
This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

The favorite Japanese dim sum of the crotch cat

By the kitchen of the cat house


Low gluten flour 100 g

Baking powder 2 g

Baking soda 0.5 g

2 eggs

Powdered sugar 40 g

Salt 1 g

Honey 20 g

Milk 35 g

Butter or vegetable oil 15g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

1: Beat the eggs and add the powdered sugar, honey and salt

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

2: Stir with a manual whisk to set aside

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

3: Add baking soda to low powder and stir slightly with your fingers

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

4. Sift the dry powder material into the liquid material

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

5. Mix well with a spatula to make the batter more thick

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

6: Add milk to mix three times

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

7. The batter becomes thinner, and the dripping lines disappear in one second as the ideal state

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

8: Add vegetable oil (no special odor) or melted butter and mix well so the batter is ready

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

9, pan low heating, no need to brush oil, scoop a spoonful of batter poured in, through gravity batter will naturally spread into a circle, the diameter of about 8 cm is better, the whole process to maintain a low heat.

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

10. When the bubbles are dense, you can turn over and continue to heat for half a minute to a minute

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

11, the stall is open and cool, you can add a variety of patterns according to your own like.

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

12, I use the freshly bought bean paste filling, moderate sweetness, easy to use, you can also choose honey bean filling. You can also fry your own bean paste filling.

This gong has been eaten for 3 days! I want to eat tomorrow

13, the filling method is very simple, use a spoon to apply or take an appropriate amount of balls first to press the flat clip can be, and finally slightly tidy up the overall shape.


(1) Powdered sugar I actually use a blender to make powder, so that the dissolution will be faster. It is also possible to use powdered sugar or caster sugar directly. (2) The thinness of the batter is the key, flexibly adjust the amount of milk according to the size of the egg. The batter is too thick to spread out and heated and solidified, the color is uneven and not good-looking, too thin it is easy to spread thin and shapeless.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of low gluten flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, and treat dirty, irritable, thirst-

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