
New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

author:Yuha kitchen
New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

During the Spring Festival, the epidemic affects everyone's heart, and the most concerned thing every day is to refresh the broadcast of the epidemic at any time. For the sake of health, we will eliminate the consumption of wild game together, cook and eat by ourselves, adhere to a healthy diet, and improve the immunity of ourselves and our families.

Although many people can not cook, do not want to cook, take advantage of the Year of the Rat Spring Festival at home, learn to cook is not unavoidable, any person is not born to cook, perhaps after a holiday will no longer think of eating canteen every day, call takeaway, maybe countless culinary talents, but the chef who was not discovered before was born!

The bean paste bun made today is the shape of the golden rat, using the simplest one-time fermentation method, and after doing the shape, it can be steamed on the pot. Adults and children work together, and they are happy!

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > golden rat bean sandbag</h1>

Ingredients: Xinliangjing diamond snowflake powder 500 g, warm water 260 g, red bean paste filling appropriate amount, yeast 4 g, Xinliang pumpkin powder 8 g


1, first prepare the materials, red bean paste is made by themselves, not fried with oil alone, directly add sugar after cooking and crush and mix well, since it is a golden rat, so you need to use yellow pumpkin powder, pure fruit and vegetable powder. There is no fruit and vegetable powder with pumpkin puree effect.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

2, add an appropriate amount of warm water to dissolve, pumpkin powder called an appropriate amount of warm water to stir well.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

3: Knead all the ingredients except bean paste into a dough, form a ball without kneading smooth, cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and relax for 30 minutes.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

4, after the relaxation of the dough kneading smooth, divided into 5 to 6 100 grams of dough, 8 20 grams of small dough, the dough is all kneaded smooth and round, during the operation to cover the plastic wrap, to avoid the surface of the dough becomes dry crust.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

5: Roll the dough into small strips and make a small treasure.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

6, the 2 ends of the dough are flattened, the 2 ends of the thin place to pinch up, pinched up is a small treasure, this step forgot to take pictures, text expression can not find the appropriate word, relatives can only pay to see.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

7: Roll out the larger dough flat with a rolling pin, put a little bean paste filling, and knead it into a bun. Bean paste stuffing is recommended to use a little drier, large water is not good for shaping.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

8, bean paste bun into a sharp and thick look, 2 small dough to make ears, with fine chopsticks to poke into the dough, poke 2 small eyes put mung beans as eyes, use scissors to cut out a few whiskers in the front, rub a little dough to make a tail, a small mouse will do it.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

9: If the dough is not completely fermented, put it in the pot and continue to wake up for ten minutes. The dough is fermented while operating, and basically all the dough is fermented.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag

10: Start steaming on low heat in cold water, turn to high heat and steam for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and open the lid immediately. A pot of chubby golden rats came out of the pot, and the fat ones were out of shape.

New Year's home to make steamed buns, a fermented golden rat bean sandbag, the method is simple, adults and children love golden rat bean sandbag


For the dough to be shaped, it is best to use the one-time fermentation method, because the dough is fermented while operating, and if it is completely fermented, it is not easy to operate. When you feel the dough become soft during operation, it is already fermented, and after the shape is done, it can be directly steamed.

I am Yuha Kitchen, I like to make a variety of dishes in the kitchen every day, I like all kinds of kitchenware and beautiful tableware. If you like my sharing, remember to like, favorite and retweet, if there is a better suggestion, welcome to leave a message in the comments. Thanks for the support! All pictures and texts in this article are original by Yuha himself, and you are not allowed to carry them!

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