
The World Cup Hero's Reply to Juistefontein

author:Grace Times

Born into a family of French expatriates in Marrakech, Morocco, Giustefontaine loved to play football since childhood, often playing in the streets with his playmates as a child, and the dream of becoming a professional player when he grew up took root in the heart of Little Fontaine.

But Fontaine's career didn't start off smoothly. As early as secondary school, Fontaine was dismissed from school and buried in the second team while playing for Casablanca Club. It wasn't until 1955, after joining the French league hegemon Reims at the time, that Fontaine really shined, showing his first-class striker qualities. Fontaine also naturally became the main force in the French team.

The World Cup Hero's Reply to Juistefontein

Fontaine, the French team's top scorer in the 1950s

Before 1958, Fontaine may have been just a star known to french fans. After that year, he became an icon sought after by fans all over the world, all because of the World Cup in Sweden that year.

The World Cup Hero's Reply to Juistefontein

Fontaine, the most trusted striker by his teammates

At the 1958 Fifaccia in Sweden, france scored 13 goals in six games, becoming not only the Winner of the Golden Boot of that tournament, but also the player with the most goals in a single session in the history of the World Cup, a record that no one has ever achieved. I was thrilled to receive a reply seven years ago from Mr. Fontaine, who was eighty years old at the time. Dan's sassy heroism above the autographed card is still faintly visible, and the incredible goal record is vividly remembered. The old gentleman's signed photo also has my name written on it properly, which is worth cherishing.

The World Cup Hero's Reply to Juistefontein

My own fontaine autographed card

I wish Mr. Fontaine, who is now eighty-seven years old, good health and longevity.

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