
The evocative "steamed chicken with lotus leaves" and the "steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper" that people can't stop eating

author:Healthy private dishes

Chinese cuisine, healthy you and me, delicious in the heart, lotus leaf steamed chicken, easy to eat fragrant, fresh lotus leaf flavor is better, people can't stop the mouth of the "wild mountain pepper steamed grass fish" and the evocative "pumpkin cup meat steak" let's take a look at it

One. Steamed chicken with lotus leaves

The evocative "steamed chicken with lotus leaves" and the "steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper" that people can't stop eating

The production time is 60 minutes, the reference cost is 15 yuan, the blood is nourished, and it is suitable for pregnant women.

Ingredients: 700 g of chicken, 20 g of dates, 15 g of goji berries, 1 piece of lotus leaf.

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, egg white, oyster sauce, ginger each appropriate amount.


1 chicken clean, chop into pieces, peel the ginger, wash and chop, red dates, goji berries foamed, lotus leaves soaked soft.

2: Place the chicken nuggets in a bowl and add starch, oyster sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, egg whites and minced ginger for 15 minutes until flavorful.

3: Put the lotus leaves on a plate, pour in the marinated chicken nuggets, add the dates and goji berries into the steamer and steam for 30 minutes.

2. Steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper

The evocative "steamed chicken with lotus leaves" and the "steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper" that people can't stop eating

Production time 13 minutes reference cost of 10 yuan, appetizing and digesting, suitable for male people.

Ingredients: 1 grass carp, 100 grams of wild mountain pepper, red pepper shredded to taste.

Seasoning: 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, chopped chili peppers, green onions, white onion segments, coriander segments, cooking wine, chili noodles, sesame oil each appropriate amount.

1: Wash and remove the stems of wild mountain peppers, wash and cut red peppers into strips.

2: Chop the grass carp into small pieces, marinate with salt, chili noodles and cooking wine until flavorful and then plate.

3: Sprinkle all the ingredients on the fish, steam over high heat, turn off the heat and wait for a few minutes before coming out of the pot, drizzle with sesame oil.

3. Pumpkin cup steak

The evocative "steamed chicken with lotus leaves" and the "steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper" that people can't stop eating

The production time is 60 minutes, the reference cost is 20 yuan, the blood is nourishing, and it is suitable for female people.

Ingredients: 200 g pumpkin, 100 g taro, 150 g steak, 20 g red pepper.

Seasoning: 10 grams of ginger, soy sauce, MSG, sugar, salt.

1: Wash the pumpkin, hollow out, peel and wash the taro and cook it. Wash and slice the red peppers, peel the ginger and wash the slices.

2: Wash and cut the steaks into pieces, blanch the water, sauté in a frying pan, add taro, ginger slices, sugar, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate and red pepper and stir-fry well.

3: Put the sautéed ribs into the pumpkin and steam for 40 minutes.

Fourth, red fruit yam

The evocative "steamed chicken with lotus leaves" and the "steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper" that people can't stop eating

The production time is 13 minutes, the reference cost is 7 yuan, detoxification and slimming, suitable for female people.

Ingredients: Yam 300 g, Hawthorn 200 g

Seasoning: Osmanthus honey 25 g, sugar 10 g.

1: Peel the yam, wash it, cut it into sections, steam it in a pot, put it in a bowl and mash it, buckle it in (3), wash and core the hawthorn, and place it next to the yam.

2: Put sugar and osmanthus honey in a hot pot, boil a small amount of water into a thick juice, and pour on yam and hawthorn.

5. Chop the taro

The evocative "steamed chicken with lotus leaves" and the "steamed grass carp with wild mountain pepper" that people can't stop eating

The production time is 15 minutes, the reference cost is 5 yuan, and the appetizer is suitable for children.

Ingredients: 300 g taro, 30 g minced pepper.

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil each appropriate amount, a little green onion.

1: Peel the taro and wash it in a bowl.

2: Stir-fry the pepper in a pot, add taro, add salt, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil and mix well.

3: Steam the mixed taro in a pot and sprinkle with green onion.

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