
Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

author:Kashgar Metropolitan Network
Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

They are the most touching group

No matter how hot or cold it is, it's busy with the stench

They are witnesses of the rising sun

From the dark night of the moon setting until the sunrise

We always felt that it was too early to go to work at 6 o'clock

But I never saw their sweaty clothes in the early hours of the morning

They are strangers we know best in the city, and yesterday, October 26, was their holiday, Sanitation Workers' Day.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...


Early morning and wind dew Night wearing stars and wearing the moon

Loveliest people in the city

Have you ever seen Kashgar at 6 or 7 a.m.?

While many people are still immersed in sweet dreams, a group of sanitation workers wearing orange vests and holding brooms have been sweeping the ground in various sections of Kashgar.

An orange sanitation suit, a garbage sweeper, and a broom are all their "weapons."

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

When they reach the area in charge of cleaning, their job is to keep waving the broom, bending over, and taking small steps forward and taking small steps.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

For each section of the road that is cleaned, it is also necessary to drive a cleaning truck and move to the next section of the unpurgeed area.

Kashgar has already entered the late autumn, the temperature has plummeted, and the people in the cold wind of the early morning are shivering. A thin layer of orange vests was wrapped in thick cotton coats, and most of the workers had already put on beanie hats, and although they were constantly waving brooms, they could not withstand the fierce cold wind.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

It is understood that they will meet at the designated location every day, and then two or three people will be in charge of a precinct. With a faint street lamp, the precinct in charge must be cleared before they can have breakfast. Every day starts at 7 a.m., and if it is fast, it will be about 10 o'clock to basically finish. If you happen to encounter an area with a lot of garbage, don't think about eating breakfast.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

In the past few days, Kashgar has become "yellow" overnight, and the yellowed leaves on both sides of the road have been blown by the wind, and the clusters have fallen and the ground is golden. However, the beautiful scene adds poetic meaning to the city, but also increases the labor intensity of sanitation workers.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

At this time, sanitation workers not only have to maintain normal environmental hygiene in the road section, but also clean up a large number of fallen leaves. They are busy from morning to night almost every day, and the workload is several times more than usual.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

The wind rose and fell, and the fallen leaves that had just been swept had not yet had time to bag and collect, and all of them drifted out, and in an instant the ground was full of gold, and they had to return to clean up again.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

Such a cycle does not know how many times, the garbage can can not hold a large number of fallen leaves, can only be packed in sacks, carried to the garbage truck, behind the small figure is two huge sacks.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

As night falls, the street lights are lit one after another, and you can still see the sanitation workers busy on street corners. This warm yellow in the dark night can always bring people some emotion.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...


Cloaked in golden armor, holding a "sweep of clouds"

Another way to protect your homeland

In daily social life, because of the particularity of work, sanitation workers deal with garbage every day, clothes are inevitably dirty, and sometimes there is a peculiar smell on the body.

Hard work? Of course. If life is over, people are more willing to deal with cleanliness and cleanliness.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

In order to have a little more income, no matter how dirty, no matter how tired they are willing to do. For them, having a job to support themselves is a joy in itself.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

Most sanitation workers are women or uncles in their forties and fifties. Day after day, year after year, under the wind and sun, their hands had long since become rough and wrinkled.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

When the editor approached, most of them were embarrassed to hide their dirty hands behind them. However, it was this pair of "dirty" hands that lit up every street in Kashgar. Isn't this the most precious and beautiful hand of a pair of hands?

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...
Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

Some sanitation workers will also bring their own pieces of bread to replenish their strength. There was no dining table, no stool, and when hungry, I sat down on the road pier and took a few bites of the prepared dry food.

After recovering his strength, he got up directly, did not need to pat the dust on his ass, picked up the broom and continued to take small steps forward and waving.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

This is the action of sanitation workers holding brooms. The seemingly ordinary movements are like soldiers holding guns to defend their homes and defend their country.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

But if you think about it, aren't sanitation workers also soldiers guarding our homes? They are clad in "golden armor", the broom they hold is the "secret weapon" to guard the homeland, and the orange car is their warship to "repel the enemy".

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...


Respect and gratitude are more important than compassion

Sanitation is not just their business

Whenever sanitation workers are mentioned, perhaps most people's first feeling is sympathy, but what they want more than sympathy is respect and gratitude.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

Maybe now we can speak up for sanitation workers in a sympathetic way, and we may forget everything after turning around.

Forgive their hardships, then please give them respect and understanding! Start with the small things around them, do not litter, do not spit, do not destroy the fruits of their labor.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

Caring for urban environmental sanitation and making our city more beautiful is not only the job responsibility of sanitation workers, but also the obligation of all citizens in Kashgar.

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

When walking on the road, as long as we start from ourselves and throw the garbage in our hands into the nearby garbage can, the sanitation workers can bend less, sweat less, and have more safety.

At the same time, please give them a smile and respect the fruits of their labor, this is the best affirmation for them!

Shoot real! A scene in the streets of Kashgar! Please spread for them...

The city is beautiful, thanks for having you. Let us guard together, the smile of kashgar sanitation workers.

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