
Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

author:Sweet mom makes good food
Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

In vegetables, eggplant is a relatively common ingredient, eggplant has a high nutritional value, a variety of methods, can be fried, stewed, fried, burned, can also be steamed, cold mixed, etc., and meat and vegetarian are suitable. Generally, eggplant wants to be delicious, you need to use a lot of oil to cook, in order to achieve the best effect, although the taste is good, but in the hot summer, it will still feel too greasy to eat, and too much oil is not conducive to good health.

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

Tomato stir-fried eggplant shreds can be said to be a very delicious eggplant dish without a lot of oil, especially in the summer, tomatoes are listed in large quantities, soft and juicy, eggplant texture is tender and seedless, with tomatoes to fry, suck enough tomato soup of eggplant shreds, eat refreshing and degreasing. The key method is very simple, sweet and sour, even picky eaters do not like to eat children, can not resist its delicious, you can also use onion oil cake roll to eat, but also particularly delicious, interested in the small partner to try it.

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > stir-fried tomato shreds</h1>

Ingredients: eggplant, tomatoes, green onion, ginger, garlic, oil, salt

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

Step 1: Rinse the prepared purple eggplant with water, cut off both ends, cut off the outer skin (don't throw away the peel of the eggplant you cut off, you can mix some meat filling, making dumplings are also very delicious), and then cut the eggplant into even thin slices, and then change the knife to cut into silk. Rinse with water to prevent the color of the eggplant from turning black, then prepare a bowl, put the cut eggplant into it, sprinkle some salt to grasp and mix well, marinate for 5 minutes, the advantage of this is to reduce the use of oil.

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

Step 2: Wash and dice the tomatoes, chop the onion, ginger and garlic and set aside.

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

Step 3: Heat the oil in the pot, add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry to bring out the aroma, pour out the excess water from the marinated eggplant, pour it into the pot and stir-fry until it changes color slightly.

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

Step 4: Then pour in the chopped tomatoes, after the tomatoes are stir-fried out of the juice, the tomatoes fully absorb the tomato juice, and then add a little salt (don't put more, before the pickled tomato shreds have added some salt), a simple and delicious, sweet and sour tomato fried tomato shreds can be out of the pot.

Super simple tomato fried eggplant shreds, not greasy family super love, onion oil cake rolled to eat, too praised tomato fried eggplant shredded

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