
Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

author:Writer Zhang Meiying

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Fan Zhongyan, one of the calligraphy series of Chinese prime ministers</h1>

Solemn and clear Faith is like its product

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Fan Zhongyan (989-1052)

Fan Zhongyan (989-1052), also known as Fan Lushuang, was a famous politician, writer, military and educator of the Northern Song Dynasty. His ancestral home was Yingzhou, and he later moved to Wu County, Suzhou. He was honest in government, sympathetic to the people's feelings, upright, and vigorously advocated reform, and was repeatedly slandered and slandered by adulterers and degraded several times. There are "Fan Wenzheng Gongji" and so on, and the famous "Yueyang Lou Ji" in the famous "Yueyang Lou" "the world before the world is worried and worried, after the world is happy and happy" is a famous sentence for thousands of years.

Fan Zhongyan was not only an upright and idealistic politician of the Song Dynasty, but also good at calligraphy. Song Huangtingjian's "Valley Inscription" Zhongyun: "Fan Wenzheng's public book fell into a painful and composed book, which is very close to the Book of the Jin and Song Dynasties. In the past, Su Caiweng's penmanship was wonderful, and he refused to allow a person to live in the world, but he said that Wen Zhenggong and the "Theory of Le Yi" were the same... Gavin is hooking his finger back to the wrist, which is superior to the ancient law. Youyun: "Fan Wenzheng's gongshu "Bo Yi Song" is extremely popular with the penmanship of predecessors, and the gaizheng book is easy to be vulgar, while Xiao Kai is difficult to be qingjin and has spirit. Zhu Changwen's "Continuation of the Book" refers to Zhongyan's study of Wang Xi's "Treatise on Le Yi" in his later years, and also the mo baoye of the generation. Ming Tang Jin's "Longjiang Dream Yulu" commented that Fan Zhongyun's book was extremely energetic and beautiful, and there was no state of indulgence. "Qing Gao Shiqi Yiyun Wenzheng calligraphy is very strong and beautiful, Xiao Qi is a person.

Fan Zhongyan is not only good at writing his own books, but the second son Fan Chunren and the fourth son Fan Chunren are all proficient in calligraphy, and there are calligraphy letters circulated in the world.

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan,"Far Away"

Interpretation: "Zhongyun prayed again, and the fourth brother of the Fortune Messenger: twice taught, did not repair the answer early, and still led the way." Wu Qinlangzhong was treated with unkind hospitality and begged for more thanks. My brother traveled far away, and his love increased to the extreme, and he loved everything to comfort the poor. Five bottles of Su Su, dao chinese medicine. Jinshan salt sauce five utensils, nothing else good, Hope is not responsible. Undeclared. Zhongyun said goodbye, in front of the fourth brother seat of the Elephant Mountain Bachelor. August 5th. ”

Although Fan Zhongyan does not use the title of the book, his book also has considerable points. Its "Erzha Ti", namely "Bian Shi Ti" and "Yuan xing ti", are two books, "Bian Shi Ti" is also known as "XiangQu Ti", and "Yuan Xing Ti" is also called "Repair Answer Post". The calligraphy of these two posts is thin and square, and there is a degree of law in the qingjin. People often refer to the style of this book as a metaphor for his character, saying that "the official letter is solemn and clear, and the letter is like its product".

The "Prefect Punishment Department" in the "BianShi Ti" letter refers to Fu Yan, who was once the official of the Punishment Department Langzhong, who was at this time serving as the prefect of Suzhou. Fan Zhong, who is native of Suzhou, is deeply grateful to Fuyan for giving care to his relatives in his hometown. At this time, Zhongyan was far away from his hometown, and as an envoy from Shaanxi, he led his troops to fight against Western Xia. Therefore, the letter said: "In the intervening affairs, I have worked hard at night. ”

Although Fan Zhongyan's "Erzha Ti" is a work of letter and pen, it is not sloppy and hasty, the pen is serious, the style of writing is meticulous and clear, and it is also as rigorous and delicate as its temperament.

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan,"Side Affairs"

Interpretation: "Zhongyan goodbye, prefect punishment department benevolent brother: Fu wei living in wanfu." The benefit of shixiangqu, the victory of occupying the country, the joy of you. In the meantime, I worked hard at night. The Imperial Court WeiLing, that is, the eyes are calm, and gradually there is a sequence. The relatives in the township are sheltered, fortunately. The strangeness of the teacher's way, especially recent education, begging for self-respect, self-respect. Undeclared. Zhongyan worshiped, and the prefect's punishment department was around the brother. March 10. ”

As far as the "Side Matter Post" is concerned, this post is exquisitely written and has the beauty of being clean and hard. Writing in small lines, although it does not seem to be a stable letter, but it is quite ingenious in the use of the pen: the sharp edge is dexterous, the line pen is quick, the sharp pen is clever, and the echo is in place, which can be described as exquisite pen and pen. The writing process also does not focus on making sexual force. The lines are dexterous and slender, strong and subtle. The pen is light but not fluttering, thin but not weak, delicate and straight, without a trace of soft and weak disease. Thin and hard, elegant and delicate, it is the intuitive impression given to us by Fan Zhongyun's calligraphy lines. Du Fu said, "Books are expensive, thin, hard, and psychic." Fan Zhongyun's pen belongs to the skinny and hard all the way, thin but not dry, thin and tough, with a strong masculine beauty. Therefore, the pen posture of the work is stiff, the spirit of the pen, and the bone strength is pure, which can be described as energetic.

