
The Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail takeaway has added new varieties, and from now on, you can eat lump meat and Yangzhou lion head

author:Shangguan News

The "one bowl of good rice" hot chain meal of the Yangtze River Delta Railway continues to be renewed, and Huaiyang cuisine such as eight bowls of Yancheng and Yangzhou Yechun has entered the high-speed rail carriage.

The Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail takeaway has added new varieties, and from now on, you can eat lump meat and Yangzhou lion head

Yangzhou fried rice set

The Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail takeaway has added new varieties, and from now on, you can eat lump meat and Yangzhou lion head

Yangzhou Lion Head Package

The surging news reporter learned from China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. that from October 27, passengers can taste food through the dining car order, seat armrest QR code ordering.

According to reports, the current Sales Volume of The Yangtze River Delta High-speed Railway Hot Chain Meal, train car ordering (including dining car ordering, seat armrest two-dimensional code ordering) and railway 12306 network ordering ratio is about 10:1, most passengers are accustomed to choosing to eat through on-site physical ordering. In order to allow passengers on the train to enjoy more types of food, the railway department selects local specialty food brands to enter the station and put more local "specialties" to the passengers' seats.

The Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail takeaway has added new varieties, and from now on, you can eat lump meat and Yangzhou lion head

Travelers taste the Yanfu Braised Pork Set. Photo by Zheng Yifeng

Huaiyang cuisine, one of the four traditional Chinese cuisines, is known as "the best taste in southeast China and the most beautiful in the world". Among them, Yancheng's "eight bowls" are deep in the essence of Huaiyang cuisine, the taste is fresh, thick but not greasy, light but not thin, and the color, phase, taste and shape are quite local. The high-speed rail hot chain meals served by the carriage mainly include 10 varieties of packages such as Yancheng lump meat, Yancheng braised earthen pork, Yangzhou lion's head, Yangzhou saltwater goose, Yangzhou fried rice, etc., which are divided into two prices: 40 yuan and 60 yuan. The package category will be updated according to the season, and each dish is made with fresh ingredients from the current season, and the four seasons are different.

The Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail takeaway has added new varieties, and from now on, you can eat lump meat and Yangzhou lion head

Yanfu braised pork set

It is reported that after Yangzhou Yechun provided railway 12306 network ordering and station waiting hall physical store ordering, Yancheng Eight Bowls provided station waiting hall physical store ordering services, the railway department further expanded the way of ordering food, for the first time to provide passengers with on-site ordering services, the initial direct supply of 8 high-speed rail trains passing through Yancheng Station, 22 high-speed rail trains passing through Yangzhou East Railway Station, by the staff in the above high-speed rail train dining car and carriage on-site sales.

The Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail takeaway has added new varieties, and from now on, you can eat lump meat and Yangzhou lion head

Travelers eat Yangzhou saltwater goose set. Photo by Zhao Jin'ai

In recent years, Nanjing saltwater duck, Quzhou "three heads and one palm", Qiandao Lake organic fish head soup, Huzhou "Hundred Fish Feast" have landed on the high-speed rail.

Up to now, Shanghai Hongqiao in the Yangtze River Delta region, Hangzhou East, Wenzhou South, Qiandao Lake, Jiaxing South, Quzhou, Jinhua, Huzhou in Zhejiang, Nanjing South, Nanjing, Xuzhou East, Yangzhou East, Huai'an East, Anhui Region Hefei South and other 14 stations have successively joined the railway 12306 network catering matrix, there are 4 railway self-operated theme restaurants, 46 local meal brands provide hot chain package supply, and more than 100 kinds of hot chain packages are supplied every day.

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