
The roadshow for start-ups in cutting-edge fields is eye-catching! Taoyuan Street accelerates the implementation and transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Client Reporter Cao Xin

AI intelligent video creation platform, immersive digital cultural tourism exhibition, intelligent voice interaction system, and emotional algorithm model based on wearable devices...... On May 17, the Xili Lake Talent Service Center Talent Team Project Roadshow and Industrial Space Matchmaking Meeting was held in the Xili Lake Talent Service Center, which promoted the effective docking of innovation and entrepreneurship projects with venture capital, entrepreneurship policies and entrepreneurship services by gathering multiple resources, and accelerated the implementation and transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects.

The party and government leaders of Taoyuan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the relevant persons in charge of the District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, the District Finance Bureau, and the District Enterprise Development Service Center, as well as representatives of all the sub-district Agricultural and Urban Co., Ltd. and Xili Lake Talent Service Center, industrial parks, investment institutions, and entrepreneurial teams attended the event.

Taoyuan is moving towards the "new", and the roadshow will "show" a number of scientific and technological achievements

During the roadshow, representatives of 6 start-ups from Xili Lake Talent Service Center made wonderful project presentations, detailing project highlights, advantages and landing demands, covering cutting-edge fields such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, information technology, etc., by displaying their technological research results, promoting their own business models and development paths, and seeking cooperation opportunities.

The roadshow for start-ups in cutting-edge fields is eye-catching! Taoyuan Street accelerates the implementation and transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects

Project team roadshow

Among them, the team of Tapu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. focused on explaining the "AI + short video" production and marketing platform, which links advertisers, video creators and video viewers through the platform to achieve a win-win situation for all three parties; The team of Kexing Zhihui Data Technology Co., Ltd. introduced the artificial intelligence voice interaction system and the application of this technology in scenic spot management, scenic spot experience, industrial development and other aspects; Focusing on technology, art and design, the team is committed to creating an immersive digital exhibition platform. The team of Suwen Data Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on industrial chain big data services, builds industrial graph analysis tools and industrial public opinion big data platforms, and the platform has covered more than 100 countries strategic emerging industrial chains; The team of Mind Technology Co., Ltd. introduced the industry application of emotion recognition algorithms, and realized the function of emotion detection and intervention by developing smart watches with emotion algorithms as the core function; The team of Space Folding Intelligence Company focuses on the market segment of international freight forwarding to provide intelligent office solutions and realize the scenario-based application of AI + international freight forwarding.

The roadshow for start-ups in cutting-edge fields is eye-catching! Taoyuan Street accelerates the implementation and transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects

Industry experts comment on the project

Most of the core members of the roadshow project team come from famous universities, scientific research institutes and top 500 enterprises at home and abroad, and have achieved high-level scientific and technological innovation achievements through exploration, showing the strong atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship in the jurisdiction. Representatives of Shenzhen Venture Capital, Sino-US Venture Capital, Zhongke Angel Fund and relevant industry experts made in-depth comments on each project, put forward feasible suggestions on resource linkage, industrial collaboration, development planning, etc., and conducted face-to-face exchanges and negotiations on interested projects.

Build a platform to attract "living water" and empower scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation in multiple dimensions

Focusing on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is a major feature of this roadshow. Li Zhaozhi, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Taoyuan Street, inquired in detail about the application scenarios of the project during the event, and matched the project team with partners. For example, it is suggested that Wavecube Art Technology Co., Ltd. give full play to its technological advantages such as interactive projection, tactile interaction, and virtual reality to innovate and build a digital exhibition hall for the Fuguang Village History Museum, so as to realize the centralized presentation and multi-interactive display of village culture online; Linking venture capital institutions for space-folding intelligent companies to help young entrepreneurs further identify their development positioning and clarify their entrepreneurial plans; Encourage investment institutions and joint-stock companies to pay more attention and support to start-up teams.

The roadshow for start-ups in cutting-edge fields is eye-catching! Taoyuan Street accelerates the implementation and transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects

The start-up and the joint-stock company have reached a preliminary cooperation intention

Li Zhaozhi said that Taoyuan Street will actively coordinate with the District Finance Bureau, the District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau and other functional departments to explore the establishment of a normalized talent project review mechanism in the Xili Lake Talent Service Center, set up a review expert committee, review the mature projects of the Xili Lake Talent Service Center from time to time, recommend qualified project teams to settle in the surrounding collective economic parks, and give appropriate rent reduction and site support, help the talent team continue to start a business in Taoyuan, and build an increasingly perfect policy system to support the growth and success of young talents, out of the "Taoyuan characteristics" of the new path of talent service.

Innovation and development lead industrial upgrading and activate the "new kinetic energy" of the collective economy

At the meeting, it was pointed out that the village collective economy should actively participate in and cultivate emerging industries, adjust the industrial structure, strengthen cooperation with scientific and technological innovation enterprises, such as helping and cultivating start-ups through rent reduction and exemption, "rent shares" and other forms, introduce outstanding talents for the collective economic industrial park, and help the collective economy to achieve transformation and upgrading. In recent years, Taoyuan Street has dynamically managed the industrial space and idle funds of the Agricultural and Urban Co., Ltd., formed industrial development resources, guided the transformation of the collective economy to scientific and technological innovation, achievement transformation and business incubation, improved the efficiency of capital use, improved the quality of industrial space, and continued to promote the quality and efficiency of the collective economy, to promote rural revitalization with venture capital, and help the high-quality development of millions of projects.

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