
Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

author:Zhu Ge loves the people

Dongguan Story in the Context of the Xinhai Revolution (Part 5)

Link to the previous issue: Humen Tiger General Jiang Guangnai, the streets after the 128 Anti-Japanese War are plastered with his portraits and Jiang Guangnai brand cigarettes - today's headlines

Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai led the Nineteenth Route Army, first leading the "128 Songhu War of Resistance" in Shanghai, and then openly opposing Chiang Kai-shek in Fujian. The two lived and died together in the fire of gunfire, and were a pair of iron-blooded brothers and comrades-in-arms. But few people know that the two of them had a conflict over promotion in the early days. What's going on?

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

Portrait of Sun Yat-sen as Grand Marshal

< H1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the oldest company commander promoted battalion commander hopelessly ran away</h1>

In September 1917, the Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly elected Sun Yat-sen as Grand Marshal of the Junta of the Republic of China. Jiang Guangnai followed Sun Yat-sen's revolution, left the monastery, and became the commander of the first company of the guard battalion, major company.

In the summer of 1920, Jiang Guangnai was dispatched by Zhu Zhixin to contact Chen Mingshu, who commanded the four battalions of Zhao troops stationed at Yangjiang, and sent his troops to Humen. Unfortunately, Zhu Zhixin was killed in a dispute between the Humen garrison and the militia.

In May 1921, Sun Yat-sen was inaugurated as the "very great president" of the Republic of China, forming the Presidential Palace Guard Regiment, and Jiang Guangnai was transferred to the Lieutenant Colonel of the Guard Regiment. In June 1922, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the 2nd Guard Regiment. When Chen Jiongming shelled the Presidential Palace on June 16, Jiang Guangnai led a team to participate in the battle to defend the Presidential Palace. Later, he was assigned by Sun Yat-sen to go to Hong Kong and other places to recruit the scattered officers and soldiers.

After returning to Guangdong, Jiang Guangnai was transferred to the 3rd Battalion of the 4th Regiment of the 2nd Brigade. However, before he arrived at the post, he heard the news that the battalion company commander Cai Tingkai had abandoned his post and left. It turned out that Cai Tingkai was the oldest company commander in the battalion and had made outstanding achievements in battle, so after the promotion of the battalion commander, all the officers and men of the battalion thought that he would be promoted to battalion commander, and they had already congratulated him one after another. However, after Jiang Guangnai took office, he soon won the support of his subordinates with his own ability and fair handling of affairs and a generous attitude toward others.

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Hyun-hyun Images

In August 1923, Jiang Guangnai was promoted to the head of the supplementary regiment of the 1st Division. In January 1924, Sun Yat-sen reorganized the Cantonese Army, he was transferred to the 2nd Regiment of the 1st Brigade of the 1st Division of the Jianguo Cantonese Army, and Cai Tingkai, who had fled, was appointed as the commander of the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Regiment, and from then on began their 10-year cooperation experience.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cai Tingkai led the team to escape after the Nanchang Uprising, and was funded by Jiang Guangnai in isolation</h1>

On July 9, 1926, the National Revolutionary Army officially launched the Northern Expedition, and Jiang Guangnai's 4th Army served as the forward. At this time, Jiang Guangnai was busy with the affairs of the division, and he no longer concurrently served as the head of the 28th Regiment, and was promoted from Cai Tingkai to regimental commander.

After a short rest in Wuhan, Jiang Guangnai was ordered to lead an army with Zhang Fakui to support The Southwest Xun, and defeated the main force of Sun Chuanfang's army at Mahuiling and De'an, stabilizing the war situation. In November of the same year, the 10th Division of the 4th Army was expanded into the 11th Army, with Chen Mingshu promoted to commander, Jiang Guangnai as deputy commander and commander of the 10th Division, Dai Ji as the commander of the 24th Division, and Cai Tingkai as deputy division commander.

