
These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

author:A home of food

Guizhou mountains and water beauty is more beautiful, and there are many different ethnic minorities living in the territory, different ethnic minorities have their own different characteristics of food, people who have traveled to Guizhou will be impressed by the special food there, whether it is sour fish soup, folded ear root or spicy chicken, are particularly liked, but there are also some delicacies, is not known to outsiders, today to introduce you to 5 kinds of Guizhou special cuisine, unique and delicious.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

Guiyang silk doll

Silk dolls are one of the most common street snacks in Guiyang. Silk dolls are named because their shape is large and small like a baby wrapped in swaddling. Guiyang silk dolls are made of rice flour into thin round cakes, wrapped in dough and wrapped in small rolls to eat, also known as vegetarian spring rolls. The palate is fragrant and distinctive.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

Daozhen gray tofu fruit

Rich in plant protein, no cholesterol. According to the determination of Southwest Agricultural College, it contains 17 kinds of amino acids, and its nutrients are easy for the human body to absorb, which is a nutritious food suitable for all ages, and is a delicacy in the feast. Daozhen gray tofu fruit is made of soybeans as raw materials, and the ground tofu is cut into small pieces, with shapes ranging from square, long strips, triangles, and diamonds. Use grass and wood ash to make for 3-4 hours, and then put in the tung shell ash (grass and wood ash plus an appropriate amount of white alkali can also be) in the pot to fry, after frying, sift off the ash, that is, tofu fruit. Because grass and wood ash and tung shell ash contain alkaline substances, after the chemical action of sorbet, stir-frying, and alkali, the shape of the tofu is swollen, and the inner bubble is loose, like a sponge.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

Tofu dumplings

As a street food in Guizhou, tofu dumplings really do it unforgettable.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

Add the tofu puree to spices and knead into a ball, then fry in hot oil until golden brown, take a bite of the outer crisp and tender inside, then add the right amount of dipping water to the hole, bite down, crispy shell, white tender tofu and Guizhou peppers.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

This is a delicacy that cannot be enjoyed anywhere else.

Potato dumplings

Potatoes are called "potatoes" in Guizhou, just like we do in Shaanxi. Potato soup is a very common snack on the streets of Guiyang, and the aroma of potatoes and green onions is mixed to inadvertently tempt people passing by. In fact, the method of potato soup is very simple, first mash the potato into a puree, then add salt, monosodium glutamate, the right amount of water and flour, and finally knead into a round pot and cook. The focus of a delicious potato soup is on its dipping sauce, and many vendors have their own unique recipes in this regard.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

Guizhou ancient brown sugar

The real brown sugar process mainly includes: juicing, foaming, catching water, sugar, sanding, molding and other basic steps, using "straight air gun stove" and "continuous pot", and then through the traditional wood stove boiling for 6 hours, constantly stirring to let the water slowly evaporate, catching water, sand and other 18 processes boiled.

These 5 kinds of "Guizhou specialties", unique and delicious, have you ever eaten silk dolls?

The history of boiling brown sugar from ancestors to the present has been handed down for hundreds of years, and the formula that has been continuously improved has been repeatedly rehearsed and rehearsed, and the unique craftsmanship has made the brown sugar pure and healthy. Not only does it contain harmful additives, but it also retains a variety of trace elements that are conducive to human absorption in addition to sucrose.

What other Guizhou cuisine have you eaten?

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