
Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

author:Wishing you a healthy magazine

Last Saturday, when I was lying on the couch lovelessly, watching the family's cubs jump up and down in front of my eyes, I heard my husband sitting on the side exclaiming: "Obediently, 97 kindergarten children have fever and vomiting, and more than 50 people have been diagnosed with infection..."

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

▲ Image source: Sina Weibo

"Kindergarten children are infected, how much sin they have to suffer!!" When the little heart was scared to jump out of his throat, he was pressed back by his sentence "not 'new coronavirus (new coronavirus)'", just relieved, he suddenly came again: "'Noru' is coming, be careful, don't make it as miserable as the previous year!" ”

Maybe you think, "Isn't there anything so nervous about 'COVID-19'?" ”

Then you're wrong! On "combat effectiveness", in some ways it can compete with "new crown" in minutes. Although the name "Noru" sounds gentle and lovely, don't underestimate it, it can definitely be regarded as the "green tea" fighter in the virus - especially able to "make".

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

From October to March of the following year, it is the "highlight moment" of norovirus, and this cargo is "full of cases" and is really not easy to mess with.

In recent months, because of it, many kindergartens and schools in many parts of the country have been closed, one person has been infected with the disease, and the whole class has been "extinguished"; a child has been infected, and the family has jumped.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > "Noru": the "fighter" in the virus</h1>

Norovirus is a common enterovirus.

Within 48 hours of infection, patients develop vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and other symptoms. When frequent vomiting or diarrhea occurs, a very small number of patients will develop severe illness due to dehydration, or even lose their lives. Severe or fatal cases, usually in the elderly or young children, may have serious complications such as necrotizing enterocolitis after infection in newborns.

Therefore, the elderly and children must be extra vigilant.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

Norovirus often has the following obvious characteristics:

01 Easily infected

If you eat or drink food and water infected with norovirus, or touch an object contaminated with norovirus, you are susceptible to infection without washing your hands.

What's more, inhaling contaminated air (aerosols from feces or vomit) in the same room as the patient is also susceptible to infection.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

02 "Kill all ages"

Norovirus loves to "attack" the elderly, weak, sick and disabled people, especially kindergartens, primary and secondary school students, and is more prone to cluster infections. Once infected, the symptoms are more severe, and the course of the disease is longer, and it may even progress to severe disease.

03 Highly contagious

Norovirus is highly contagious, requiring only 10 virions (the amount of virus in a place as large as a nail head) to infect more than 1,000 people. And a single vomiting by an infected person can have hundreds of millions of noroviruses excreted. This is also the reason why there is a case of norovirus infection in the class, and the whole class is often "extinguished".

04 Strong "Resistance"

The most powerful thing about norovirus is that it is very resistant to harsh environments, can withstand low temperatures, acids, and is not easy to kill.

The most critical thing is that norovirus is a hydrophilic virus, 75% of alcohol can not kill it, so wiping your hands with quick-drying hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes can not "keep it out".

What is more serious is that there is no antibiotic or specific drug that can be treated for norovirus infection, and can only rely on tenacious vitality to "return blood" on its own. Moreover, norovirus mutates quickly and has many subtypes, even if it is infected with norovirus, it cannot be immunized for life, and it may be "recruited" next time, so there is no vaccine to prevent it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="108" > be vigilant against norovirus infection and properly dispose of vomit</h1>

Norovirus is highly contagious, and improper handling of vomit in a collective setting is an important cause of outbreaks. Therefore, the most important means of vigilance against the infection of norovirus is to properly dispose of vomit, which can be used in the following ways:


Alcohol is ineffective against norovirus, but the most effective is chlorine-containing disinfectants, formulated with 84 disinfectant, bleach powder or other chlorine-containing effervescent tablets.


Use gauze, rags and other disposable water-absorbing materials to take 5,000 to 10,000 mg/l of chlorine disinfectant to completely cover the pollutants and carefully remove them.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus


The cleaned contaminants are disposed of centrally as medical waste or treated after soaking in a disinfectant containing 5,000 mg/L of effective chlorine for 30 minutes. The toilet toilet can be poured with a sufficient amount of 5,000 to 10,000 mg/L of chlorine disinfectant and soaked for more than 30 minutes.