In 1927, Cai Tingkai participated in the "August 1st Uprising" led by the Ccp. However, when the rebel troops marched south to Guangdong, Cai Tingkai led his troops to March to Jinxian and broke away from the rebel ranks, dismissed all the Communists in the division, and sent troops to escort them out safely. Cai Tingkai led his troops to the town of Hekou in Lianshan County and watched the changes. In September, Jiang Guangnai set off from Shanghai and arrived at Hekou with 100,000 yuan in cash, to settle the most urgent food expenses of the troops, and decided to obey the central government of Nanjing after the confluence of Ninghan and Han. The 11th Army was restored, and Jiang Guangnai remained deputy commander, and the 24th Division was organized from the 10th Division.

Jiang and Cai led their troops into Fujian, and after arriving in Fuzhou, at the request of the local people's representatives, they disarmed the newly formed 1st Army Tan Shuqing, which had harmed the people, and replenished the 24th Division with guns. After the situation in Fuzhou stabilized, Jiang and Cai sent a telegram to welcome Chen Mingshu, who was in Japan, back to his post, and Chen received the telegram and returned to China to resume his post.

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > after the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek</h1>

In 1930, the Gui clan joined the anti-Chiang coalition led by Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang and joined forces to attack Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek, with Chiang Kai-shek as commander of the 1st Column, commanded the 60th and 61st Divisions and Chen Cheng's 18th Division, reversing the previous passive situation. The Great War of the Central Plains ended. At the end of the year, the 19th Route Army was transferred to Jiangxi. After the "September 18 Incident" in 1931, the 19th Route Army was also transferred to Nanjing and Shanghai at the request of the Guangdong side to ensure the safety of the Guangdong representatives.

On January 28, 1932, he led the 19th Route Army to resist Japanese aggression. In October, for his meritorious service in the Songhu War of Resistance, Jiang Guangnai was awarded the Qingtian White Sun Medal. Later, Jiang Guangnai returned home to live idly because he opposed Chiang Kai-shek's non-resistance policy and signed the traitorous "Songhu Armistice Agreement." After persuasion, he became the director of the Appeasement Office in Fujian and the chairman of the Fujian Provincial Government. Although he was sent to Jiangxi to encircle and suppress the Red Army, he sent representatives to the Soviet Union several times to contact the Red Army. Turn "enemies" into friends.

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

Battle of Songhu

The day after the signing of the Tanggu Agreement on June 1, 1933, Chiang Kai-shek, Jiang Guangnai, and Cai Tingkai issued a telegram in Fuzhou opposing Chiang Kai-shek's compromise with Japan and betraying North China. Then, under the influence of the Communist Party of China's anti-Japanese stand and stimulated by the military defeat of the "suppression of red", the policy of resisting Japan and "suppressing red" was abandoned in parallel; Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai sent representatives to Ruijin, Jiangxi Province, to discuss the war against Japan and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to save the country. Favorable conditions were created for the launch of the incident.

Subsequently, the generals Cai Tingkai and Jiang Guangnai of the Nineteenth Route Army joined forces with Li Jishen, Chen Mingshu, Li Zhangda and some other anti-Chiang forces within the Kuomintang and the third party Huang Qixiang and others to fujian to discuss the establishment of a people's government. On November 20, 1933, the "People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China" (i.e., the Fujian People's Government) was established in Fujian. The "Provisional Congress of the Chinese people" was held at the Fuzhou South Campus, the banner of opposing Chiang Kai-shek was openly displayed, and the "Declaration of people's rights" was issued, which is the famous Fujian Incident.

This manifesto put forward: First, to deny the National Government in Nanjing; second, to call on the people of the whole country and the revolutionary forces against imperialism and traitorism to organize a people's revolutionary government and overthrow the Kuomintang system centered on the Nanjing government; and third, to convene the first National People's Congress in the shortest possible time to formulate a constitution and solve the problem. They elected Li Jishen as chairman of the Fujian Government, and Cai Tingkai as a member of the People's Revolutionary Government, commander-in-chief of the First Front Army of the People's Revolutionary State, and commander-in-chief of the Nineteenth Route Army.

