
He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

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Author: Zhao Xinfang

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

Do you know how old He Zhizhang, who called himself a Siming fanatic in his later years, lived?

He Zhizhang zi Ji Zhen, a native of Yongxing, Yuezhou (now Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang), as an important poet in the early Tang Dynasty, his poetry had a certain guiding effect on the healthy development of Tang poetry, and also had exemplary significance for the practice of Sheng Tang poetry creation, and had a huge effect on the prosperity of Sheng Tang poetry. He Zhizhang has written many articles on the outstanding contributions to the development and prosperity of Tang poetry, and the author wrote this article mainly to explore his know-how to be the longest-lived famous poet of the Tang Dynasty?

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (1) Filial piety and diligence, career path</h1>

The ancient genealogy of the distant ancestors of the He Zhizhang family has been established, and can only be found through other historical books and ancient genealogies, generally recording that his third ancestor was named He Deren, the Prince of Tang washed horses (equivalent to the secretary general), and his father He Dian (that is, "dian") was the Pengzhou Assassin History.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

Legend has it that in the xiaoshan countryside a thousand years ago, the "basket" was a commonly used agricultural tool for shengling lotus and rice ears, and could also be used to bear people. He Zhizhang was a well-known filial piety, his mother was miasma and could not walk, so he used the basket to carry his mother's back to bear the scriptures, and provocatively walked in the countryside, and the villagers called He Zhizhang "He Dan Monk" and his mother "Zhen Po". He used to use cursive writing to copy the Book of Filial Piety.

He Zhizhang was clever and studious, and he was familiar with the scriptures when he was a teenager and was famous for his poetry. Because he could not stay away from serving his mother, he did not go to participate in the scientific expedition until the first year of Wu Zetian's sheng sheng (695), and in one fell swoop, he became the first person in Zhejiang to have a historical record. He was awarded the Four Doors of Guozi (Guozijian's supervisor). During the Kaiyuan period, when The Famous Minister Zhang said that he was the envoy of the Lizheng Temple, he asked the imperial court to approve He Zhizhang to enter the academy and jointly write the "Six Classics" and the "Wen Compilation". On the recommendation of Lu Xiang, who was in charge of Zhongshu Province, he was transferred to Taichang Shaoqing. After that, he successively served as a rebbe attendant, a scholar of Jixian Academy, and a waiter of the Ministry of Works.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (II) has a bold personality and a wide range of friends</h1>

He Zhizhang has a very bold personality, has made many friends, and has deep feelings, such as zhang Ruoxu, Zhang Xu, and Bao Rong, and is called "The Fourth Soldier of Wuzhong". He and Li Bai, Li Shizhi and other poets and wine friends are called "Eight Immortals in Drinking"; together with Chen Ziang, Wang Shi, Wang Wei, Sima Chengzhen, Bi Zhuo, Li Bai, Lu Zangyong, Song Zhiqing, Meng Haoran, etc., they are also called "Ten Friends of Xianzong".

He Zhizhang's close contacts are some of the dragons and phoenixes, they each have rare skills and each has a prominent personality, when the friends get together, drinking and poetry, laughing, clapping and clapping their foreheads continuously. It's not happy!

Du Fu's "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking" is a unique and distinctive "portrait poem", and it is also a true portrayal of He Zhizhang's bold and extensive friendship. An excerpt follows:

Zhizhang rode like a boat, and his eyes fell into the well and slept under the water.


He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

Li Baidou wine hundred poems, Chang'an City on the restaurant sleep, Tianzi called not to the ship, claiming that the subject is a wine immortal.

Zhang Xu's three cups of grass holy legend, taking off his hat and revealing the crown before the prince, waving the paper like a cloud of smoke.

Jiao Sui's five buckets were outstanding, and he talked eloquently and surprised the four feasts.

When the little brother Du Fu knew the rules very well, the order of the eight drinking friends in the poem was very elaborate, and He Zhizhang was the oldest and most qualified, and naturally ranked first. "Zhizhang rode like a boat, and his eyes fell into the well and slept under the water." He Zhizhang, who is described as drunk, rides on horseback and wobbly, like a boat sitting in the wind and waves. Suddenly, it shook violently a few times and fell into the well. hey! This old brother slept sweetly at the bottom of the well! In addition to He Zhizhang, the drunkenness of the seven wine immortals also has their own characteristics, according to the order of the poems excerpted by the author, Li Bai is lying at the table and does not listen to the emperor's edicts, Zhang Xu is taking off his hat in public, and Jiao Sui is talking loudly to scare the guests...

