
The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

author:Dr. Radiology

Introduction: With the improvement of living standards, some people who pay attention to health are accustomed to eating big fish and meat on weekdays, eating habits are also evolving, I don't know when to start eating coarse grains, the benefits of eating more coarse grains are obvious, they all say that the grains we eat are too fine, we should eat more coarse grains, good for the body, eating coarse grains is indeed good for the body, then what are the benefits in the end? There are three main benefits that are generally considered.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

The first benefit of eating more coarse grains can prevent and treat obesity, because the bran of coarse grains is rich in dietary fiber, which can increase satiety after absorbing water and expanding, and then avoid a high incidence of obesity caused by excessive intake of other foods due to hunger.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

The second benefit of eating more coarse grains is to prevent and treat constipation, because the dietary fiber in the bran in the coarse grain can also mechanically stimulate the peristalsis of the intestine, which in turn can make the stool drain relatively smoother and smoother.

The third benefit of eating more coarse grains is to provide the body with sufficient vitamins and minerals, especially in the germ and bran of coarse grains, which contain minerals and vitamins more abundantly, so the benefits of supplementing vitamins and minerals are also very obvious.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

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Let's talk about it: the difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, can corn products be counted as coarse grains? Teach you a trick to distinguish between real and fake whole wheat flour.

It is better to eat multigrain noodles than to eat miscellaneous grains

It is advocated to eat miscellaneous grains, and the multigrain noodles are also on fire, because it is very convenient to cook, especially by the elderly. But is the multigrain noodles good or not? Are there any losses of nutrients?

Wang Yumei, director of the Department of Nutrition of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University, pointed out that there is no doubt that grains have no doubt about the health benefits, such as eating more meat in autumn and winter, and using oats to help reduce cholesterol in the blood.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

However, it is better to make grain noodles than to eat grains directly. Wu Tao, a nutrition department of Beijing Tongren Hospital, once explained from the perspective of health, first of all, the processing time may not be able to ensure that the manufacturer does not put other additives; secondly, due to the crushing of the machine, it may cause the loss of dietary fiber, minerals and other trace elements; secondly, due to the relatively high temperature of the machine, the powder will not be directly packaged after beating, and some nutrients will be destroyed.

If there is no additive in the multigrain noodles, the processing method is more reasonable, and there is no difference between the basic and eating miscellaneous grains, but we must pay attention to the amount of consumption.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

Grind grains into powder or beat into rice paste to eat, grains from large particles to small particles, easier to digest and absorb, chronic disease patients should pay special attention, such as diabetics, excessive consumption of grain noodles is easy to cause rapid rise in blood sugar; and for patients with low blood sugar, first of all, to find out the cause of low blood sugar, relying on eating grain noodles can not solve the root cause.

Wu Tao stressed that after all, grains are relatively rough, not very easy to digest, and people with poor gastrointestinal function are recommended to eat less even if they are powdered. In addition, patients with cirrhosis of the liver and ascites, because of the esophagus, gastric varicose veins, eating grains is easy to scratch the esophagus, and it is not recommended to eat. The preservation method after powdering will also affect the nutritional value.

Because these foods contain trace amounts of fat, after being powdered, the contact area with oxygen in the air is greatly increased, which is very prone to oxidation, not only reduces the nutritional value, but also produces some substances that are not good for health. Once damp, nutrient-rich powder will also create a good living space for microorganisms and pose a threat to human health.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

It is recommended to eat as many grains as possible, and the less processing the better. If you buy multigrain noodles, it is best to put them in a storage container that is isolated from moisture, such as a sealed jar. The spoon used to scoop the noodles must be kept dry.

Corn products are not necessarily all coarse grains

Stick noodle porridge, sticker cakes, vegetable dumplings, nest heads, corn cakes, etc., their raw materials are actually corn. But can corn products be counted as coarse grains? The answer is: not necessarily.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

In contrast to coarse grains, fine grains remove the grain skin, paste layer and grain embryo from the grain during processing. Coarse grain taste is relatively rough, eat a little stingy throat, grain embryo is not conducive to long-term storage, so in the fine processing, these parts have been polished off, leaving only a good taste, nutritious but single endosperm. Speaking of corn, if you just nibble on the corn cob and eat the corn kernels and the small grains on the cob, it is a coarse grain. But if it is made into cornmeal, etc., it is not necessarily.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

Now the corn flour, generally is the skin is ground off, and to grind two or three times, to the skin and then flour, the obtained corn flour without grain and paste layer, the grain embryo has long been lost, the taste is delicate, has been and "fine grain" almost. When purchasing, it should be noted that cornmeal with a particularly delicate texture must be peeled, and if the cortex exists, the texture of cornmeal will be relatively loose and slightly rough. Moreover, the cornmeal from the whole corn kernel grinding has a more intense taste, and the taste will be very different after cooking.

Rub whole wheat flour to distinguish between true and false

To prevent and control various chronic diseases, staple foods cannot be too refined. It is now recommended to eat whole grains, especially whole grains. But whether it is whole wheat flour or made whole wheat bread or steamed buns, it is not necessarily genuine.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

First of all, look at whole wheat flour, whole wheat flour should contain bran, paste layer, endosperm, germ 4 parts, that is, the whole part of the wheat grain, by the whole wheat through the milling, screening (grading the appropriate particle size) and other steps, to maintain the same proportion of the original whole wheat endosperm, bran and germ and other components of the product. Whole wheat flour is rich in B vitaminS vitamin E, calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals and dietary fiber, which is the highest nutritional value among various flours.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

But it is precisely because of this that real whole wheat flour is easy to worm, not easy to preserve, and it is a bit difficult to sell in the market for a long time. So, some of the whole wheat flour sold outside now is not really whole wheat at all, but is made by adding some bran to the whole wheat flour, which can help identify the true and false full flour.

For example, when buying, you can rub whole wheat flour in the palm of your hand, you can see that there is crushed bran in it, but the color of the noodles will not be too dark, and if the color of the flour is unusually black, consider whether there is an additive. In addition, when buying whole wheat flour or whole wheat products (steamed buns, bread), if you see the presence of large pieces of wheat bran, it is likely that it is "blended" with ordinary flour and wheat bran.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

Although whole wheat flour has high nutritional value, it will turn darker after processing, and the taste is rougher than that of ordinary flour. Therefore, when making steamed buns, bread or noodles, you can start with a small amount of addition, gradually adapt to it, and then increase the dosage. It is recommended to make some fermented foods, such as whole wheat bread, hair cake, steamed buns and other B vitamins can be multiplied by fermentation, improve utilization, and at the same time, dietary fiber is also easier to digest and absorb in the gastrointestinal tract. When making steamed buns, pure milk and noodles can be used, and bread and cakes can also be made with a bread machine, according to the ratio of ingredients, one-click operation, relatively simple.

The difference between multigrain noodles and miscellaneous grains, corn products are counted as coarse grains? One trick to distinguish between whole wheat flour and fake

Whole wheat flour is known as a special flour for diabetic patients, and it is beneficial to lower cholesterol, control blood sugar, and maintain intestinal health, and patients with chronic diseases, the elderly, and obese and overweight people can eat in moderation.

Conclusion: While affirming "coarse grains", it is not to deny the importance of "fine grains", but to compare from the perspective of intention, human food is diverse, and the nutrients contained in various foods are not exactly the same. No single natural food can provide all the nutrients the body needs. A balanced diet must be composed of a variety of foods in order to meet the various nutritional needs of the human body and achieve the purpose of reasonable nutrition and health promotion.

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