
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?

author:White Tea Classroom
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?

This article is originally written by White Tea Classroom and may not be reproduced by anyone and the media without permission


I have to admit that sometimes, it is too much to take for granted.

I thought that I had written articles for many years, and I had analyzed the old tea and inferior tea very thoroughly.

Tea drinkers have already learned the skills to identify inferior tea.

However, there are still many tea lovers every day who are accidentally deceived by old tea.

Spent silver, and has not yet received good tea of outstanding quality.

The ending is always so unsatisfactory.

Usually, not only do you share skills with tea friends to identify the quality of tea leaves.

I will also often tell the tea friends about the details that need attention in brewing.

I really think that most tea lovers have mastered the correct way to brew tea.

However, there are still many tea lovers who are ignorant of brewing.

Feel free to make tea and brew a cup of tea soup that tastes bad and even is thick and bitter.

For a time, I thought that there was a problem with the quality of the tea.

So, I came to complain.

As everyone knows, the problem is not in white tea.

White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?


A while ago, a tea friend in the north came to inquire about the reason because the tea soup was bitter.

Ask him what kind of tea he bought. The answer is, 2018 White Dew Cake.

This tea has also been drunk recently, and when I drank it, I only felt that the whole person was healed, which was very comfortable.

The tea soup is sweet and refreshing, and the floral fragrance, rice dumpling leaf fragrance, and herbal incense take turns to fight, and I only feel that it is extremely rich.

The mellow tea soup is introduced, soothing the mouth, and for a while it is reluctant to swallow the soup water on the stomach.

It has just become an old white tea, if it is bitter to drink, it must have a lot to do with the way it is brewed.

Throw the question back to the tea friend: "How do you usually make tea?" ”

He said that when he made white tea cakes, he broke a piece of the tea cake and brewed it in a small teapot.

Listening to the tea friend say this, I have the answer in my heart.

In the steps of tea friends brewing white tea cakes, there are 2 errors.

Brewing tea cakes with bare hands is too casual.

I have to admire the strength of the tea friends' hands, you can break a piece of the tea cake with your bare hands.

It's hard to do this on an individual.

Usually, when you want to drink tea cakes, you use a tea knife to pry down the pancakes that resemble potato slices.

After prying off the tea cake, it is then weighed with a gram scale to control the amount of tea.

White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?

The ratio of tea to water is the key to controlling the taste of soup.

If even the amount of tea is not clear, it is easy to have an uneven proportion of tea and water, which will affect the flavor of tea soup.

The amount of tea thrown and the amount of water injected is small, which will lead to a strong taste of tea soup.

The amount of tea thrown is small, and the amount of water injected is more, which will make the soup taste slightly faint.

The above-mentioned tea friends said that their own white tea cakes are broken down by breaking a piece of tea cakes, and most of them will break off the overweight tea leaves.

In this way, it is easy to cause the tea soup to taste bitter.

When brewing white tea cakes, it is recommended to use a tea knife along the side of the tea cake, the gap between the tea stem and the leaves, hold the tea cake with one hand, hold the tea knife in the other, when the tea knife reaches the appropriate place, hold the tea knife and shake it left and right, and then gently lift it up.

In this way, you can also pry off the thin tea cake.

After prying, it is necessary to weigh the tea with a gram scale, so that the proportion of tea can be reasonably controlled.

White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?


In addition to breaking tea cakes with bare hands, there are also problems with brewed tea sets.

Tea friends said that usually white tea cakes are brewed in a teapot.

There are many drawbacks to making tea in a teapot.

First, it is not conducive to smelling incense.

The shape of the lid of the teapot is relatively special, and the aroma is not easy to smell on it, which is not conducive to smelling.

In addition to bringing a better tea drinking experience, smelling the fragrance can also judge the quality of tea to a certain extent.

If you have a tea in your hand that you don't know the roots, you can use this method to judge its quality.

Second, it is impossible to get out of the water quickly.

Let's get back to the point.

When tea lovers drink white tea cakes, brewing them with a teapot will increase the time for tea to come into contact with water.

The spout of the small teapot commonly found on the market is relatively small, and the speed will become slower when the soup is produced.

In addition, there will be a filter on the water outlet in the pot, which is easily blocked by the brewed tea leaves, so that the soup cannot be smoothly produced.

The sum of various factors is prone to the situation of sitting in a cup and smouldering.

White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?

