
The president of the research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences was accused of "packaging" his son with scientific research results, and the party responded: My son's further education has nothing to do with science and technology

author:Mid-green freezing point
The president of the research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences was accused of "packaging" his son with scientific research results, and the party responded: My son's further education has nothing to do with science and technology

Hefei media released Liu Mouyang's invention device

The president of the research institute under the Chinese Academy of Sciences was accused of "packaging" his son with scientific research results, and the party responded: My son's further education has nothing to do with science and technology

Scientific research achievement device of Anhui Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery

Liu Yan, a reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

In 2015, Liu Mouyang, a 13-year-old hefei 50th middle school junior high school student, won a number of provincial and national awards for inventing the "portable smog pollution gas rapid identification and detection device". In terms of name, working principle and appearance, the invention is highly similar to a scientific research achievement in 2012 by the Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At that time, Liu Jianguo served as the deputy director of the institute and the main completer of the project to which the scientific research results belonged.

Three years later, Liu Mouyang, a high school student at Hefei 168 Middle School, once again won multiple awards and a patent for inventing the "Drunk Driving Safety Laser Rapid Screening System". The invention is also highly similar to the principle of the national patent "Laser Drunk Driving Side Online Monitoring System" applied by Liu Jianguo in 2011.

According to the reporter's understanding, Liu Mouyang is the son of Liu Jianguo. Liu Jianguo, who is currently the president of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been questioned, using the scientific research results of himself and his team to "package" his son to help him win awards, which in turn will help his children to further their education.

On the morning of October 27, the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences issued a statement on its official website saying that the institute had organized personnel to investigate the matter and would give timely feedback to the society on the results of the investigation.

On the evening of the 27th, Liu Jianguo gave a brief response to the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network: "What I can tell you is that my son's middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination have nothing to do with science and technology, and the middle school examination has passed the top-notch examination in the province in the school." ”

Junior high school students invent the "international advanced level" results?

In 2015, Liu Mouyang, a 13-year-old junior high school student in Hefei City, stood out in the 30th Hefei Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition for inventing a portable smog detection device, and won the first prize in the science and technology invention category of the Anhui Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, the third prize of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, and the 8th Youth Science and Technology Innovation District Mayor Award in Shushan District of Hefei City in 2016.

According to the official website of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, Liu Mouyang's invention is called "Portable Smog Pollution Gas Rapid Identification and Detection Device", which uses the "fingerprint" absorption spectrum characteristics of atmospheric pollution gases to ultraviolet and visible light, which can quickly identify and quantitatively detect more than 10 kinds of polluting gas components such as sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, providing a basis for inspecting the emissions of polluting enterprises and diagnosing the sources of atmospheric pollution.

In the media reports on Liu Mouyang at that time, his invention was called "portable multi-component gas ultraviolet field analyzer", rectangular tin shell, 20 cm long, 50 cm wide, with two handles on it, and a total weight of about 10 pounds. According to the report, this very inconspicuous white box, mainly using optical principles, is composed of industrial control computers, light absorption cells, spectrometers, power supplies and other equipment, which can effectively monitor the PM2.5 value in the space, monitor more than a dozen pollutants at a time, and can also carry everywhere.

Liu Mouyang told the media at that time that the reason why he wanted to invent such an instrument was because "in the past, when I got up in the morning, I sometimes saw that the sky was foggy, and I wondered if I could invent a device that could monitor the smog at home." To this end, he began to learn optical knowledge under the guidance of the school teacher, and asked people for advice, which took a year to successfully experiment in many ways.

However, a report received by the reporter pointed out that Liu Mouyang's invention was actually the same as the scientific research results released by the Anhui Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012.

According to the official website of hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Portable Multi-component Gas Ultraviolet Field Analyzer" is one of the key topics in the field of resource and environmental technology of the National "863 Program" undertaken by Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics "Industrial Source Multi-component Gas Pollution Emission Field Monitoring Equipment", which uses differential absorption spectroscopy technology, ultraviolet multiple reflection pool technology and optical fiber spectrometer technology to achieve on-site rapid monitoring of a variety of toxic and harmful gases.

The "portable multi-component gas ultraviolet field analyzer" released on the official website of the institute is almost exactly the same as the appearance of Liu Mouyang's invention equipment - the text and font printed on the two devices are the same, except that the position of the Anguang Institute of Equipment with the words "Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" is obscured by black stripes on Liu Mouyang's equipment.

The reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network noted that the main completer of the project of "Portable Multi-component Gas Ultraviolet Field Analyzer" of Anhui Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery was Liu Jianguo, then deputy director. According to the 2012 appraisal of the Science and Technology Department of Anhui Province, the portable multi-component gas ultraviolet field analyzer "fills the gap of corresponding technology in China, and the overall performance reaches the international advanced level".

The whistleblower questioned that taking the results of the international advanced level to participate in the science and technology innovation competition for junior high school students is naturally "killing chickens with a cattle knife".

Instructor: We instructed the form to fill out what he did that I didn't necessarily fully understand

The National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition is a national youth science and technology competition activity, and it is also the largest and highest level youth science and technology education activity for primary and secondary school students in China.

In the 2015 introduction materials of Hefei Fifty Middle School to Liu Mouyang's award, it was mentioned that the award-winning students selected materials with the help of teachers and "focused on hot issues in society.".

