
Waterwheel rice is beautiful and delicious, but do you know its production process and all the methods?

author:It's Shen Li FuGuaya

In the many foods of Hunan Xinhua, fin rice is a kind of traditional food snack, especially the waterwheel Gongmi district of the rice dumplings are popular in the local area, rice can not only be used as a snack, but also as a staple food, especially around the Spring Festival to send relatives and friends gifts.

There are three reasons why the waterwheel rice is better than the rice in other places: one is that the rice quality of the glutinous rice is good, the second is the good quality of the water used when steaming the glutinous rice, and the third is that the production process is different.

When the people of Waterwheel Town make rice dumplings, they still have this ancient and primitive manual method, using glutinous rice as the main raw material, soaked with high-quality mountain spring water, which lasted for one day, filtered dry water, put into the wood mortar to steam, steamed and poured into the stone mortar, held by people with wooden handle stone hammers, the glutinous rice in the stone mortar was beaten in turn, commonly known as "beating the sticky rice", until the glutinous rice in the stone mortar was glued into a ball like glue, and the rice grains could not be seen. Then, a small ball of glutinous rice is kneaded, pressed into a bowl of large cake-shaped rice dumplings, and then printed with a rice mold. Made using this traditional method of making, the resulting rice dumplings are soft and delicious, nutritious and delicious.

The storage of waterwheel rice dumplings is very exquisite, when the rice has dried, if it is still placed in a ventilated place, it will make the rice cracks. Usually used two methods of preservation, one is to seal the rice dumplings with a plastic bag, it is best to vacuum package, put them in the refrigerator; the other is to put the rice dumplings in a container containing water, immerse them all in water, and fish out when eating to dry the water.

There are many ways to eat waterwheel fin rice, and different ways of using it can create different delicacies

Waterwheel rice is beautiful and delicious, but do you know its production process and all the methods?

Serving Method 1: Fry

The fried rice dumplings are the most pleasing to the eye, and the color is golden, but the fried rice dumplings need to be put in some sugar, or add some condiments to taste better. You can put sesame powder or sugar according to your own taste.

Waterwheel rice is beautiful and delicious, but do you know its production process and all the methods?

Serving Method 2: Bake

Sometimes watching TV or computers for a long time can cause visual fatigue. At this time, take an iron clip on the stove, bake a stick, and watch the stick slowly expand from a flat white appearance, slowly turn yellow, which is also a kind of enjoyment. Friends who don't like sweets can eat it without putting anything in it, or they can put some vegetables in it, which is also especially delicious. Friends who eat sweet can put some sugar in it and eat it together, feeling happy.

Waterwheel rice is beautiful and delicious, but do you know its production process and all the methods?

Method 3: Cook

In winter, a small pot is placed on the well-lit stove, which is hot with sweet wine, and the rice dumplings are slowly boiled in the sweet wine. In the boiled sweet wine was a small piece of rice dumplings. The taste is also delicious.

Waterwheel rice is beautiful and delicious, but do you know its production process and all the methods?

It is not only a kind of food, but also the embodiment of the simple waterwheel people creating a better life with their own industrious hands, and this simple folk custom is worth feeling!

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