
Chinese Fujian cuisine: raw grilled eight treasure turtle

author:Chinese cuisine on the tip of the tongue
Chinese Fujian cuisine: raw grilled eight treasure turtle

Raw grilled eight treasure turtles

【Raw Materials】

Main ingredients: 1 head of live turtle (1250 grams), 50 grams of net chicken, 50 grams of lean meat, 25 grams of dried scallops, 25 grams of dried shrimp (dried shrimp), 25 grams of duck wrists, 25 grams of pork hearts, 25 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 50 grams of winter shoots.

Ingredients: ginger, garlic, star anise, green onion knots, ginger slices, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, wet starch, 1 piece of fresh meat skin (20 cm square).

Chinese Fujian cuisine: raw grilled eight treasure turtle


1. Cut off the head of the turtle, drain the blood, put the pot of boiling water, remove the outer membrane, cut open the belly, remove the internal organs, wash, put the stew jar into the ginger, green onion knot, star anise, soy sauce, cooking wine on the basket drawer steamed for 20 minutes to take out, remove the meat bone, pick off the ginger, green onion knot, star anise.

2. Cut the chicken, lean meat, dried scallops, dried shrimp, duck gizzards, pork hearts, shiitake mushrooms (leave 1 large), 25 grams of winter bamboo shoots, and "eight treasures" into cubes, boiling water and put them into the belly of the turtle. A shiitake mushroom, 25 grams of winter shoots cut into leaf-shaped slices, covered on the belly of the turtle, and then covered with fresh meat skin into the cage drawer and steamed out.

3. Place the turtle on a large plate and peel off the pork skin. Drain the juice into a pot, bring the pot to a boil over high heat, thinly coat the mustard with wet starch and drizzle over the turtle.

Chinese Fujian cuisine: raw grilled eight treasure turtle


Fragrant and delicious.

【Production Key】

The turtles are steamed and kept intact.

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