
Just one day after meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan overturned the dialogue consensus: efforts will be made to prevent China's reunification

author:Sun Xuwen

#中美高层会晤: Avoiding Conflict and Confrontation #At the U.S.-China talks in Zurich on October 6, U.S. President's National Security Adviser Sullivan took the lead in promising that the U.S. government would continue to adhere to the "one-China" policy. Compared with their previous similar statements, they have gone further from "respecting the 'one-China' principle" to "adhering to the 'one-China' policy", which is widely regarded as a signal released by the United States, marking that China and the United States reached a consensus on non-aggression against each other's core national interests at this meeting.

Unfortunately, less than a day after the meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan turned his face and did not recognize anyone, completely overturned the consensus of the dialogue, and clearly stated that "it will prevent China's reunification." On October 7, the day after the meeting, Sullivan was interviewed by the British media BBC in Brussels, Belgium, and when talking about the Taiwan issue, Sullivan said that "the United States is deeply concerned about any behavior that undermines peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region."

Just one day after meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan overturned the dialogue consensus: efforts will be made to prevent China's reunification

Sullivan also said bluntly that as long as there is a suspicion of undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will stand up, whether it is private or public, and when asked by a BBC reporter whether the United States will take military action to defend Taiwan, Sullivan replied without any hesitation: The United States will now take action to try to prevent the day of China's reunification.

Sullivan did not explicitly answer "will troops be sent", as for taking action to prevent the arrival of that day? The United States has been doing this all along, from 2019 the United States has exerted greater military pressure on China day by day, and by 2020, it has unabashedly carried out "nuclear blackmail", and now we can also see that the United States has become the biggest backer behind the "Taiwan independence" forces.

Just one day after meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan overturned the dialogue consensus: efforts will be made to prevent China's reunification

But when that day comes, will they send troops to intervene? It seems that Sullivan is not willing to answer this question; this can also be seen as the current official position of the United States: do everything possible to prevent the process of China's reunification, do not accept China's complete reunification; so it is not difficult to guess that if the ability allows, the US government will definitely send troops to intervene, which may also be what Sullivan wants to express.

It is worth mentioning that recently the US Secretary of the Navy released a so-called "strategic guide" to be published, which clearly stipulates the US government's position on the Taiwan issue: the United States does not seek to go to war against China, but will prevent Chinese mainland from "attacking Taiwan." As for the means of obstruction, of course, it also depends on the situation, in fact, this is entirely the position of the "Taiwan Relations Act" promulgated by the United States in 1979, of course, if some "Taiwan independence" forces want to, they can also interpret it in the direction of favoring "Taiwan independence."

Just one day after meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan overturned the dialogue consensus: efforts will be made to prevent China's reunification

After all, the U.S. position on NATO during the Cold War was similar: if the Soviet Union launched an offensive, it could declare war according to the needs of the national interests of the United States; the United States also did not give NATO a promise of "inevitable participation in the war", but I believe that no one would think that if the Soviet Union went to war, the United States would sit idly by! In this way, the US Government has given a commitment to the "Taiwan independence" forces comparable to that of its NATO allies.

In fact, at this juncture, I believe sullivan is very clear about the weight of what he said, and only the day before they gave a promise to the Chinese representative that made us more satisfied, but in turn completely overturned what had been said before! According to the BBC analysis, Sullivan's remarks are related to the high-intensity activities of the People's Liberation Army in the Taiwan Strait during the four days of national day and are a way to appease the Taiwan authorities.

Just one day after meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan overturned the dialogue consensus: efforts will be made to prevent China's reunification

However, to really speak, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan some time ago also dealt a heavy blow to the self-confidence of the "Taiwan independence" forces, who are worried that they will be abandoned by the United States like the previous Afghan government, so of course the US side must express something, after all, the existence of the Taiwan authorities has great political significance, which is an important part of the first island chain of the United States.

Sullivan's remark this time should temporarily stabilize the mood of the Taiwan authorities, even if it is a promise not to abandon Taiwan independence, which also shows that Sino-US relations on the Taiwan issue will not bring any benefits to China, and no matter whether the Sino-US first-phase economic and trade agreement is fully implemented in accordance with the concerns of the United States, they cannot relax! It must be said that the United States will not explicitly pursue "Taiwan independence" during a period when Sino-US relations are relatively stable, but if China wants to reunify, it will inevitably seriously damage Sino-US relations.

Just one day after meeting with Yang Jiechi, Sullivan overturned the dialogue consensus: efforts will be made to prevent China's reunification

Now it seems that the US Government is indeed intent on making an enemy of China on the Taiwan issue, and even in order to protect the puppet regime on the island, they will not hesitate to lay a hidden danger for the relations between the two countries. Then I think that in the future, Sino-US relations will inevitably not be able to return to the more harmonious situation in the past, and China may hesitate in 2021, but in a few years, will China hesitate on the Taiwan issue?

I think everyone knows the significance of complete reunification for China and the Chinese nation, so what can Sino-US relations gain compared with China's reunification? To put it more bluntly, in the face of China's unswerving will to unify, Sino-US relations can be completely dispensed with.

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