Tools such as mops and rags used in cleaning, containers containing contaminants, must be soaked in a solution containing 5,000 mg/L of effective chlorine and thoroughly rinsed for 30 minutes before they can be used again.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus


When disinfecting, pay special attention to wearing masks and gloves to do a good job of personal protection.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="109" > unfortunately "tricked", oral rehydration salt is the key</h1>

The year before, the scene of the child's unfortunate "stroke" is still vividly remembered, and it is really an unforgettable past: for two consecutive days, the little cub stuck to me like a "little milk dog", and when his stomach hurt, he struggled and twisted violently in his arms, and cried when he was uncomfortable. The six adults gathered around helplessly, and could only stare anxiously. As a mother, I really wished that the virus would be transferred to myself immediately.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

In fact, norovirus infection is a self-limited disease, the general symptoms are not serious, only need to vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms of symptomatic treatment, most patients can recover in 2 to 3 days. The most important means of care for norovirus infection is timely and adequate supplementation of oral rehydration salts.

In view of the rapid transmission rate and high contagiousness of norovirus, the following points must also be noted:

· 1 ·

After the diagnosis, home isolation is required within 3 days from the time of illness to the complete disappearance of symptoms. During the stay at home, try to avoid close contact with your family so as not to spread it to others.

· 2 ·

Patients should always open windows for ventilation to maintain indoor air circulation.

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

· 3 ·

Patients should use their own independent food utensils and other daily necessities, and patients should stay away from the kitchen and do not process food.

· 4 ·

Patients are advised to have separate toilets.

Note that once there are the following 6 situations, you must be sent to the hospital immediately!

Severe dehydration is suspected (absence of urine, yellow urine, dry mouth, absence of tears) for more than 8 hours).

The body was very weak and could not stand.

Can't wake up or is difficult to wake up.

Vomit has blood.

Vomiting green bile.

Body temperature exceeds 40 ° C.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="115" > should be like "new crown", before the disease to prevent the "noro" virus</h1>

"I am not afraid of the air being suddenly quiet, and I am most afraid of the child suddenly getting sick", which is the deepest experience of being a mother. After years of experience, the high-quality human cub raising skills obtained are "prevention before illness"!

In daily life, learning from some of the prevention strategies of the "new crown virus" can avoid the invasion of norovirus.

01 Wash your hands before meals and get rid of the virus

Before cooking, before eating, and after going to the toilet, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands with the "seven-step handwashing method".

Norovirus has entered a high incidence period, a kindergarten in Sichuan has 97 young children infected with "noru": the "fighter" in the virus is vigilant against norovirus infection, properly handle vomit unfortunately "stroked", oral rehydration salt is the key to prevent "new crown", before the disease to prevent "noro" virus

02 Do not move your mouth, remember to eat cooked food

Before eating vegetables and fruits raw, it is best to peel and eat the fruits, and it is best to rinse them again with boiled water before eating raw vegetables to avoid contact with raw water. Food must be cooked thoroughly to eat, especially shellfish and seafood. Drinking water should also be boiled before drinking.

03 Don't run around, don't go to the fun

Try to take your children to crowded public places as little as possible. If there are classmates vomiting in the class, be sure to remind the child, leave the scene in time and report to the teacher to reduce the possibility of infection. At home and at school, keep windows open frequently to keep indoor air circulating.

Written at the end, expert words

"Poor parents in the world", as a parent, children have a "wind and grass", always afraid of this and that, busy hands. When a child is sick, the first thing to do is to cultivate the parents' hearts to be strong.

Although medicine is advancing, we still can't get rid of the disease, and when we encounter a similar norovirus infection, we may not be able to completely calmly look at the child's suffering, but at least we can scientifically observe the child's disease development process, actively respond, and treat the symptoms.

- Produced by the Editorial Department of Jiangsu Phoenix Science and Technology Publishing House "Wish You Good Health" -

Chief planner: Wang Jun, Dong Ling

Coordinator: Yang Xiaolong

Editor: Wang Xing

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