
Wang Xiaobo's "Like a Year of Flowing Water", while being beaten and applauded, he won the girl's heart

author:A short reading of famous books

Wang Xiaobo's "Like Water Flowing Year" is the same as "Golden Age", filtering out the pain of life in the title, and presenting a hazy warm color, telling the story of several people in a special era.

Wang Xiaobo's "Like a Year of Flowing Water", while being beaten and applauded, he won the girl's heart

Mr. Lee's story

Mr. Li was brilliant and could have developed abroad, and at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, inspired by revolutionary enthusiasm, he took the road to Hong Kong and came to a mining institute in Beijing to participate in the Cultural Revolution one winter in thin clothes.

Mr. Li, like everyone else, wrote a passionate big-character poster early in the morning and went to the playground to post it, and just then tragedy happened. Of course, this tragedy is relative to Mr. Li, and for the entire mine, it is simply a comedy

At that time, the big character newspaper was full of flying, and it was covered by the next one just after it was posted, so that one stack of layers was knotted, and Wang Xiaobo said that it would be a foot thick. People now do not believe that this is true, whether it is true or not, only people who have passed through that era have the right to speak, and for a long time, the tangible things are blurred, not to mention the invisible things that are in the head.

Mr. Li posted not a place, covered the driver class comrades of the big character newspaper, the driver class of the wind master (Wang Xiaobo to this character to name is still very exquisite, it is estimated that this master is quite crazy) to see the situation is very annoyed, this is bullying our driver illiterate? How hard are these revolutionary rhetoric! In a hurry, he kicked Mr. Li's crotch, it was really "hooligans can do martial arts who can't stop", this foot made Mr. Li almost go back, fortunately, no one was killed, and the hospital diagnosed it as "external organ hematoma".

Mr. Li was angry, but he posted a large poster in brilliant literature to denounce this kind of inhumane hooliganism, and repeatedly discussed the seriousness of "external organ hematoma", which not only did not win everyone's sympathy, but also became the laughing stock of the whole hospital, and the elegant name of "external organ hematoma" also spread.

When Mr. Lee returned to China, he took a road to Hong Kong, met a Trotskyist, mixed together for some time, and later corresponded with each other, which became ironclad evidence of Mr. Lee's counter-revolution. Mr. Li was pulled out by the working class, shaved, beaten, and criticized. But Mr. Li has a backbone, a hippie smile when he is beaten, and when Master Feng chisels a round bag on his brain shell, Mr. Li is amazed, "Or your old fist is strong!" ”。

The story of the lines

Mr. Li's politeness and iron bones during the fight attracted the attention of a girl named "Line". Line is a crazy girl who doesn't care about things. She began to find him interesting, different from others, and tried to get close to him. So Mr. Li often received a small note under the pillow with a line handed "Hematoma, I love you!" Of course, Mr. Li does not know who this line really is.

Wang Xiaobo's "Like a Year of Flowing Water", while being beaten and applauded, he won the girl's heart

Later, Mr. Li was sent to a small coal kiln in Anyang, Henan Province, as an accountant to undergo reform, and in order to get close to Mr. Li, he relied on her father's relationship and became a small nurse in Anyang. One day Mr. Li was called to the conference room, and the line pretended to be Mr. Li's niece to visit the "uncle". This made Mr. Li feel that he was in a dream.

Mr. Li hesitated again and again, and could not resist the temptation to go, but the road from the coal kiln to the hospital was far away, and the line of the dormitory was very tired, and the line had to perform the ritual of Zhou Gong, but Mr. Li was already asleep in bed. In the end, they completed the first time in a broken temple, and the lines became Mrs. Lee.

Mr. He and Mr. Liu

Mr. Li was later rehabilitated as a professor, and compared to him, Mr. He and Mr. Liu were not so lucky.

Mr. He was a senior official, and after being criticized, he jumped from the fifth floor, "And then there was a bang, like a watermelon!" ", the brain pulp spilled all over the place.

Mr. Liu used to be locked up with Mr. He, and he was a stinky chess basket. Although he is extremely clever, he is ignorant when he sees a fierce chess game, so that he always loses every time he plays chess, which is inseparable from his natural timidity. Mr. Liu was frightened to see the battle of beating people and criticizing the fight, and tried to escape, so he pretended to be stupid, but unfortunately, he entered the drama too deeply, and he really became a bad old man who flowed all day and had a silly smile on his face. Every day, he only knows how to study chess, find some delicious food everywhere, relieve hunger, and pass the addiction. Later he also died, watching the ducks in the pot starve to death.

in the pot

Someone asked Wang Xiaobo if there was something implied in his stories? He said he was just recording stories that had happened.

Man is indeed a special species, good at remembering things that are good for him and forgetting things that are not good for him, so that people will not live in pain and pain, and will not have spiritual burdens. What happened during the Cultural Revolution became more and more obscure, and vagueness can be argued. Wu Huan, the son of Xin Fengxia, once posted that the actor Zhang Shaohua (the actor who played the ugly lady) at that time, as the backbone of the rebel faction, raided Xin Fengxia's home and snatched the paintings of Qi Baishi collected at home, Zhang Shaohua denied it, and with Zhang Shaohua's death, it once again caused onlookers and heated discussions on the Internet. Therefore, mr. He's son in the novel is right to say that "Mr. He's death has not been carefully examined".

Wang Xiaobo's "Like a Year of Flowing Water", while being beaten and applauded, he won the girl's heart

The novel mentioned that in order to improve the energy efficiency of chemical fertilizers, someone once used a hot pot to cook, this scene is very flavorful, if it is Wang Xiaobo's fabrication, it is really brain-opening. Wang Xiaobo was very foresight, knowing that future generations would scold him, so he said that there was a thesis as evidence, "See the doctoral thesis of Shen Guanbao of the Department of Social Studies of Peking University." Now that some people on the Internet have begun to say that this paper does not seem to exist, there is room for debate, so It is necessary for Ba Jin to propose a Cultural Revolution Museum in Caprice, so that there is no in the pot is also clear.

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