
Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

author:Ming Shi Ming Ming

In September 1976, the great Chairman Mao died, and in that long list of spiritual guardians, there was an ordinary and almost unknown spiritual guardian, she was Meng Jinyun, a person who last accompanied Chairman Mao for 489 days and nights.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

She was a witness to Chairman Mao's last journey of life. He was also the president's dance partner and nurse!

Meng Jinyun, a native of Hubei, was admitted to the Air Politics Song and Dance Troupe at the age of 12.

In April 1963, Meng Jinyun had the privilege of coming to Zhongnanhai for the first time, when she was only 14 years old.

They came here to attend the prom.

When the dance party began, Meng Jinyun had the honor of dancing with Chairman Mao.

Dancing with Chairman Mao, Meng Jinyun was very nervous inside, some hands were in a hurry, she was in a hurry, she didn't know how to dance, what rhythm, music, dance steps were all chaotic, I don't know which foot to take, which side to turn.

Chairman Mao saw her panic and comforted Meng Jinyun that she danced well, and after a while, Meng Jinyun gradually relaxed and found the feeling of dancing.

"Are you new here?"

"My first time here."

"No wonder I haven't seen you. Little comrade, what's your name? ”

"Meng Jinyun."

"Oh, Meng Jinyun, the same surname as Meng Fuzi." The name is good, and the icing on the cake is more beautiful than the icing on the cake. Where are you from? ”

"It's Wuhan, Hubei."

"Oh, Hubei, across a lake, is my half a little fellow countryman!"

Meng Jinyun felt that Chairman Mao was a very easy person to get close to. Chairman Mao's cordiality dispelled Meng Jinyun's nervousness and panic.

In this way, she and Chairman Mao met.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

Since then, Meng Jinyun has gone to Zhongnanhai almost every week to attend a dance party, and every time he will dance with the chairman.

The young Meng Jinyun was simple, alert, lively, full of childish questions, and often led the chairman to laugh.

"Sir, there is a mole under your mouth, and listen to my grandmother, this is a blessed mole."

After hearing this, Chairman Mao looked at Meng Jinyun's white and pure face, which also had a small mole, and smiled and said:

"You also have a mole on your face, so you are blessed too."

"That's not it, your mole is a Hunan mole, my mole is a Hubei mole, and the place grows differently."

Chairman Mao couldn't help but laugh: "I didn't expect that you were still a little nine-headed bird." ”

"What? Nine-headed bird? ”

"Nine-headed bird in the sky, Hubei Yankee in the underground, you know?"

"Of course, I know, the nine-headed bird is very powerful."

"That means that your little nine-headed bird is very powerful."

"I don't want to be a nine-headed bird, I don't want people to say I'm good."

"Oh, and that's such a big concern? I'd like to be a nine-headed bird, but I just want to be a bird and not be able to be." ”

"I think the nine-headed bird is not good, it's terrible."

Chairman Mao and Meng Jinyun talked about the deliciousness of Wuchang fish, the sweet aroma of Xiaogan hemp sugar, the beauty of East Lake, the story of Guishan Snake Mountain, and the legend of Wudang Mountain, which Chairman Mao knew very well.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

Chairman Mao was very fond of the new little comrades, and especially for his half-little compatriots.

In 1967, because Meng Jinyun told her brother a lot about the situation of the Air Force, her brother realized that the young generals at that time were inquiring about the news of the chairman, and immediately wrote down two materials and decided to react upwards.

One copy was placed in his own box and kept properly, and the other, closely intercourse to Ku Dafu, was transferred from Ku to Jiang Qing. At that time, they were naïve enough to think that it had been transferred to Jiang Qing, so they transferred it to Chairman Mao, but unfortunately they did not know that this material had fallen into the hands of Ye Qun.

Soon Meng Jinyun's brother was raided, and Meng Jinyun was also locked up in the spring of 1968.

After that, Meng Jinyun was reformed by labor, she went to the field, planted fields, pulled grass, and a year later was sent to Xi'an Dali Farm, and then to Lanzhou, Gansu. A few years later, he went to Zhuo County and then returned to Wuhan, Hubei Province.

From the spring of 1968 to the spring of 1973, she was isolated from the world for five years.

Soon after, Ms. Meng was assigned to work as a nurse at a hospital in Wuhan, where she went from being a dancer to a nurse for patients.

Soon she was married, and life seemed calm, but many questions lingered in her mind: Why was my problem solved all at once? Why do you say that I have no problems, but do not let me return to the cultural and labor troupe, and why do the leaders of Wuhan Hospital repeatedly emphasize that no one should talk about their own problems in the Cultural Revolution? Why is it that the people who joined the army at the same time as me are set at level twenty-two, but only twenty-three levels are given to me?

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

She thought she still had black material in her file and felt that she had been treated unfairly, and decided to go to Beijing to ask her questions.

In Beijing, she was fortunate to meet a Xiaoli who was under the same censorship as her, and Xiaoli had already met Chairman Mao.

Once, Xiao Li came to Chairman Mao's side again and told the chairman about Meng Jinyun, and happily, Chairman Mao had not forgotten his half fellow countryman.

"Can Xiao Meng go back to Beijing?"

"Of course, such a big Beijing can't hold half of my fellow countrymen!"

"Can Xiao Meng return to the Air Force Cultural and Industrial Corps?"


"Can Xiao Meng go back to the literary troupe and dance with us?"

"Yes, yes!"

With the chairman's concern, Meng Jinyun soon met Chairman Mao again.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

In August 1975, Meng Jinyun came to Zhongnanhai again with nervousness and uneasiness.

