
be dumbfounded! 30 years of divorce Long Qianyu knew that the 7-year marriage had no legal effect

author:Taiwanese music lovers
be dumbfounded! 30 years of divorce Long Qianyu knew that the 7-year marriage had no legal effect

Long Qianyu had a word for the high point of shock a few days ago. Photo/and exhibition film and television provided

59-year-old Long Qianyu recently went to the high point "Zhen Zhen has words", talking about the new album "Married" Long Qianyu is mostly nostalgic for her deceased father, when she was only 22 years old, she resolutely decided to register her marriage with her ex-husband despite her parents' opposition, and the host Xie Zhenwu reminded her that the law recognized that there was a need for a public banquet ceremony or court notarization, and the marriage had legal effect, so that Long Qianyu couldn't help but exclaim: "Is this so?" I just found out today!"

After entering the show business circle, Long Qianyu did not go well at first, when she was 22 years old, despite the opposition of her parents, she insisted on registering her marriage with her ex-husband in a low key, Long Qianyu said that she did not wear a white veil, there was no wedding, just registered for marriage, and her father only said to Long Qianyu at that time: "You know that the situation in the family should not marry so early, but you insist that your father can only bless, and there may be some situations in the future that you have to bear yourself."

Long Qianyu first publicly talked about the marriage that year did not report the household registration, until the child to enroll in school to report the household registration, for Long Qianyu mentioned that only registered with her ex-husband, the host Xie Zhenwu directly pointed out that "the law recognized that there was a need for a public banquet or a court notarization, and only registering a marriage without a banquet did not have legal effect." Long Qianyu looked at the guests Shen Jingjia and Xie Zhenwu in surprise and said, "Is that so?" I just found out today!" However, the marriage that lasted for 7 years finally drew an end when she was 29 years old because the couple gathered less and left more.

In order to fight for her career, she and her children gathered less and more, often working until midnight to return home, one day she saw a note posted on the door of her son, writing, "Mom, no matter what time you come back today, you must call me." She forced herself to endure sadness and said, "At that time, I didn't dare to wake my son up, I only dared to go into the room and kiss my son." She also confessed that she had complained about others and felt that why she could not live like a normal person. She also said that if she can choose again, she will insist on not divorcing for the sake of her children, be a good mother for her children, and do what a mother should do.

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