
A year before the chairman died, Meng Jinyun asked him for leave to give birth, why did the chairman refuse in person?


Chairman Mao, China's great leader, was lonely and desolate in his old age. Except for Zhang Yufeng and Meng Jinyun, the two personal staff, there is not much companionship. In their later years, they witnessed the unknown side of Chairman Mao and felt his deep hidden delicate emotions.

Zhang Yufeng, responsible for work reporting, also serves as the chairman's confidential secretary. She was a very serious person and always arranged Chairman Mao's work in an orderly manner. Even if her literary style is insufficient, her victory lies in her diligence and secrecy. The President trusted her and entrusted her with important matters, and she always lived up to her mission. However, there were conflicts between the two, but Chairman Mao understood her concerns, because he knew that she was for his health, so he always tolerated her character and maintained a father-daughter relationship.

A year before the chairman died, Meng Jinyun asked him for leave to give birth, why did the chairman refuse in person?

Meng Jinyun, young and lively, was responsible for taking care of Chairman Mao's daily life. She is a quiet person, but her mind is very delicate. She had suffered unfair treatment and was wrongfully imprisoned, but under Chairman Mao's concern, she was finally cleared of her wrongs. Chairman Mao's life became cheerful because of her company. The chairman talked to her about her ideas, told stories, imparted wisdom, and gradually improved her thinking.

On the chairman's 82nd birthday, Meng Jinyun and other staff members celebrated the chairman's birthday, and although the chairman lived a simple life, they all felt the warmth and happiness. However, they did not know that this would be the last birthday of the chairman.

A year before the chairman died, Meng Jinyun asked him for leave to give birth, why did the chairman refuse in person?

Meng Jinyun was only 14 years old when she first met the chairman, and she was very excited about this great leader. However, after interacting with the chairman, she found him approachable and made her feel close. This meeting served as a foreshadowing for her later work with the chairman.

Despite the turmoil in the country and the injustices suffered by Meng Jinyun, Chairman Mao always cared for her. He helped her clear her wrongs and put her back on the side of justice. However, when Meng Jinyun offered to take leave to give birth, the chairman refused her and said, "Wait another year, and you will ask for it when I die." This sentence made Meng Jinyun unforgettable, she understood the chairman's feelings, because he knew that his limit was coming.

A year before the chairman died, Meng Jinyun asked him for leave to give birth, why did the chairman refuse in person?

On September 8, 1976, Chairman Mao's health deteriorated sharply, and Meng Jinyun was by his side in his last moments. The chairman's life stopped beating at the age of 83, and Meng Jinyun unwittingly became the last witness in the chairman's life. In the 489 days she has been with the President, she has learned a lot and deeply felt everything that the President has given for the country and the people. At that moment, she understood the great contribution of the President to the country throughout his life, as well as the tenacity and courage he represented, which will always be remembered in her heart and passed on to future generations.

A year before the chairman died, Meng Jinyun asked him for leave to give birth, why did the chairman refuse in person?

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