Du Fu was well-known and erudite, and applied all that he saw, heard, and learned. Li Bai once said that after He Zhizhang was drunk, his eyes were drunk and misty, and he was dazzled, riding on horseback and swinging around, and if he fell into a well, he would not wake up. In addition, Du Fu used the allusion of "Ruan Xian tasted drunk and rode on horseback" in the first volume of the Ming Dynasty's "Du Xuan" to use exaggerated techniques to depict He Zhizhang's drunken state of riding a horse after drinking, which was permeated with a humorous and funny and cheerful mood, and brilliantly showed the characteristics of his personality.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (iii) is informal, open-minded</h1>

One day, He Zhizhang went out to play, passing by the villa of a family surnamed Yuan. He did not know this Yuan family, according to the habits of ordinary people will not rush to mix with strangers to "self-familiar", He Zhizhang is not like this, actually did not even greet a self-intruder to play, but also called the retinue to inform the host, the guest brought money, do not worry about "eating white and not eating". Just playing and still feel not addicted, specially wrote a poem "Title Yuan's Other Business" to retain:

The owner did not know each other, and occasionally sat as Lin Quan.

Mo Yu sold wine, and had money in his pocket.

In 742, in order to gain fame, Li Bai traveled to Chang'an, inquired that He Zhizhang was most fond of promoting houjin, and soon met him at the xinghua village restaurant. The 84-year-old He Zhizhang read Li Bai's two poems, "Wuqi Qu" and "Shu Dao Difficulty", and exclaimed, "Wizards! It's who immortals are coming to the netherworld! How could a mortal write such a poem? Pulling Li Bai to sit down, he ate and drank while talking about literature and poetry.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

Who knew that after checking out after drinking and eating, He Zhizhang found that he did not have money on him, so he casually untied the golden turtle bag around his waist and threw it to the shop owner to settle the account. Li Bai blocked, "This can't work!" "It should be known that in the Tang Dynasty, only princes and officials with more than three pins (that is, the rank of prime minister) were eligible to wear them. Even if you have money to buy it, you are not eligible to use it. He Zhizhang laughed loudly: "What is this?" Then he recited Li Bai's poem" "Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon."

In addition to his poetry, He Zhizhang's calligraphy is also exquisite. He used to write with a stroke of his pen after he was drunk. Therefore, those who know his temperament and like calligraphy will wait by the side with the four treasures of the study room prepared in advance when they see him drinking. In general, everything is needed. Even if Lao He only wrote a few words, those who like calligraphy also carefully collected it as if they had obtained a treasure.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (4) frank nature, unchanged for life</h1>

Under the emperor, Zhen Ge is a companion of the king like a companion of the tiger, how many people can seek peace in their lives? He Zhizhang can be regarded as a rare alternative among officials, who has a good career in his life and has not suffered a single bit of depreciation.

Why? He Zhizhang has been an official for half a century, diligent and earnest, sincere and sincere to people, and has always maintained his frank and simple nature throughout his life, and the older he is, the more he lives in a sleek and comfortable life. Not only did the vast number of literary and artistic friends and Manchu officials like him, but also the then emperor Tang Xuanzong liked him. When he returned to his hometown, Tang Xuanzong not only personally inscribed poems and ordered the crown prince to lead hundreds of officials to send them, but also specially arranged for his son He to serve as Sima of Huijian Commandery to facilitate his service at his side.

He Zhizhang, who had been traveling for fifty years, told the old man to return to his hometown, and Sangzi had undergone great changes, and he asked a child for directions, and the child actually asked him: "Where did you come from?" He Zhizhang sighed infinitely, it is really easy to grow old in life, the vicissitudes of the world, so he wrote down two "Homecoming Doll Books". For thousands of years, this poem has touched many wanderers who have left home and returned home.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

After settling down, he strolled through the countryside on crutches, admiring the bright spring light, and he happily wrote the fresh and cheerful poem "Wing Liu":

Jasper is made up of a tree high, and ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down.

I don't know who cut the fine leaves, and the spring breeze in February is like scissors.

The poem vividly describes the characteristics of weeping willows, praises the beauty of spring, and expresses the happy mood of a teenager when he returns to his hometown and enjoys the early spring like a teenager.

In 744, He Zhizhang died of illness at the age of 86.

He Zhizhang can live a long life and succeed in his career, it is undeniable that it is an important condition to be happy with the prosperity of the Taiping Dynasty. But from the subjective point of view, that is, he has always maintained his frank and simple nature all his life, even in his twilight years.

He Zhizhang's career is well-connected, but also healthy and long-lived, what is the secret of his success in life? (1) Filial piety and diligence, career and mastery (2) bold personality, extensive friendship (3) informality, open and indulgent birth (4) frank nature, lifelong unchanged

【About the author】Zhao Xinfang, pen name Zhao Shi, is a member of the Chongqing Nan'an District Writers Association.

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