
He Min, deputy to the National People's Congress: It is recommended to promote the layout of the Pakistani food and medicine industry

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Wang Ziyang) "Bazhong is a poverty-stricken area in the whole region, the industrial base is weak, and it is urgent to change the backward status quo and introduce large enterprises and large projects. During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, He Min, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Sichuan Haocaitou Industrial Co., Ltd., suggested that central enterprises and domestic top 500 enterprises should be promoted to carry out industrial layout in Pakistan.

He Min, deputy to the National People's Congress: It is recommended to promote the layout of the Pakistani food and medicine industry

He Min believes that although Bazhong City in Sichuan Province has sufficient resources, environmental carrying capacity and abundant labor, the local conversion rate of natural gas resources is low, the impact of graphite project element guarantee is difficult, and the agricultural product processing industry lacks the support of large backbone enterprises, which seriously restricts the sustainable development of the local economy.

In view of the above problems, He Min put forward three suggestions: it is recommended to support Pakistan and China to extend the natural gas deep processing industry chain, increase the retention ratio of natural gas, lay out relevant major projects in the Natural Gas Resource Zone in Pakistan and China, and form industrial clusters such as natural gas exploration and development, chemical industry, and equipment manufacturing in the region, making it an important growth point for the economy of Bazhong City; it is recommended that Bazhong be included in the national graphite industry raw material supply and production base, and at the same time refer to the electricity consumption policy of the electrolytic aluminum industry, and introduce natural graphite and artificial graphite purification for Bazhong City. Special electricity price policies for the whole industry chain such as deep processing; it is recommended that Bazhong be used as the contact point for industrial poverty alleviation, and promote the layout of the food and medicine industry in Bazhong City, especially the layout of the food and beverage deep processing industry chain.

Beijing News reporter Wang Ziyang picture source Courtesy of the interviewee

Edited by Li Yan Proofreader Wang Xin

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