
He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

author:Big chestnut tree spreads

He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

Zhou Zhongying

He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

In Keming Noodle Industry, there is such a group of young people, they come from different colleges and universities, with passion and dreams, they are the management trainees of Keming Noodle Industry Co., Ltd.

  Management trainees are a way for Keming to train enterprise managers, through the systematic target position training, the implementation of customized training plans, they are the backbone of the talent echelon of Keming noodle industry, and reserve talent pool.

Moving from the ivory tower to the workplace is a challenge for every young person. The "management trainees" have withstood various tests and tempers and taken the first step towards success. Today, let's approach He Min, a 2019 management trainee, and feel his enthusiasm for life, feel the bittersweet and bittersweet in his life, and feel his plain but wonderful youth.

Heavenly Reward: Get out of the confusion

He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

From the time students enter the society and begin to assume the workplace responsibilities and social responsibilities that they should bear for the social people, in the face of new environments, new work content and new interpersonal relationships, it is undoubtedly a complete test of mentality or personal ability. In fact, everyone's life is not "easy" word, the workplace newcomers are no exception, they also bear the loneliness after entering the society, the anxiety caused by work pressure, the sense of embarrassment brought about by economic constraints, but they also have their own "do not accept defeat" stoicism and efforts. He Min, a salesman in the Guangzhou area of the traditional noodle business department, with his diligence and spirit of not accepting defeat, laid a foundation in the workplace and was rated as a superstar among the management trainees by the human resources department of Keming Noodles.

On July 19, 2019, after completing the training at the headquarters, He Min was assigned to work in Guangzhou, at the beginning, He Min arranged in Guangzhou's largest customer Hua Song, the market is also the most complete, supermarket, second batch, distribution, circulation, agricultural trade, grain and oil, export, etc., basically Guangzhou has some channels here. In the first month in Guangzhou, I basically learned the company's products, prices, and distribution system.

To be honest, at the beginning, He Min was very confused. Products, prices, distribution, promotional cases, cases, material use standards, sales data, etc., things are complicated, feel very dizzy, the environment is not adaptable, and the work is not very adaptable. Basically, it is to follow the dealer business to the store during the day, copy the order, and sort out the shelves to open new stores. In the evening, I went back to summarize the work of the day, memorized the company's products, price system, and wrote in the books according to the product series, so that I could see the product in the market and think of the cif price, supply price, market retail price, distribution standard, display standard, material use standard, etc. Some columns of extension work, so that they can achieve the effect of 1 + 1 greater than or equal to 2 in the effective time.

At that time, the leader did not assign specific work, He Min thought about visiting the store, just follow the dealer to work, and the dealer did what he did. Once, when I went back to report on my work in the evening, the leader was very surprised after listening to it, and he didn't have to do things without thinking about visiting the store like this. Manager Chen often told him: "Now I don't expect you to do anything, but you must do it with your heart, learn with your heart, lay a good foundation, you enter the supermarket, you first look at the noodles, is there any competitor?" What is the proportion of shelves? Those products in this type of store are necessary to enter, supermarkets, Huaxia, omni-channel, flour, corrugated noodles, high gluten strength is there? Is the display displayed vertically according to the company's same series? Does the shelf have an execution item? Why was it not executed? Are there any promotions in the store? Are there any promotions for competing products? What is the shelf product turnover rate? Are there big date products, processed or not, and competitors turnover is not fast? ”

"How much is the monthly sales of the store and a series of problems, to take these problems to the store, rather than working hard as a tally clerk in the past, don't look at the visit to the store is a small thing, but you just have to do this one thing well, that is, it involves dozens of things." To do things with your brain, to give an example, to think with your brain whether the dealer's reply is fooling you, learn to distinguish whether the dealer is telling the truth or a lie, think about the dealer's point of view with doubts, don't blindly listen to the reasons the dealer says, have your own ideas, views, and dare to verify, use your thinking point of view to influence the dealer, rather than being influenced by the dealer."