Under the influence of smouldering, the flavor substances in the tea leaves are released in large quantities in the soup water.

The flavor substances in tea are mainly three categories, namely tea polyphenols, caffeine and theanine.

Tea polyphenols and caffeine provide a bitter taste, while theanine brings sweetness and freshness.

However, one punch is difficult to defeat four feet, theanine can not resist the amount of caffeine and tea polyphenols, and the tea soup will only become bitter.

Therefore, the inability to make tea with a teapot can not be done quickly, which is the cause of the bitterness of the soup.

To make tea, it is recommended to use a white porcelain lid bowl.

The lid of the bowl and the bowl body are in a separate state, and the water outlet can be adjusted according to the actual situation when brewing tea, and the separation of tea can be quickly completed.

In this way, it is possible to ensure that the taste substances released in the soup water are balanced and drink just right.

White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?


If you want to make a good white tea cake, it is really not difficult, pay attention to 5 small details.

Detail one, the proportion of tea and water.

Usually brew white tea, it is recommended that you throw 5 grams of tea and inject about 100-110 ml of water.

The tea soup brewed in such a proportion has an outstanding flavor and is deeply loved by the majority of tea friends.

In order to control the quantity more precisely, it is recommended that everyone use a gram scale to weigh the tea before brewing tea, and then brew it later.

Detail two, brewing tea set.

As mentioned above, it is recommended to use a white porcelain lid bowl to make tea.

The texture of the white porcelain lid bowl is simple, it is not easy to absorb the tea aroma and tea flavor, and it can show the complete flavor of good tea.

It is easy to smell the incense, can easily do fast water and good cleaning are its advantages.

Detail three, water to make tea.

It is recommended to use pure water to make tea, and it is not easy to affect the taste of soup water when using it to make tea.

If brewed with tap water, the chlorine residue contained in it will destroy the flavor of the tea soup and affect the drinking experience.

In addition, boiling water is recommended for tea making.

The high temperature of boiling water can release the high boiling point of tea aroma and deep taste substances to create a cup of good taste tea soup.

If it is brewed with warm water, it will only lead to a weak aroma of tea soup, a weak taste, and no wind bone of good tea.

Detail four, fast out of the water.

The above-mentioned tea friends use a teapot to brew, because it is impossible to do it quickly out of the water, so the tea soup will be bitter.

What exactly is the water out of the water?

The so-called fast water, in fact, refers to the time of pouring water into most of the tea soup, controlled within 7-8 seconds.

How do you do it to get out of the water quickly?

With a kettle in one hand and a lid in the other, pour boiling water into the lid bowl and quickly close the lid to make the soup.

The speed of soup is fast and accurate, do not hesitate.

Some tea friends, before the soup, will also use the lid to flick left and right a few times, so as not to meet the requirements of the fast water.

Detail five, drain the tea soup.

After the soup is finished, make sure it has been drained and make sure that there is no tea soup left in the lid bowl.

If it is not drained, it will only cause part of the tea soup to contact the tea leaves for a long time, which will become bitter and affect subsequent brewing.

When the soup comes out, you can gently shake it up and down a few times, if your hands are sour, you can put the bowl flat and drain it again.

Drained tea soup many people do not care, but it is very important.

White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?
White tea cakes are bitter to drink, is there a problem with the quality, or is the way to brew tea improperly?


Over the years, I have been committed to answering questions.

From the purchase, brewing to storage of white tea, I have written very detailed articles and shared them with you.

Fingers crossed, it's been six years.

Every day there are different aspects of the output of articles, just so that the majority of tea friends can better understand white tea.

Know how to recognize inferior tea, not to be deceived, not to suffer losses and not to be deceived.

I really don't like to see people suffer.

In addition to buying tea, I have also experienced many years in brewing, and I have some experience.

Know that with white porcelain cover bowl, you can brew a good tea for the best flavor.

Knowing that good tea is to come out of the water quickly, otherwise it will brew tea bitter tea soup.

Understand what are the benefits of boiling water to make tea, and where are the drawbacks of warm water tea.

Tea friends, usually in the purchase, brewing and storage of any problems, you can leave a message in the comment area.

Every question, individuals will keep in mind, for everyone to answer.

Welcome to pay attention to the [White Tea Classroom] to learn more about white tea knowledge!

Copyright notice: This article is originally written by taimumagu in the white tea classroom, and shall not be reproduced by any media without permission, and tea friends are welcome to forward to the circle of friends!

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