
The well-known singer Long Qianyu has bought 10 towers after suffering from cancer, hoping that his family will be together

author:Eight-point dynamics

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Life and death are like dreams, and everyone's attitude towards them is different. Some people can deal with it calmly and look down on life and death, while others are confused and unable to let go. This phenomenon is vividly reflected in the life of the well-known singer Long Qianyu.

Long Qianyu, once a star in the music world, is popular for her beautiful voice and soulful singing. Her songs such as "I Really Only Love You", "Happy Love", "Losing People Don't Lose the Battle", "The Third Cup of Wine" and so on, are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and are known as the "Queen of Love Songs". However, behind her life is full of ups and downs.

Long Qianyu, 60 years old, has a pair of children after marriage, and her life seems to be plain but full of happiness. In her early years, she married Cao Nanping, the third brother of the well-known artist Cao Xiping, but this marriage was not known to the outside world. Because of the incompatibility of each other's personalities, they did not survive the "seven-year itch".

The well-known singer Long Qianyu has bought 10 towers after suffering from cancer, hoping that his family will be together

However, a turning point of fate struck 12 years ago. The sudden death of 29-year-old actress Cao Chunling has aroused the attention of the media and the public. What is shocking is that she is the eldest daughter of Long Qianyu and Cao Nanping. The death of her daughter caused Long Qianyu to fall into self-blame and pain, and she was sealed for nine months. However, for the sake of her mother, she chose to be strong and move on.

However, fate did not spare her. His son Cao Yongli suffered a serious car accident in Australia, fortunately, he managed to escape, but all this made Long Qianyu's mood worse.

Life's setbacks don't end there. 22 years ago, Long Qianyu accidentally found that he had a peanut-sized foreign body on his neck. After diagnosis, she learned that it was a thyroid malignancy. Luckily, the surgery was a great success, but this life-or-death test made her cherish every moment even more.

The well-known singer Long Qianyu has bought 10 towers after suffering from cancer, hoping that his family will be together

After going through so many tribulations, Long Qianyu has a deeper understanding of life and death. She believes that "the impermanence of life is normal", and she herself has long looked down on life and death. Especially for the aftermath, she has been prepared, buying insurance and the tower of the cemetery, a total of 10.

At present, she has used up 4 of them, namely grandpa, grandma, dad and uncle. And the remaining six are for the family. Although such a topic makes people feel unlucky, life and death are inevitable realities after all, and the reason why Long Qianyu faces it so calmly is precisely because she knows the fragility of life.

Long Qianyu said she hopes her family can be reunited and spend the rest of her life together. As for the location of the tower, she said: "Whoever goes first will choose a seat first, depending on where you want to be." Although this sentence seems to be prosaic, it contains a profound philosophy of life.

The well-known singer Long Qianyu has bought 10 towers after suffering from cancer, hoping that his family will be together

The tribulations of life have changed Long Qianyu's heart, especially her attitude towards her family. She recently invested millions to co-found a skin care company with her family, expressing her greater appreciation for her family. She deeply understands that the order of tomorrow and the unexpected is unpredictable, and only by cherishing the present and treating life is the best respect.

Long Qianyu's life experience, like an affectionate song, sings the impermanence of life and death, and realizes the preciousness of life. Everyone's life will have ups and downs, but only tenacity and cherishing can find inner peace in the journey of life and death. Whether it's adversity or good, life is worth loving and cherishing every moment, because life and death are just a momentary thing, and in the end, we will all face it.

The well-known singer Long Qianyu has bought 10 towers after suffering from cancer, hoping that his family will be together

Enlightenment: Cherish life and understand the impermanence of life and death

The article mentions the life experience of the well-known singer Long Qianyu, who is not only an excellent singer, but also a person full of hardships in life. Her story teaches us some important lessons:

First of all, life and death are only momentary things. Long Qianyu's experience shows that we can't control life and death in life, they will always come at a certain moment. Therefore, we should understand the fragility of life, not to despise each day, and to cherish the present moment.

Second, understand the impermanence of life and death. Long Qianyu's experience is full of frustration and sadness, but she has learned to look down on life and death. This suggests that we should understand that life and death are an inevitable part of life, rather than being afraid of them. Only when we accept the impermanence of life and death can we better enjoy life and reduce anxiety and fear.

The well-known singer Long Qianyu has bought 10 towers after suffering from cancer, hoping that his family will be together

Furthermore, family and affection are crucial. Long Qianyu's story emphasizes the importance of family, and she invests in a partnership to make skin care products for her family, hoping that her family can be together. This tells us that family affection is the most precious treasure in life, and we should cherish our family members more and care about their needs.

In addition, life planning and preparation are also necessary. Long Qianyu had already made a life plan for herself and her family, including buying insurance and choosing a tower location. This is a wise decision because these plans can provide some security in unpredictable situations in life. At this point, we can also learn from her prudence.

Overall, the story of Long Qianyu reminds us that life is short and life and death are impermanent, but we can better face this reality by cherishing life, understanding life and death, caring for our families, and planning well. These revelations are valuable experiences that each of us can apply in our own lives.

Summary: Cherish the present, understand life and death, care for your family, and make a good life plan

The life experience of the well-known singer Long Qianyu provides us with many enlightenments worth pondering. She shows a tenacity and open-mindedness in the face of the impermanence of life and death, qualities that can play an important role in our lives.

First, cherish life in the moment. Life is too short to ignore. The story of Long Qianyu tells us that we cannot predict the unexpected events in life, but we can cherish every day and enjoy the present life, because this is the best respect for life. Don't let everyday chores, resentments, or worries dominate your life, but be grateful for every mundane moment.

Second, understand the impermanence of life and death. Life and death are a part of life, and they are inevitable, but we can learn to look down on life and death and accept their existence. Long Qianyu's tenacity and open-mindedness teach us that fear of life and death does not change anything, but rather fills life with anxiety and fear. Therefore, understanding the impermanence of life and death and learning to accept them can make us face life more calmly.

Third, family and kinship are crucial. Long Qianyu invested in a partnership to make skin care products for her family, and her story emphasized the preciousness of family affection. Family is the support system in our lives and is where we can rely on and share our joy. Therefore, we should care more about and cherish our family and maintain the bond of affection, as it is one of the most important treasures in life.

Finally, plan and prepare for life. Long Qianyu had already made a life plan for herself and her family, including buying insurance and choosing a tower location. This cautious attitude is worth learning from because it can provide some security in our lives. Life's unpredictable events can happen at any time, but by having planning and preventative measures, we can better cope with these challenges.

Overall, Long Qianyu's story is an important lesson about cherishing the present, understanding life and death, caring for family members, and planning for life. These revelations can help us better cope with life's setbacks and difficulties while enjoying life's beautiful moments better. Life is short and precious, and we should live each day with gratitude while passing on love and care to those around us.

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