In order to get himself on the right track as soon as possible, He Min recorded the problems mentioned by the leader one by one, and then, classified the problems encountered in the work, and recorded them in the notebook. When I returned to my dorm in the evening, I began to ask myself questions and summarize: What did you do today? What's the catch? Why is that? Is this a question that is not deep enough? Why would a dealer say that? Is there another reason? Where is the basis? Where do I believe his point is? Are customers talking about excuses or reasons? Slowly, He Min felt that the work goals became clear, and he had an inexplicable sense of excitement and achievement.

Perseverance: Pain and happiness

He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

There are no shortcuts to success, and if there are any shortcuts, then its only shortcut is persistence. Persistence is the easiest and most effective shortcut to success. Look in a direction, do not need to consume much of your brain cells, you just keep going forward, do not look back, do not look around, believe in yourself, you will definitely go to the destination. He Min has been working in Guangzhou for more than two years now, and he has also achieved very good results, and he has persevered in composing his own story.

He Min just joined the company to think is to insist on doing everything well, and then he felt that he could not always follow the dealer's business to run the market, so that the things he learned were still too shallow, there was nothing to practice alone, there was no sense of achievement, and every day he did some moving, shelf, and noodle work, and he was indeed tired of this work state. After communicating with the leader, he chose to start developing new stores alone and laying out omni-channel seven products.

Because there is no experience and no fixed place, it is basically a wall transaction at the beginning, and it is scattered. Coupled with his thin skin, fear of rejection, a very bad mentality, and no gain. After running around for two days, his mentor Chen Qing asked, "What is it like to shop the market in these two days?" How many homes have been laid, what have been gained, and what has been learned? ”

Is it a soul-like question, or is it that smell.

To be honest, He Min was quite embarrassed at that time, because there was nothing to gain. Chen Qing saw his pain and said in a serious tone, "I think the store should be developed in this way." First of all, determine the good area, the place where you shop the market can not be too big, not too small, determine one or two streets on the line, and then determine the good action area, then you have to determine the product, what product to shop, what price to use, there is no tie-in gift, there is no late return, there is no price advantage, can you carry out multi-product portfolio sales according to the dealer product system? In this way, we can improve the transaction opportunities, and now the price of this shop needs to be communicated with the dealer again, whether the price is suitable, where is the target regional store to take the goods channel, do you know this? After determining the area, do we want to run all the stores in the area, the first time with the boss to engage in a customer service, to understand whether the goods in the area have a professional delivery team to send, is the boss self-picked or delivered to the door, how should you pick up your side, if someone delivers what, should not check whether it is sent by whom, what price is sent, whether there is a return and exchange service? The most ideal area of the shop is close to the dealer warehouse, and the area temporarily has no professional team delivery, the store is basically a self-picked area, you should choose this area to shop the city to establish your own self-confidence, to the customer service mode to shop the market, start not to talk about selling goods, to be introduced, I am Chen Keming dealer business, now this piece is factory as the key model construction area, I am the first responsible person in this area, after I will come to your store 2-3 times a month, shelf sorting, ash cleaning work, Rest assured, you can not buy my noodles, because your goods are also out of my warehouse. You have time to go to see, of course, if you have the need for goods I can also send here, because it is close to you, generally within 24 hours to deliver, we also have free promotions, returns, home delivery services and so on."

Chen Qing's words completely made He Min admire the five bodies to the ground, at the same time, Chen Qing also encouraged He Min to do boldly, do not be afraid of mistakes, toss hard, there are problems I will help you "wipe your ass". With the patient counseling and support of the leader, He Min will soon be able to stand alone. From the beginning of the only responsible for the dealer's fee application write-off, to the later by his separate follow-up, from letting him follow up with 1 dealer now 4 dealers, and the indicators of the dealers he followed up are excellent.

Thinking back on this process, He Min said with emotion that coming out of confusion to having a good job is a painful and happy process.

