
Lin Hai Xueyuan Bandit Record (Shelling Wufeng Lou) Gao Mengqing

author:The appearance is like a great river

In late February 1946, after our two detachments occupied Chunyang, the old nest of bandits in the south of the Mudanjiang River, some of the Maxishan bandits who were wandering in this area were annihilated, some of them collapsed, and some of them crossed the snowfield of Linhai and sneaked into the Jingpo Lake area.

In order not to give the enemy a chance to breathe, the head of the detachment ordered a regiment to follow up and completely annihilate the bandits in the Jingpo Lake area.

Jingpo Lake is located in the southwest of Ning'an County, Heilongjiang. Here the mountains are densely forested, the terrain is steep, and the fish and rice are abundant along the lake, which was once the base of my anti-Japanese coalition army. Today, the bandits are trying to take advantage of the favorable conditions here and resist us for a long time.

WufengLou is an important gateway in the southern area of Jingpo Lake, and is the only place for Chunyang to lead to Jingpo Lake. The leader of the detachment decided to first take down the Wufeng Tower, smash the gate of Jingpo Lake, and then decide the next action according to the development of the situation.

The task of attacking the Wufeng Tower was given to us, and several mountain cannons and mortars were assigned to us.

Chunyang is more than seventy miles away from WufengLou, and the road is full of high mountains and mountains, and there is only one small road in the middle. In order to destroy the enemy by surprise, the head of the detachment decided to take our best trick - to destroy the enemy by night raids. At the pre-war combat meeting, the regimental commander had intended to give the task of the main offensive to a battalion. However, the commander of the third battalion, Li Camp and Instructor Ni, strongly demanded to be the main attacker. Therefore, the regimental commander changed his plan and handed over the main offensive task to the three battalions. The Third Battalion gave the task of serving as a sharp knife company to the Seventh Company.

After the troops set off, Liu Jinkai, director of the Political Department, called me (who was then serving as a mission officer) and Comrade Miao Jingwu, the technical secretary, to accompany the three battalions, and after the battle began, he assisted the three battalions in battlefield agitation and battlefield rescue work.

After a night of marching, we arrived at the Wufeng Tower before dawn. Just as the units were moving toward the enemy separately, there was a sudden "clang" and a shot was fired in our backs (it was later learned that a soldier from the detachment headquarters had accidentally gone off fire). Soon, the enemy of the Five Phoenix Tower was heard blowing an emergency assembly whistle, and at the same time, a signal flare was raised. Obviously, we have been exposed, and the enemy has discovered. Just at this moment, the sky suddenly blew a snowy storm, blowing no one on the other side. This is a godsend, and it is the best time for the troops to launch an assault on the enemy.

Unexpectedly, the seventh company, which was tasked with the sharp knife company, got lost in the snowstorm, and two of them fell in line and did not follow. Comrade Tang Xiaowu, commander of the Seventh Company, fell to his feet in a hurry, and his mouth cried bitterly. At this time, Comrade Ni Chunxi, the instructor, touched the blizzard and urged him to quickly launch an attack. The commander of Tang Company reported the situation of the two platoons falling behind to Instructor Ni, and Instructor Ni immediately ordered Commander Tang to quickly find them.

By this time, the blizzard had gradually stopped and the sky had begun to brighten. Comrade Xiao Yongzhi, deputy regimental commander who was standing at the top of the hill and commanding this battle, raised his telescope and looked at the Wufeng Tower, only to see that the Wufeng Tower was surrounded by high mountains, and in the middle was a small plain, and the Wufeng Tower was located in the middle of the small plain, and there were three or four hundred meters of open land on all sides, and such terrain was not conducive to daytime attacks. So he gave the order to stop the impact, get ready, and attack again in the evening.

However, when the order was delivered to the third battalion, it was too late, and after the Tang Company Commander of the Seventh Company received the two platoons that had fallen behind, he led the whole company to attack the Wufeng Tower.

The cunning enemy did not let go of a single shot, but when the seven companies rushed to less than a hundred meters away from them, they concentrated their light and heavy weapons and opened fire on them at the same time. The warriors fell to the ground.

But the warriors of the Seventh Company were not overwhelmed by the dense rain of bullets from the enemy, still shouting to kill, and rushed forward one after another, and several warriors fell down when they were about to rush to the enemy's wall. Due to the enemy's fierce fire, the assault platoons that rushed to the front had suffered casualties, and the two platoons in the back had also suffered more than half of the casualties. The company was no longer able to advance and had to stop for a while.

Comrade Liu Bingyi, the deputy battalion commander who commanded the impact of the Seventh Company, saw this situation and was so angry that his eyes were on fire, and he grabbed a grenadier from a soldier's hand and shot at the enemy.

The Ninth Company, which was on the task of the reserve, could not bear it any longer, stood up from the ground with a hula, put on the bayonet, and asked The Ni Chunxi Instructor to allow them to rush down the mountain to avenge the Seventh Company.

With tears in his eyes, Instructor Ni waved them to sit down and told them to obey the orders of the regimental headquarters, prepare during the day, and attack again at night.

When commander Tian Song of the detachment learned of the defeat of the Seventh Company, he was very angry and immediately ordered the artillery to fire at the enemy, overwhelm the enemy's fire, and cover the troops to rescue the wounded.

At that time, I was on the mountain, assisting the comrades of the regimental health team to organize the rescue of the wounded, and witnessed our shells falling one by one on the enemy's fortifications and walls, blowing up the enemy's hiding in the east and west, and the flesh and blood were flying everywhere.

The shelling went on for more than an hour, and the enemy could not bear it, opened the east gate, and a man came out, holding a white flag in his hand, and came to our position. It turned out to be representatives of the enemy faction, begging us to stop the shelling, and they were willing to surrender in their entirety.

Commander Tian agreed to their request, telling them that as long as they lay down their weapons and surrender completely, our army would guarantee their safety.

The enemy's representatives quickly ran back to the Wufeng Tower, and soon a wooden pole was erected in the center of the Wufeng Tower, on which a white flag was hung, indicating that they all surrendered to us.

Deputy Regiment Commander Xiao ordered the first battalion to monitor the enemy on the hill to prevent the enemy from playing tricks, and ordered some comrades of the regimental headquarters and the three battalions to go down the hill to accept the enemy's surrender.

I followed the Ninth Company into the Fifth Phoenix Building, only to see the corpses of the enemy everywhere.

The enemy who laid down his weapons stood neatly on the side of the street, all showing a frightened look, and the brand-new Japanese heavy machine guns were mounted on the other side of the street, waiting for us to receive them.

On the second day of the battle of Wufenglou, we released all the prisoners, buried the martyrs who died, and then marched to the last stronghold of the bandits, the South Lake.

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