
Upgraded plastic bag restrictions Chile prohibits small and medium-sized shops from distributing plastic bags to customers

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[South American Overseas Chinese News Network Compilation Li Xuanfeng reported on August 3] The Chilean government recently decided to implement a stricter plastic restriction bill nationwide. Previously, this bill did not affect small and medium-sized shops.

Chile's El País reported that although Chile has implemented a plastic bag restriction bill since 2018, it is also the first country in the entire Latin American region to restrict the use of plastic bags from a legal level. However, as of now, small and medium-sized shops can still give 2 plastic bags to customers who come to shop.

To help build momentum for this upgraded plastic restriction bill, Chilean Environment Minister Carolina Schmidt and La Reina Mayor José Manuel Palacios recently inspected several department stores and small and medium-sized shops.

Minister Schmidt said: "All sectors of society have a positive opinion of this bill, and citizens attach great importance to it, which is the first step in the fight against the abuse of plastics in our country." Since its implementation in 2018, the Plastic Cap Act has helped reduce the use of plastic bags by 5 billion across Chile, making a significant contribution to preventing further increase in white pollution. ”

"This upgraded version of the plastic restriction act prohibits small and medium-sized shops from distributing plastic bags to customers. We are now very satisfied that we see that many Chileans have begun to accept this fact. As a result, people will use reusable and eco-friendly shopping bags more. The minister added.

At the same time, Mayor Palacios also called on stores across the country to "prepare for the new plastic restrictions, and the government will provide all necessary conveniences and information in the process." He declared: "This is an important step for us as a society as a whole, and we hereby implore merchants to convey the latest plastic restriction bill to customers who come to shop in a timely manner." ”

Under the upgraded plastic restriction act, the authorities could impose fines of more than 250,000 Chilean pesos (about $330) for each plastic bag that a merchant illegally distributes to customers. In addition, when imposing fines, the authorities also consider the number of plastic bags illegally issued by the merchant to customers, their previous business practices and their economic ability. That is to say, the fine is only for the merchant, not for the customer.

Inspections are carried out by municipalities, while fines are carried out by local police departments or courts. However, food packaging bags (e.g. plastic packaging for rice, noodles, fruits or vegetables) are allowed to continue to be used. Plastic products with hygienic use are not within the scope of this plastic restriction.

The Plastic Restriction Order is seen as the first step in the Chilean authorities' crackdown on plastic abuse. Since then, the plastic bag restriction act will also be applied to restaurants, casinos, social clubs, cafes, tea shops, bakeries and bars. It was also revealed that the Chilean authorities also plan to set limits on the production and use of plastic tableware and plastic light bulbs.

(Editor: Lenny)

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