
Terroir │ Jiujiang Osmanthus tea cake

author:Yangtze River Weekly
Terroir │ Jiujiang Osmanthus tea cake


Terroir │ Jiujiang Osmanthus tea cake

Jiujiang osmanthus tea cake

◆ Wu Shenglin

Terroir │ Jiujiang Osmanthus tea cake

Jiujiang Osmanthus tea cake originated from the reunion cake baked and made in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, it was stuffed with maltose and ghee to make it more crisp and sweet. Therefore, the great literary hero Su Shi has a poem praised: "Small cakes are like chewing the moon, and there are crisps and dumplings." What is crisp? Crisp is ghee, and bread is maltose. Mixed with these two ingredients, the baked cake is fragrant, crisp and sweet, and it is a tea snack suitable for all ages.

In the Qing Dynasty, the Jiujiang people mixed the local osmanthus flowers and sesame seeds into a filling, and made a golden color, thin as paper, with fragrant and delicious flavor, crisp and delicious local osmanthus sesame cake.

Jiujiang Osmanthus sesame cake originated in Gutang Town. Gutang, originally a small fishing village on the west bank of Poyang Lake, since the establishment of the Jiujiang Pass here in the first year of the Qing Yongzheng, some savvy merchants have come here to set up shops, especially the tea house industry is the most prosperous. Merchants and boatmen often gather in the tea house to drink tea and eat a local kind of osmanthus sesame cake with yellow filling. And it is eaten with cake dipped in tea, which looks very flavorful and interesting. This way of eating, soon spread throughout, became a kind of food custom in Jiujiang, and later people simply called this osmanthus sesame cake in Gutang as osmanthus tea cake, referred to as tea cake.

There are many manufacturers in Jiujiang that produce osmanthus tea cakes, but the most popular is the Chinese time-honored Liang Yilong Cake Shop. Liang Yilong's predecessor was "Deyi Zhai", which was founded in Lushan in 1937 by Mr. Liang Yide, a Huimin. Its unique taste of pastries was favored by the prominent officials and dignitaries of the Kuomintang military and political leaders on the mountain. Specially dispatched to order for the purpose of receiving and welcoming people.

In 1940, Liang Yide opened a "Liang Yilong" food store in Lijia Lane, Jiujiang West Garden, which continued to maintain the characteristics of the original pastry, and the business was very hot and prosperous. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it is said that Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling received guests in Lushan and asked for Liang Yilong's cakes. In 1948, when Bai Chongxi, a senior Kuomintang Hui general, came to Jiujiang to inspect, he came to the "Liang Yilong" cake shop and tasted the osmanthus tea cake, shaqima, osmanthus crisp candy and other pastries made by the shop, and praised it in succession: "Good, good!" He also ordered the entourage to buy a batch of pastries to take home for relatives and friends to enjoy.

In the era of planned economy, pastries are one of the important foods for the people of Jiujiang to celebrate the Spring Festival, and it is a must-have for receiving people and customers. A pound of tea cakes, a pound of shortbread, and a pound of foreign candy are all the pastry supply content of a family. In addition, each household also stir-fried peanuts broad beans, homemade rice candy, peanut candy, for the Spring Festival hospitality. In Jiujiang, eating sugar and drinking tea is the most common hospitality custom. If you can bring out the tea cake, it is a very grand reception.

In 1989, Liang Qibiao, the second generation of "Liang Yilong", took on the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the brand. He inherited the exquisite skills of his father's generation in making pastries, and absorbed the strengths of all the families, making "Liang Yilong" pastries a well-known food brand for women and children in Jiujiang, and a local specialty full of honors.

In 2007, Jiujiang Halal Liang Yilong Food Co., Ltd. was established, the company adheres to the core values of "people-oriented, scientific management, dedication and efficiency, excellence, inheritance and innovation, righteousness and win-win", and has a number of branches and complete production plants and workshops. The osmanthus tea cake produced by it is developed using traditional technology and modern technology, and has the characteristics of "fragrant flowers, sweet and not top-notch, crispy skin and crisp filling". In 2010, it was announced as the list of intangible cultural heritage of Jiangxi Province.

│Editor-in-Charge: Jiayou Zhang

│Content Review: Chen Xiuping

│Co-ordinator: Jiang Hui

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