Relax your mindset: all the way hard, all the way to the scenery

He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

"Young people, relax your heart and don't squeeze it." This is a public service advertisement, and every time I hear this sentence, I will feel a little emotion in my heart. Relaxing your heart is a sentence that her colleague Haiyan's sister often said to He Min. He Min just arrived in Guangzhou, because he is the youngest, so many things are taken care of by colleagues in Guangzhou.

From the beginning of Guangzhou to now, He Min basically looked for her every day, the company's data, forms, write-offs, applications, cases, cases, cases, personal expenses, account opening, account cancellation and various office tips, it can be said that Haiyan sister taught him, of course, at work, when she audited He Min's forms, write-offs, applications, promotions and other document errors, it was very severe, and there was a taste of hating iron not steel. But He Min knows that Haiyan sister is a knife mouth and a tofu heart. She also told He Min that you must take the initiative in everything, you do not take the initiative, others may not know where your needs are, you do not take the initiative and will never have the opportunity to tell others where your strengths are. When the work is not going well, He Min also likes to find her to vent, and then every time she enlightens him, he should relax his mentality, everyone is helping you, it's okay, there is something, the leader will stand up to you! Sometimes she will change the topic, saying where to go on holidays, in fact, she knows that the unpleasant venting of work is only for the comfort of the heart, after the release, or have to work hard, just adjust the state...

Tagore once said, "The world kisses me with pain and wants me to repay it with a song." Life will never be as mediocre as it is in front of you, the gears of fate are still stumbling forward, and young us need to have the perseverance to cross the mountains and the courage to wade through the mountains. This is a passage written in he diary on the first day of his arrival in Guangzhou. He knows that in the face of the unknown workplace, there will be hardships along the way, and he will also appreciate the scenery along the way.

Soon after coming to Guangzhou, He Min met a dealer salesman named Su Yue. Su Yue is very serious and patient. Before he was an electrician, doing things very rigorously, it was his rigor that made He Min learn a lot of things here, especially the material execution of the company's core store construction, He Min began not to understand how to get it, it was Su Yu who taught by hand, how to paste it so that it would not bubble, how KT board could be seamlessly spliced and cut, how the heap head products should be piled up to be more image-looking, how the knife flag should be tied steadily and beautifully, how to persuade the store manager to let us engage in terminal materials in the store, etc. After the company's new policy came down, He Min always went to Su Yue here to experiment, and then went to other dealers to copy and promote.

Of course, on the way forward, He Min also got the help and encouragement of many colleagues, such as Yu Linsheng's big brother, it was he who told He Min how to do products, how to follow up with dealers, how to do promotional plans, how to check the cost of terminals, how to communicate orders, how to shop products, and what is it like to develop communication with new customers? And so on the way of work, the way of thinking, the industry knowledge dry goods are unreservedly imparted to He Min. There is also the concept of wholesale agricultural circulation, which is basically taught by colleague Wang Zhiying, He Min said: "They are all my teachers, they are all people who have helped He Min a lot, and they are all work partners who deserve my respect and study."

It has been more than two years since I walked out of the ivory tower, and in the past two years, I have learned a lot in Keming and precipitated myself. Today's He Min is no longer a young man who was very confused at the beginning, through the fight and experience in the market, he is like a warrior with a dream of a general, full of spirit.

Finally, with a passage from He Minfa in a friend' words, I encouraged all the pipe trainees of Keming Noodles:

When the heart is tired, look at the world from another perspective;

When depressed, change the environment and take a deep breath;

When confused, think in a different role;

When you hesitate, change your mind and choose.

When depressed, change the environment to find happiness,

When you are troubled, change your thinking to solve it,

When complaining, look at the problem in a different way;

When you have low self-esteem, think differently and treat it.

Life is like a road, all the way hard, all the way to the scenery.

He Min, a 2019 management trainee: all the way to hardship, all the way to the scenery and all the way to singing

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