On the afternoon of October 27, Yi Jing (pseudonym), the instructor of Liu Mouyang's participation in the 30th National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition and a physics teacher at Hefei Fifty Middle School, told the China Youth Daily And China Youth Network reporter: "For this child's competition, we came completely in accordance with the procedure, and reported the child's materials to Shushan District, and the district reported the materials to Hefei City. I'm not his homeroom teacher, and I probably don't even know what his parents are doing. ”

"The smog was severe at the time, and I thought his idea was good." Yi Jing recalled, "The school said that this work can be pushed into the district, we will help him fill out the form, more is to guide the child to fill out the form, I am a junior high school physics teacher, so high-tech things I may not necessarily understand." ”

Yi Jing also explained that Liu Mouyang was also learning some optical knowledge at that time, and he once told the teacher, "There is also a teacher from the University of Science and Technology of China who is helping to do it." She thought at the time: "If it is all dependent on the child's own ability, it may be difficult, but is it possible to achieve it with the guidance of the instructor?" I support my child in getting things done. ”

However, the rules of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition of that year clearly required that the "creative contribution" in the design must be conceived and completed by the author himself. The argument for the main argument must be obtained by the author himself through observation, investigation, experiment and other research means, the invention of the physical object or the model made, and the author himself must participate in the practical operation within his ability.

The latest version of the competition rules more clearly states that "the work has academic misconduct problems such as plagiarism, adult substitution or infringement of the intellectual property rights of others, and it will not accept applications." "Make clear instructions about what the instructor or others assisted in." If the instructor has a family relationship with the participating students, he should fill in truthfully when declaring. ”

On October 27, the staff of the Organizing Committee of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition responded that the Organizing Committee has also learned about this matter and has now launched an investigation, and if the investigation is true, it will be handled in accordance with the rules of the competition.

According to the "2017 Hefei No. 1 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School, No. 8 Middle School Enrollment Professional Assessment Qualified List" published by the Hefei Municipal Education Examination Institute, in 2017, Liu Mouyang obtained the qualification of the above three middle schools with the "Third Prize of the 30th National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition".

However, the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network found that in one of the fifty good news of the Hefei Examination, Liu Mouyang achieved a score of more than 750 points, and was admitted to the "Nobel Class" in the early enrollment of Hefei No. 168 Middle School. When he took the middle school entrance examination, the total score of the Hefei Middle School Entrance Examination was 815 points.

University response: Their admissions do not enjoy bonus points or care policies

In 2018, Liu Mouyang, who was in the first grade of Hefei 168 Middle School, invented the "Drunk Driving Safety Laser Rapid Screening System", and won the third prize of the 33rd National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, the first prize of the 2018 Anhui Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, and the 16th Youth Science and Technology Innovation Mayor Award of Hefei.

According to the official website of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, the invention mainly uses the characteristics of ethanol volatile gas with characteristic "fingerprint" absorption spectrum, uses a laser directly through the carriage, and analyzes the change in the light intensity of the detector receiving signal to determine whether there is ethanol gas and calculate its concentration value. In the "patent library" of the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is also a patent called "Laser Drunk Driving Roadside Online Detection System", and Liu Jianguo is among the inventors.

In 2018, Liu Mouyang declared the national patent "a new type of alcohol spectral absorption characteristics demonstration and verification system". The patent introduction published by the State Intellectual Property Office said: "The patent mainly uses the characteristics of alcohol (ethanol) volatile gases with characteristic "fingerprint" absorption spectrum, uses a laser directly through the carriage, analyzes the change of the light intensity of the detector received signal to determine whether there is ethanol gas and calculates its concentration value, and uses two absorption lines of 1.39um and 3.35um to invert the absorption characteristics of alcohol vapor. ”

Liu Jianguo's 2011 application for the national patent "Laser Drunk Driving Roadside Online Monitoring System" is also introduced: "The present invention uses the characteristics of alcohol at a relatively obvious absorption peak in the panfrequency absorption band at near-infrared 1.392um to invert the alcohol concentration (i.e., the characteristic 'fingerprint' absorption spectrum). ”

The whistleblower, who did not want to be named, pointed out that the comparison found that the common denominator of the two patents was the use of infrared lasers as a light source, the use of the same 1.39um spectrum, the use of lasers directly through the carriage online monitoring, and by analyzing the change in the light intensity of the signal received by the detector to determine whether there is ethanol gas and calculate its concentration value.

On October 26, Liu Mouyang's high school teacher said in an interview with the media that Liu Mouyang and his father's patent similarity is "normal" and belongs to "big hands holding small hands", and Liu Mouyang did get his father's guidance and help in the process of invention.

In 2020, Liu Was admitted to the "Strong Foundation Plan" of a key construction university of the "985 Project". Is his admission related to his previous awards? In this regard, on the evening of October 27, the university introduced to the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that Liu Mouyang's application qualifications and shortlisted qualifications had nothing to do with winning the award, and he entered the school's "strong foundation plan" by virtue of the college entrance examination results, and did not enjoy extra points or care policies. The awards he has won are not in the extra list.

Liu Jianguo denied to reporters that the results of his son's further education were related to the results of these competitions. So, has Liu Jianguo used the scientific research results he participated in to "package" his son and help his children participate in competitions in middle school? The reporter asked him for confirmation, but he did not reply.

When the reporter asked liu Mouyang what proportion of these science and technology innovation competitions, Liu Jianguo replied: "The original intention of science and technology innovation of the Association for Science and Technology is to popularize science and cultivate young people's interest in science. Other features are added by others. The science and technology competition has its own process, whether to participate and contribute is the question that the judges in the judging and debate session should grasp. ”

China Youth Daily client Hefei October 27

Responsible Editor Zhang Guo

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