing during the day, and they quickly fell asleep.

But what they did not expect was that in the darkness at this time, there was already a person lurking around the nursery for a long time.

When they were asleep, the man who had been hiding in the darkness gently walked toward the sleeping children, and he crept around to look for them until he saw Xiaohuabei who was asleep.

He approached Xiaohuabei softly, then brutally killed the 6-year-old child, and then quickly disappeared into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

The next morning, the nurseryman blew the whistle as usual to get the children up, but when the other children were dressed and walked out, the nurseryman found that Xiaohuabei, who had been doing well, did not get up.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

So they went to the place where Xiaohuabei lived to call her, but Xiaohuabei, who was covered with a quilt, did not move at all, and when the nurses lifted Xiaohuabei's quilt, they burst into tears.

Because Xiaohuabei was covered in blood, his body was already stiff, and what was even more tragic was that Xiaohuabei's stomach was also ripped off, which was simply unbearable.


The director of the nursery came to hear the news and was stunned, she really couldn't figure out who was so cruel and would inflict such a poisonous hand on a child.

While ordering someone to protect the scene, she also arranged for someone to protect the rest of the children, and she quickly reported the matter to her superiors.

When the central leaders heard about it, they were also shocked and rushed to send people to investigate the matter, and when the investigators asked about the child who lived in Xiaohua North, the child said:

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

After the founding of New China, Liu Bocheng did not relax the pursuit of the murderer, but he found nothing, until his death, he could not avenge his daughter, and could only close his eyes with regret.

Investigators therefore determined that the murderer was not a stranger, but a person who was often active in Yan'an, otherwise Liu Huabei would not have known him.

Relying on this clue, investigators investigated many people, but in the end they could not find the murderer.

Xiaohuabei was assassinated, but the murderer was not found, and when the news reached Liu Bocheng, he was so sad that he couldn't even believe that his daughter had left him.

When the news was confirmed, this steely man who did not use any anesthetics and moved 72 knives in his eyes without tears was already in tears.

Liu Bocheng, who returned to the nursery, could not cry when he saw his daughter's tragic situation, but he did not blame the comrades in the nursery, he knew that the director of the nursery and the nurseryman were not easy.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

Liu Bocheng understood that the enemy's assassination of Xiaohuabei was to come to him, and the purpose was to break his will, and then make him make mistakes in commanding the battle.

Looking at his daughter who was asleep, Liu Bocheng said angrily:

The enemy thinks that by assassinating my daughter Liu Bocheng, I will be uncertain and soft on them? This is wishful thinking!

Although Liu Bocheng was sad, he knew that there were still important things waiting for him at this time, so he did not have time to grieve, and after arranging the aftermath of Xiaohuabei, he left Yan'an again and returned to the front line.


Liu Bocheng, who returned to the front line, completely turned his grief and indignation into strength, and in the War of Liberation, he played the prestige of our army, and in his heart, Xiaohuabei also became a pain that he did not want to mention in his life.

So who is the murderer, this is already a unsolved case, but according to what XiaoHuabei said on his deathbed, we can infer that this person should be a spy who has been lurking in our party for a long time.

Liu Bocheng's eldest daughter was assassinated by the enemy when she was 6 years old, and before she died, she said to the murderer: Uncle, I know you

As for why this person could not be found, perhaps because the murderer had already escaped at night after committing the crime, or he was extremely good at disguise and counter-reconnaissance, and continued to carry out the lurking plan after the crime, or because there was an accident after the crime...

In either case, Xiaohuabei could not grow up anymore, and her life was forever fixed at the age of 6.

Let us once again pay tribute to these revolutionary martyrs, who gave up their small families for the sake of everyone, who saved countless people, but only "abandoned" the closest people, they are always worthy of people's remembrance, they are always the most beautiful people...

References: "Biography of Liu Bo", "Ten Marshals of China", etc.

(Figure net, invasion and deletion)

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