
He Min, a deputy to the National People's Congress | the two sessions: it is proposed that the Chengdu-Ba'an high-speed railway be included in the national high-speed rail planning network

author:Beijing News

At this year's two sessions, He Min, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Sichuan Haocaitou Industrial Co., Ltd., put forward many suggestions, including supporting the construction of a demonstration zone for the revitalization and development of the old revolutionary areas in Sichuan and Shaanxi, and incorporating the Chengdu Bazhong Ankang high-speed railway passenger line into the planning and construction of the national high-speed railway network.

According to He Min's bill, at present, Jinggangshan, Gannan and other "the country's largest Soviet area" coverage area has long stepped into the "high-speed rail era" and formed a high-speed rail "cross" pattern, but the "second largest Soviet area in the country", especially the core area of Tongjiang County, Sichuan Province, Wanyuan City and Shaanxi Province Ziyang County does not yet have a high-speed rail, the regional 40 million people strongly hope to improve the difficulty of travel, travel slow and other issues, as soon as possible to break the bottleneck of economic and social development constraints, so it is proposed to include the Chengdu Bazhong Ankang high-speed rail into the "14th Five-Year Plan" Plan and start construction proposals as early as possible.

He Min believes that through the efforts of the past 5 years, the problem of absolute poverty in the old revolutionary areas of Sichuan and Shaanxi has been historically solved, but the continuous consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection with rural revitalization require better transportation support, in view of this, it is hoped that the construction of the Ba'an high-speed rail will be included in the national overall high-speed rail planning network, and continue to stimulate the endogenous and powerful driving force for the development of the old revolutionary areas in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

In addition, He Min suggested that the national ministries and commissions take the lead in the overall planning and construction of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Old Area Revitalization and Development Demonstration Zone, and continue to care about and support Pakistan and China in terms of infrastructure construction, consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation, and making up for the shortcomings of public services. Promote more major projects, major platforms, major reforms, and major policies to settle in Bazhong, so that the people in the old areas can live a better life and gradually achieve common prosperity.

Beijing News reporter Wang Ziyang picture source Courtesy of the interviewee

Edited by Li Yan Proofreader Zhao Lin

Source: Beijing News

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