From 1967 to 1975, in 8 years, Chairman Mao went through a lot of major national events, and also came into contact with many people and unimaginable people, but when Meng Jinyun appeared in front of him, he immediately recalled his memories of the past, that is, the half of the little fellow he met at the dance more than ten years ago.

Meng Jinyun excitedly greeted the chairman: "Chairman, I am Meng Jinyun from Hubei. ”

"Remember, aren't you just half a little fellow of mine?"

"Chairman, I came to rehabilitate you."

Chairman Mao looked at Meng Jinyun at this time, still the pure and cheerful girl of eight years ago.

"You haven't come to see me for so many years, and when you meet me, let me rehabilitate you.

"I don't want to come, I just can't come."

Meng Jinyun told the chairman one by one about his encounters and experiences in the past few years...

Chairman Mao's eyes were moist, and he never imagined that such a frank girl had suffered such a great torment.

"You don't have to talk about it, you come, everything will be easy to do, you will stay with me to work."

Meng Jinyun could not believe that he could work by Chairman Mao's side, but the chairman said this again.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

"You stay with me to work!" The Chairman said affirmatively!

Meng Jinyun didn't know how to answer, but she replied with a straightforward personality: "I am looking for you to rehabilitate, and there must be black material in my file." ”

"You work by my side, you are rehabilitated, you are my daughter, but also my friend." 」

Since then, Meng Jinyun has entered Zhongnanhai, stayed with the chairman and became a medical staff by the chairman's side, and became the last nurse to accompany the chairman for the last 489 days and nights.

The day was May 24, 1975.

On the second day of working in Zhongnanhai, she chatted with Chairman Mao:

"Chairman, I came in such a hurry that I didn't even bring a change of clothes, I want to take a few days off to get my clothes."

"It seems that you are still uneasy with me." I work here, I don't need money for eating, I don't need money for dressing, I don't need money for housing, and I can read enough books. Your clothes can be made here. I pay for it. ”

"Are you really generous, the clothes I came to put in Wuhan, aren't they also wasted?" Otherwise, I'll let Xiao Pei send it to me. ”

"This is also the way, you Mengfuzi, if you don't have black material in your file, you still wouldn't come to see me." It has been eight years since I went, and it seems that there is still black material in the archives. Chairman Mao also said jokingly.

"What's the use of you complaining about me, you are such a big leader, can you come when you want to come, if you want to call me earlier, won't I come?"

"Yes, you have your difficulties, I have my environment, and the red wall of Zhongnanhai has blocked you."

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

Meng Jinyun rarely went home after working with Chairman Mao, and when he came home one day a week, he also came and went in a hurry, and many relatives and friends wanted to see her, because they wanted to learn some secrets from her, but they did not dare to inquire.

When Meng Jinyun first arrived at the chairman's side, there were two staff members around the chairman, in addition to Zhang Yufeng, who was her confidential secretary of life, and there was a nurse, and later this nurse was transferred, and the task of mainly taking care of the chairman fell on Meng Jinyun's body.

The relationship between Meng Jinyun and the chairman is very good, there is always talk and laughter, whether it is after tea or garden paths, it is very harmonious.

Chairman Mao liked physical exercise, but when he entered the old age, his body was unwilling to exercise, the law of life was completely broken, there was no distinction between day and night, and taking medicine, eating, sleeping, reading, listening to, and reading documents were the main contents of his life.

However, during this time, Meng Jinyun accompanied the chairman to Wangfujing to see, and one morning she persuaded the chairman to go to the garden for a walk, and the chairman agreed.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

Meng Jinyun's husband lives across the street from Zhongnanhai, but due to the nature of Meng Jinyun's work, her husband is always alone.

One day in September 1976, Meng Jinyun took a leave of absence to go home to visit her long-lost husband.

Meng Jinyun arrived home at 5 p.m., and was suddenly urgently recalled to Zhongnanhai at 7:15 p.m., only to learn that the chairman was ill.

On September 8, Meng Jinyun came to take over again, and at 7 o'clock, she was massaged by the chairman, who said in a very low voice: "I am very uncomfortable, call the doctor to come." ”

It took more than 4 hours to rescue, but the chairman never woke up.

His last words were to Meng Jinyun: "I am very uncomfortable, call the doctor." ”

Meng Jinyun was left to sort out the chairman's relics, she closed the chairman's unfinished books, and folded the chairman's last changed clothes neatly together...

Chairman Mao's bedroom usually had no special approval, and no one was ever allowed to come in, only Meng Jinyun and Zhang Yufeng, but at this time, people from all walks of life arrived.

On September 10, 1976, late at night, Chairman Mao left Zhongnanhai, where he had lived for more than 20 years, and came to the Great Hall of the People.

In the front hall of the Great Hall, Chairman Mao's body was carried and placed on a platform in the center of the hall, which had long been placed. Hua Guofeng and Chen Xilian were in front, Zhang Chunqiao and Wang Hongwen were in the back, and the four of them pulled a fiery red party flag and gently covered Mao Zedong's body. After the cover was finished, he pulled on all four sides, and a party flag covered his body. Then, a crystal glass coffin was covered, and flowers and cypresses were placed around the crystal coffin.

Mao Zedong was unwilling to exercise, and only Meng Jinyun could persuade him to hear Chairman Mao's last words

Everything was laid out, and the Politburo members left four people to keep vigil tonight.

At this time, Zhang Yufeng and Meng Jinyun still did not leave, but they did not know what to do and what to sort out...

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