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

The Red Army missed a golden opportunity

After the "Fujian Revolution" incident, Chiang Kai-shek transferred nine divisions from the front line of the "encirclement and suppression" of the Central Soviet Region to the Fujian Crusade against the Nineteenth Route Army. Mao Zedong suggested to the CPC Central Committee that the main force of the Red Army should break through the siege of the Kuomintang army, "break through to the Suzhou-Zhejiang-Anhui-Gansu region centered on Zhejiang, and gallop between Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuhu, Nanchang, and Fuzhou, turn strategic defense into a strategic offensive, threaten the enemy's fundamental stronghold, and seek combat in the vast areas without fortresses." In this way, the enemy attacking the western fujian region in southern Jiangxi is forced to return to its fundamental stronghold, crush its attack on the Jiangxi base area, and assist the Fujian people's government." However, Bogu and Li De continued to regard the centrist forces of the Fujian People's Revolutionary Government as the "most dangerous enemy" and refused to adopt Mao Zedong's proposal, fearing that the advance of the main force of the Red Army into the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Gansu regions would lead to the loss of the central Soviet region. As a result, the Nineteenth Route Army was vastly disparate and isolated, and in January 1934, the Fujian People's Government was defeated after only two months under chiang kai-shek's division and disintegration and the attack of superior forces. The Red Army was also unable to break the fifth "encirclement and suppression" because of its missed opportunity.

After the failure of the Fujian Incident, on January 26, 1934, Jiang Guangnai arrived in Hong Kong in desperation. In July 1935, Li Zhangda and Jiang Guangnai unanimously advocated the establishment of the Chinese National Revolutionary League and took up a leading position in the Central Committee. In 1937, when the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing, Li Zhangda served as the commander of the Fourth Guerrilla Army in the Four Theaters, the executive director of the Military Law of the Four Theaters, and a member of the Fourth War Zone Committee of the Party and Government Committee of the Field. Jiang Guangnai served as chief of staff of the fourth theater and deputy commander of the seventh theater, and fought day and night to resist the Japanese army. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, they threw themselves into the democracy movement together and, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, made contributions to the creation of a new China.

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-shek on one side suppressed the territory with heavy troops, and on the other side disintegrated the interior of the Nineteenth Route Army, the main force Yi Banner, the Fujian Revolution finally failed, and Jiang Guangnai went into exile in Hong Kong with sorrow and indignation. On September 22, 1936, Mao Zedong wrote to Jiang Guangnai and Cai Tingkai, giving them a high degree of affirmation and hope for their democratic War of Resistance: "The glorious Nineteenth Route Army system, under the leadership of Mr. And others, continued to struggle and redouble its efforts," "The real task of saving the country must have many people with real sincerity to save the country" and "those who are enthusiastic and patriotic as Mr. Li."

Humen Tiger general Jiang Guangnai, the story of fighting with his iron-blooded brother Cai Tingkai The oldest company commander promoted the battalion commander to run away hopelessly after the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led the team to escape, isolated and helpless after being funded by Jiang Guangnai After the Battle of Songhu, he turned enemies into friends with the Red Army and opened up to Chiang Kai-shek

Key References:

1 Gong Yuzhi: A General Guide to the Twentieth Century in China

2. Jiang Guangnai; Cai Tingkai; Dai Ji: Jiang Guangnai, Cai Tingkai, dai Ji recall the "1.28" Songhu War of Resistance (1962.1.28)

3. Biography of General Ye Ting, People's Liberation Army Publishing House

4 Li Zhangda, Pioneer of Democracy, Guangdong People's Publishing House

5 Memoirs of Chen Mingshu, China Literature and History Publishing House

6. "Memoirs of He Xiangning"

7 Tao Zhu: "Tribute to Mr. Li Zhangda"

8. Cai Tingkai: "Remembering My Best Friend Li Zhangda"

9. Chen Huaili: A personal account of the August 13 Songhu War of Resistance

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