
Long March Hero Spectrum - Li Guiying

author:Bei'an Procuratorate
Long March Hero Spectrum - Li Guiying

Li Guiying

Li Guiying, female. Born in 1907, a native of Xunwu, Jiangxi. His original name was Li Guihong. Born into a poor peasant family.

He joined the Communist Youth League of China in 1930 and transferred to the Communist Party of China in 1933. In September 1931, he joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and when he served as the secretary of the Cpc Committee of Changmazhou District and the deputy leader of the Commando Brigade of the Expanding Red Army, he was awarded the title of "Model of Expanding Red". Later, he served as the director of the Women's Department of the Huichang County CPC Committee and the deputy director of the Women's Department of the Guangdong Provincial Cpc Committee. During the Long March, he served as the political instructor of the Transport Company of the Ministry of Health of the Central Working Regiment, the instructor of the Sichuan-Dianqian guerrilla group, and the deputy director of the Political Department. Guerrilla warfare persisted in the sichuan-Yunnan border areas, covering the Red Army's crossing of the Jinsha River.

Long March Hero Spectrum - Li Guiying

Li Guiying and her husband Dai Yuanhuai

At the end of 1936, he was wounded in battle and arrested, unyielding. In the autumn of 1937, he was rescued by the central organization and released. Since 1938, he has served as the captain of the women's team of the New Fourth Army Field Service Regiment, the squadron leader of the teaching corps, the director of the Women's Department of the Anhui South Special Committee of the CPC, the secretary of the Women's Committee of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army Division, the political instructor of the Division's Military Industry Department, and the secretary of the CPC General Branch of the Political Department of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Military Region. During the Liberation War, after serving as director of the Political Department directly under the Ministry of Health of the East China Military Region, he successively served as the chief of the Organization Section of the Quartermaster Department of the Logistics Department of the East China Military Region, the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Military Industry Trade Union, the director of the Political Department directly under the Quartermaster Department of the Logistics Department of the East China Military Region, and the vice president of the Qingdao Sanatorium in Shandong Province. He retired in 1981. In July 1988, he was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Red Star of the Second Class. He died in Nanjing on February 10, 1997 at the age of 90.

Source: Learn every day and read the WeChat public account every day

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