It is worth mentioning that in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the qingjin and thin pen features Fan Zhongyan and Lin Kui were the most prominent. Although the calligraphy of the two people has not formed a system or genre, it has also lost its unique appearance. In the early Northern Song Dynasty book circles where the "fat" style of writing spread, it was rare for Fan and Lin to maintain a unique aesthetic orientation without being affected by the wind of the times.

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan is pure "The Old Man Thesis" partial

"Side Matters" glyph Fang Zheng Anhe. Use the pen more straight, less curved, and the glyphs are solemn and upright, such as a humble gentleman. Fangzheng is manifested in the flat treatment of horizontal paintings, rarely left low right high oblique knots, vertical paintings are mostly treated with zhongzheng, and even some words of long apostrophes are replaced by vertical apostrophes, such as "哉, 仗, 大" and other words. Compared with the rounded and oblique knots, the aesthetic vision of the founder is static and peaceful. And because the tone of the text is light and elegant, the relationship between virtual and solid and dense space is exquisite, paying attention to the interspersed changes of length and length and jaggedness, and strengthening the rhythm of rigid and soft, light and heavy strokes, such as "Hu, this, edge, shelter, Tao" and other words, dissolving the rigid and serious atmosphere in the Chinese orthography of calligraphy.

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan , Shi Lu Ti

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

In addition to the "Erzha Ti", Fan Zhongyan also has a letter with ink "Shi Lu Ti", also known as "To Shi Lu SheRen Ruler", which has been circulated to this day, and there are defects in the characters in the letter, and there are 100 words stored.

Another of Fan Zhongyan's calligraphy, "Daofu Zan", is now in the Palace Museum in Beijing, with a length of 34 .8cm and a width of 47.9 cm, which is Fan Zhongyan's calligraphy work. The so-called Taoist service praise is an article written for the Taoist service. Praise is an ancient style of writing that is mostly used to praise something or something. According to the content of the text, this "Taoist Service Praise" is Fan Zhongyan's friend "Pinghai Secretary Xu Brother" who asked Fan Zhongyan to write a praise after obtaining the new Taoist costume, saying that the friend's making of the Taoist costume is an act of "clearing his intentions and cleaning his body".

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Taoist Service Praise" text 1

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Taoist Service Praise" text 2

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Taoist Service Praise" text 3

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Daofu Praise" text 4

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Taoist Service Praise" text 5

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Taoist Service Praise" text 6

Interpretation: In the same year, Fan Zhongyan asked for Zanyun: Taoist flow, dressed in Chuchu. Gentlemen obey, and idleness is with. The Room of Emptiness, which can be inhabited. The garden of Hua Bones can walk in martial arts. There is no bruise, and it is a disgrace to the Lord. There is no fox raccoon, and arrogance is a curse. It is like a teacher, and the other is like a tiger. The grandson of Jingyang, he has no remorse for his ancestors. Hidobi borrowed.

"DaoFu Zan" felt a clear and rigid atmosphere at the beginning of the volume, the overall line of writing was clean and thin, the knots were square and dignified, and the structure was steep; the strokes were thin and strong, the wind and bones were steep; the layout of the characters was very loose. On the whole, it is quite the legacy of Wang Xizhi's "Theory of Le Yi". At the time, people called this post "mellow and vigorous, both beautiful and proverbs." Huang Tingjian commented at the inscription that "his small letters are lean and thin, and he is self-reliant on ancient methods." Wen Tong also praised Fan Zhongyun in the inscription: "Wen Zheng, the writing of words, and the observation of the left and right of others are both pleasing and awe-inspiring." ”

Fan Zhongyan's "Daofu Praise" was collected by famous masters, emperors, and eunuchs of all generations, and the seals of The Book of Zhao Jian were collected: "Gaoyang Book", "Shouguo Gong Book Seal", "Eastern Han Dynasty Taiwei Sacrifice Wine", "Sixteenth Sun Lord Feng Yousheng Jing Collection Book", "Huaizhou Junkang Ji" and many other parties, and the seals of Liang Qingbiao and Anqi, and the seals of Qianlong, Jiaqing, and Xuantong Inner Province, a total of 113 parties, followed by 17 inscriptions such as Wen Tong, Wu Lili, Dai Meng, Liu Guan, Hu Shu, Liu Kui, Dai Ren, Sima Xue, Wu Kuan, etc., and the inscriptions are very careful, so the inscriptions are also very exciting. (Yu Qian, arranged)

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "DaoFu Praise" Huang Tingjian inscription

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan "Daofu Praise" Wu LiliJian inscription

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan's "Daofu Praise" text is the same title

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Chunren "To Bo Kang Jun Shi Zhi Zhi" part

Solemn and clear Faith as its product Fan Zhongyun - the seventh of the Chinese Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series The Chinese Dynasty Prime Ministers Calligraphy Series - Fan Zhongyun

Song Fan Zhongyan ,DaoFu Praise》

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