
He Min, deputy to the National People's Congress: It is recommended to increase policy support for the characteristic agricultural industry in the old areas

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Wang Ziyang) "The development of characteristic agriculture in Bazhong City has achieved breakthrough results, but there are also problems such as insufficient investment in the development of characteristic agricultural industry, difficulty in enterprise financing, insufficient brand awareness and influence, and low product market share. During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, He Min, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Sichuan Haocaitou Industrial Co., Ltd., suggested that we should actively develop characteristic industries and help Pakistan and China get rid of poverty.

He Min, deputy to the National People's Congress: It is recommended to increase policy support for the characteristic agricultural industry in the old areas

In recent years, in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of "accelerating the construction of the demonstration area for the revitalization and development of the old revolutionary areas in Sichuan and Shaanxi and stepping out of the Qinba Mountains to get rid of poverty and green development in the Qinba Mountains", Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, has made breakthroughs in the development of tea, walnuts, authentic medicinal materials, and ecological breeding, with an area of 870,000 mu and an output value of 5.5 billion yuan in the city's tea base area, an area of 1.36 million mu and a comprehensive output value of 4 billion yuan, a base area of 780,000 mu and an output value of 4.5 billion yuan; and 220,000 yellow sheep in nanjiang. There are 150,000 Qingyu pigs and 7.49 million Bashan native chickens, and the city's comprehensive output value of ecological breeding is 2.1 billion yuan. Among the 699 poor villages in the city, about 30% of the villages rely on the development of the tea industry, 40% of the villages rely on the development of the walnut industry, 35% of the villages rely on the development of the authentic medicinal material industry, and 85% of the villages rely on the development of the ecological breeding industry to increase the income of the rich people and get rid of poverty on schedule.

He Min suggested that from the national level, we should increase the policy support for the development of characteristic agricultural industries in old revolutionary areas and remote and poor areas, especially the funds for infrastructure, product processing, cold chain logistics and other projects should be given priority to supporting projects for the development of characteristic agricultural industries in old revolutionary areas and remote and poor areas, and the state-level advantageous zones for characteristic agricultural products, leading enterprises, and modern agricultural industrial parks should be declared and created to be inclined to the old revolutionary areas and remote poor areas.

At the same time, He Min suggested that the state finance and financial departments set up special development funds in the areas of enterprise mortgage loans and credit guarantees to provide all-round financial support for enterprises in the old revolutionary areas and remote and poor areas to develop characteristic agricultural industries; it is suggested that the agricultural and rural departments introduce preferential policies to support enterprises in the old revolutionary areas and remote and poor areas to participate in the exhibition and sales activities of major domestic characteristic agricultural products from the aspect of exhibition fees, and encourage agricultural and rural theme programs to enter the old revolutionary areas and remote and poor areas to help publicize and promote characteristic agricultural products.

Beijing News reporter Wang Ziyang picture source Courtesy of the interviewee

Edited by Li Yan Proofreader Wang Xin

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