
Beware of the "time for money" trap


Do you know some doctors or lawyers who work hard and make more than a million yuan a year, but are still confused, and they are creating real wealth? According to my definition of wealth, the answer is "no"

Let's look at the reasons, while many high-income professionals have the money to buy what they like and do what they like to do, most of them don't have the time because they have to work continuously, day in and day out, year after year, when in fact they have to use the income generated by their work to maintain their existing lifestyles. People who are trapped at work, no matter how much they earn, are slaves to their income and do not create wealth. Generating income and creating wealth are different.

In the case of re-generating income, you exchange time for money, which means that you can only make money by working personally, whether the cleaner earns fifty yuan per hour, or the cardiologist earns five thousand yuan per hour, they are all generating income, they all exchange time for money, and ten hours of work means ten hours of remuneration.

Generating income is a never-ending windmill, so I call it the trap of exchanging time for money. Worst of all, as soon as the windmill stops, so does the income, as is the case with illness, injury or long-term unemployment, during which there is no income.

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