
Big aunt mess is really annoying! If you want to menstruate on time, avoid these 4 bad habits

author:Dr. Yang Xiaomin

In life, many girls have menstrual disorders. Menstrual disorders should first find out the specific causes and then adjust them to maintain health, thereby reducing menstrual disorders. Many girls are also very troubled, why do menstrual disorders occur? What's going on?

Big aunt mess is really annoying! If you want to menstruate on time, avoid these 4 bad habits

4 bad habits that can easily induce menstrual disorders

1. Excessive mood swings

Women themselves are more sensitive advanced animals. When it comes to a small thing, it is very easy to be happy or sad. However, excessive mood swings can easily interfere with the central nervous system, affect normal operation and thus impair ovarian function, which is closely related to menstruation. Long-term negative emotions will inevitably have manifestations of menstrual disorders. In addition, the mood disorder is too large, the hormone secretion in the body is unbalanced, it is easy to constantly stimulate the breast, increasing the incidence of breast nodules, breast hyperplasia and other diseases. Therefore, no matter what happens, we should adjust our mentality in time to eliminate bad emotions.

2. Excessive dieting

Slimming is the common pursuit of almost all women, but due to many factors, not everyone is slim, so some women will do their best to lose weight, including dieting. In a short period of time, dieting to lose weight can indeed lose weight, but in the long run, it is easy to have malnutrition problems. Over time, if the ovaries are not nourished, it can also cause menstrual disorders and even amenorrhea.

3. Stay up late often

Staying up late has become a common practice for many people. In the short term, it does not have a great impact on the body, but over time, it can lead to endocrine disorders and damage to the ovaries and uterus. Under the combined influence of multiple factors, the consequences of menstrual disorders can occur. In addition, abnormal hormone secretion caused by long-term staying up late is also easy to promote cell differentiation and increase the risk of malignant diseases.

4. Habitual constipation

As for the cause of menstrual disorders caused by constipation, the main reason is that after too much feces accumulate in the intestine, it is easy to compress the surrounding organs and push the cervix forward. In this way, the uterine body slowly tilts. For a long time, it will not only cause the problem of swelling and pain in the lumbar spine, but also hinder the thickening of the endometrium, and finally, there will be the result of menstrual disorders.

Big aunt mess is really annoying! If you want to menstruate on time, avoid these 4 bad habits

What should patients with irregular menstruation pay attention to on a daily basis?

1. Massage

Massage the Guan Yuan acupoint at one-third of the joint line between the umbilicus and the pubic bone. In general, women have thicker lower abdominal fat and strong external force structures in the uterus, so if you press acupuncture points such as Guan Yuan, you may need more force and longer massage. Press guanyuan acupuncture points, 10 to 15 minutes each time, 1 to 2 times a day. Acupuncture points such as qihai and zhongji can also be implemented in this way. While pressing Guan Yuan and other acupuncture points, you can also use the palm of your hand to start from the navel, rotate clockwise from bottom to top, push and knead, and repeat for 2 to 4 minutes. It is also possible to rub and push your lower abdomen repeatedly with the palm of your hand, or may help improve menstrual irregularities. However, it should be noted that the technique should be carried out step by step from light to heavy, and the intensity should reach the depth of massaging the uterus.

2. Exercise diet

During menstruation, women are prone to emotional control, irritability and increased stress. Usually pay attention to actively alleviate mental stress. You can do some full-body exercises, such as swimming and running, 1 to 2 times a week for 30 minutes. Eat more stress-relieving vegetables, such as bananas, cabbage, potatoes, shrimp, chocolate, ham, corn, tomatoes, etc.

3. Pay attention to cold protection

During menstruation, you should stay away from cold and humidity, rain, wading, swimming, drinking cold drinks, etc., especially to prevent colds, pay attention to keep warm. In case of menstrual disorders, keep the vulva clean and free from bacterial infections. Most menstrual disorders can be recovered with daily conditioning. For example, correcting bad habits, relieving stress, and getting enough sleep can normalize most menstrual disorders. If it is a disease caused by menstrual disorders, you should go to the hospital for active treatment.

Big aunt mess is really annoying! If you want to menstruate on time, avoid these 4 bad habits

Women must pay attention to the phenomenon of long-term menstrual irregularities, and the bad habits of daily life must be changed, and if necessary, they can go to the hospital for examination.

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