
About 1500 cases were involved, and 156 students were infected in school! This diarrhea is high in October

author:Pediatric Directors Group
About 1500 cases were involved, and 156 students were infected in school! This diarrhea is high in October

"Cluster outbreaks have been found in many places!"

"156 students are infected at school!"

"More than 10 urban disease control departments have issued early warnings!"

The editor who just picked up the water cup was almost brushed by a piece of news, which scared the little heart to jump out of the throat eye!!

Quickly look down, see "not 'new crown'" pressed back. Just when the editor was relieved, he was caught off guard and saw four big words: norovirus!

About 1500 cases were involved, and 156 students were infected in school! This diarrhea is high in October

I *&¥%@#! Start to jump again really! It's like a roller coaster! And it's not "new crown" What's so nervous? Then you're wrong. On the "combat effectiveness" in some aspects it can compete with the "new crown" in minutes, don't listen to the name of Noru gentle and pleasant, it seems that there is no lethality, hehe, it is definitely a "fighter" in the virus, and the chicken dogs are restless everywhere.

News from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that since September this year, more than 30 outbreaks of norovirus have been reported across the country, involving about 1,500 cases, mainly in schools. Because of it, many kindergartens and schools have been closed in many parts of the country.

About 1500 cases were involved, and 156 students were infected in school! This diarrhea is high in October

The image is from the official Microblog of the People's Daily

From October to March of the following year, it is the "highlight moment" of norovirus. That's right, right now. As a parent, are you ready to fend off the virus army?

This article was written under the guidance of Director Ge Qiusheng of the Pediatrics Chief Physician Group,



What exactly is norovirus?

Norovirus, also known as novak virus, belongs to the human caliciviridae family. It is extremely easy to mutate, strong resistance to the environment, a very small dose can infect the human body, short incubation period after infection (12 to 72 hours), short-term repeatable infection, a variety of transmission routes (fecal-oral route, food, water, etc.), so it can be described as "infection silent". Therefore, once a case of norovirus infection appears in the class, the whole class is often "extinguished".

Norovirus is killed by young and old. But its favorite players are the elderly and children. Within 48 hours of infection, patients develop vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and other symptoms. Among them, the most obvious symptom is vomiting. Therefore, it is also known as winter vomiting disease.

About 1500 cases were involved, and 156 students were infected in school! This diarrhea is high in October

More precisely, its symptoms should be "vomiting and diarrhea.".

Children: vomiting is dominant.

Adults: diarrhea is the majority.

Although its symptoms are often mistaken for "food poisoning" or "gastrointestinal cold". In fact, any food that is not cooked or treated is at risk of contamination with norovirus. In addition, food poisoning is not contagious.


What if you were recruited?

There is no specific drug for norovirus, and there is no vaccine to prevent it. However, it is a self-limiting disease. What does it mean? In layman's terms, it can heal itself. Generally, it will slowly improve in 2 to 3 days and recover on its own. But! Don't think it's okay to leave it alone!

With frequent vomiting or diarrhea, a very small number of patients will develop severe illness due to dehydration and even lose their lives. Once the child is vomiting and pulling, it is necessary to supplement the oral rehydration salt in time and in sufficient quantities.


Vomit is particularly "poisonous" and must be treated in this way

Noru has a strong resistance to harsh environments, can withstand low temperatures, acids, and is not easy to kill. The key is still a hydrophilic virus, 75% of alcohol can not kill it, you have to use a stronger disinfectant to disinfect.

If a person infected with norovirus vomits, it is necessary to sprinkle a chlorine-containing disinfectant such as 84 first, and cover it with a paper towel, rag and other covering for 30 minutes before killing the virus. After that, the vomit is cleaned up to avoid infection.

About 1500 cases were involved, and 156 students were infected in school! This diarrhea is high in October

In particular, when disinfecting, masks and gloves should be worn to protect yourself.

In addition: if children and the elderly have these conditions, they must be taken to the hospital immediately ▽

Adults: oliguria, dry mouth, dry throat, feeling dizzy when standing;

Young children: the anterior fontanelle and eye socket are sunken, only crying is heard and no tears are heard, abnormal drowsiness or irritability.

Most likely dehydrated! Be sure to go to the hospital right away.


How to prevent norovirus infection?

Norovirus has no specific drug, nor a corresponding vaccine, so there is no way to achieve immunity.

Moreover, norovirus mutates quickly and has many subtypes, and even if it gets norovirus, it will not be immune for life, and it may be "hit" next time.

However, the following few tricks can help you keep Noru out!

✎ Wash your hands

Wash your hands before meals and after going to the toilet. Norovirus is highly tolerant and is useless to disinfect with regular hand sanitizer or even hand sanitizer. To soap, rinse under the tap for a few more minutes.

✎ Do not eat raw food

Food should be cooked thoroughly. Especially seafood such as oysters, it is even more necessary! Cook thoroughly!

✎ Pay attention to isolation

To remind the child that there are classmates vomiting in the class, leave the scene in time and report to the teacher to reduce the possibility of infection.

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