
Silk Road cultural relics "out of the circle", artist Zhao Zhao let the sleeping ancient civilization get a "new life"

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Yang Fan

On May 29, a unique art exhibition was held in Chengdu K Space, an exhibition called "Drilling Tianpo" with the participation of six young artists, in addition to Qin Qi after the 70s, Yang Xun, Zhao Zhao, Cai Lei, Wu Danbo, and Zang Kunkun are all post-80s. The works they bring to the exhibition are between ancient and modern, ranging from sculptures that interrogate reality to paintings on shelves that talk to the ancients. Artist Zhao Zhao uses 14 works to reconstruct and collage the glory of the ancient civilization of the Silk Road, and today, when the museum "out of the circle" is popular, the cross-border between the art museum and the artist has also attracted the attention of the audience.

Silk Road cultural relics "out of the circle", artist Zhao Zhao let the sleeping ancient civilization get a "new life"

An interesting exhibition is bound to take an interesting name. The exhibition is titled "Drilling Tianpo", which is taken from the famous dangerous slope drilling tianpo in Emei Mountain, one of the landmarks in Sichuan. It has a vertical height of 300 meters, a straight up 2.5 kilometers, and the steepest point is close to 80 degrees, such as the ladder to the sky, commonly known as the "partridge drilling sky", which is the most tested physical strength, endurance and guts of climbers in Mount Emei.

Yang Kai, curator of the exhibition, said: "At present, young artists are also like climbing mountains and climbing on the road of artistic creation, which not only tests the talents of artists, but also has to go through a long period of testing to climb to a high place and see different scenery. The development of contemporary art is always changing with the changes in the political and economic pattern, and in the context of global culture, all kinds of conceptual art are becoming more and more diverse, but paintings on the shelf still have tenacious and vigorous vitality. ”

The very "vitality" shelf painting in this exhibition is by the artist Zhao Zhao, because the "life" of the protagonist in the painting spans thousands of years. The theme of this group of 14 "God Statues" series of works is related to the Silk Road, whether it is the ruins of the ancient city on the Silk Road, dunhuang murals, and unearthed Buddha statues have become the objects depicted by Zhao Zhao.

Silk Road cultural relics "out of the circle", artist Zhao Zhao let the sleeping ancient civilization get a "new life"

Zhao Zhao

Zhao Zhao, 39, was born in Xinjiang and remembered the style of the western region as a child, leaving a deep mark on his mind. Today, on the pictures left behind by the Silk Road, he re-paints and writes the long-disappeared "Book of Heaven".

So we see from his paintings that there are five plants from the Han Dynasty, the Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, the ancient city of the Guishuang Empire, and the gods of Pakistan. Zhao Zhao also wrote on these paintings the scripts that had been used locally: Tocharian, Serbian, Liti, Brahmi, etc. Dynasties and civilizations that were once prominent are now long gone, leaving only some ruins and only a few words.

Silk Road cultural relics "out of the circle", artist Zhao Zhao let the sleeping ancient civilization get a "new life"

Zhao Zhao recombined these fragmentary pieces of information and drew them into mysterious, strange, but somewhat familiar information in a variety of words. Although precise images and exact words have become illegible symbols here, it is undeniable that ancient civilizations that have been sleeping for thousands of years have gained another new life in the 21st century, because we see them.

Of course, in addition to Zhao Zhao, the works of the other five artists who bravely climbed the "Drill Heavenly Slope" can also be remarkable. For example, Qin Qi's paintings have some typical characteristics of contemporary artists: taking self-expression as the core and self-experience as the starting point, establishing a visual expression system that integrates reality, imagination and fiction.

Yang Xun's bamboo is a dialogue on the spiritual level of ancient traditional classics, Yang Xun said that he painted bamboo first to pay tribute to the ancient literati; the second is to let bamboo represent a kind of order at present and a sense of the future of the city, both ancient and with expectations for the future.

Silk Road cultural relics "out of the circle", artist Zhao Zhao let the sleeping ancient civilization get a "new life"

Cai Lei's works use the concept of spatial illusion to transform two-dimensional into three-dimensional spatial depth, so that the audience can experience the tension and transformation between physical flatness and real space in painting. Zang Kunkun's installations and paintings cover themes such as urbanization and its social effects, the passage of time, and dimensions limited by time and space. Wu Danbo, on the other hand, uses the method of integrated materials to reconstruct the images of the picture through materials similar to ancient fresco fragments, emphasizing the importance of "texture" in painting " explicitly" in painting.

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