
"A Hundred Years of Follows - Walking the Road You Came" series of reports (2) Ma Lun, the first secretary of the Suqian County CPC Committee who dared to resist and devote himself to the revolution

author:Suqian Network

Suqian Network News (Reporter Gu Yuanyuan/Wen Xiaoweiwei/Photo) Flowers are full of trees, and the spring light is coming, and the Huailun community in Daxing Town, Suyu District, is such a vibrant scene. This is a red hot land, the first secretary of the Suqian County CPC Committee Ma Lun was born here, and the first party branch in Suqian County, the Mazhuang Branch of the CPC, was also born here. Talking about this history, the elderly and children in the community can say a few words.

Recently, the all-media reporting team of Suqian Daily followed in Ma Lun's footsteps and explored his revolutionary life in just 27 years, but with ups and downs.

Take the initiative to call for progress and join the revolution

Ma Lun (1903-1930), also known as Ma Huailun, was a native of Daxing Jimazhuang, Suqian County (now Huailun Community, Daxing Town, Suyu District, Suqian City), born on August 15, 1903 into a landlord family. When he was a teenager, he had a strong sense of justice and was good at fighting and holding grievances.

In secondary school, Malone enjoyed reading progressive books, was very dissatisfied with the ugly social and political system of the old society, and sympathized with the oppressed and exploited working people. In July 1923, Ma Lun was admitted to xuzhou provincial seventh normal school.

In the autumn of 1926, Ma Lun returned to Suqian after graduation and became a teacher at Yanghe Primary School. His classmate Cai Shaoheng, an underground party member, returned from Wuhan to visit him and brought with him a book called "The State and revolution." The word "revolutionary" on the red cover caught Ma Lun's eye. He wanted to take a look at it, but his classmate whispered, "This is the work of Lenin, the leader of the Soviet revolution, and you must break with the feudal family and stand on the same path with the toiling masses to be qualified to read it." Ma Lun nodded and said, "I have long hated the warlord bureaucracy and the local tyrants and gentry, and I want to break away from my class and connect with the toiling masses." ”

In the winter of 1927, through the introduction of Cai Shaoheng and Cai Gongting, Ma Lun joined the Communist Party of China. From then on, Ma lun abandoned his religion to engage in the peasant movement and began his revolutionary career. At the end of the same year, the first party branch of Suqian County, the Mazhuang Branch of the CPC, was established in Daxing. Under the leadership of Ma Lun and other comrades, the party organizations and peasant associations in the eastern part of Suqian County have developed rapidly, and more than 300 members of the agricultural associations and more than 20 party members have been developed in only 2 months.

He was elected as the first secretary of the Suqian County CPC Committee

In January 1928, the Jiangsu Province of the Communist Party of China sent Zhang Yuanshi from Shanghai to Suqian to convey the instructions of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China: "The peasant associations are organized to carry out the peasant movement." "And quickly prepared to build the CPC Suqian County Committee." In February 1928, Cai Shaoheng, Cai Gongting, and Ma Lun met at Suqian Huangxue (the location of Zhongwu Junior High School affiliated to suqian Middle School) to study the establishment of the Suqian County Party Committee. In March of the same year, the Suqian County Committee of the Communist Party of China was officially established in Daxing Mazhuang. Ma Lun served as secretary, and Ma Liangzhi, Cai Shaoheng, Guan Boliang, Zhang Yongqi, and Hu Junsan served as committee members.

In order to implement the spirit of the instructions of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to "carry out the struggle against rent, interest and usury", Ma Lun thought that the revolution must first revolutionize his own life before he can be qualified to mobilize the masses. One morning in May 1928, he mobilized members of the Peasants' Association and poor peasants to his own threshing ground to fight against his mother-in-law (nicknamed Yang San). Ma Lun exposed his mother-in-law for usurious loans to exploit poor peasants, and his father Ma Chengyi intervened, accusing the peasant association of being a "son fighting Laozi association", and the meeting was suddenly silent. When Ma Lun saw the situation, he pulled out his pistol, fired two shots at Tianming, and said awefully: "Rent reduction and interest reduction are the instructions of the superiors and the decision of everyone, you dare to disobey, I recognize people, guns can't recognize people!" His father, intimidated by the situation, timidly retreated. The struggle would force his mother-in-law to hand over the contract and agree to a rent reduction and interest reduction. Ma Lun announced on the spot: "No matter who it is, the debts that have been lent in the past will not return to their interests in the future!" "Ma Lun's great righteousness and annihilation of his relatives greatly increased the morale of the tenant farmers and promoted the development of the revolutionary situation.

In the winter of 1928, Ren Yicai, an underground member of the Communist Party of China in Dingzui, asked Ma Lun: "We don't care about the peasants in the outer counties?" Ma Lun said, "The peasants in the world are one family, how can they ignore it?" Therefore, Ren Yicai told his cousin Wang Buyun about working for a long time at the siyang landlord's house and not paying him at the end of the year. Ma Lun shot up the case: "The landlord and the old man dare to oppress the peasants like this!" The members of the peasant associations in Daxing, Sanzhuang, Luji, Dingzui, and other places were immediately notified, and nearly a thousand people gathered and went through the city to find the landlord Shan Mingzhi to reason. Shan Mingzhi was panicked when he heard the news, and hurriedly asked someone to intercede with the peasant association, and said that he had paid for it and confessed his mistake.

In addition, Ma Lun also mobilized more than 200 members of the peasant association to jointly accuse his cousin Ma Chengqian and his father and son, who had committed wrongdoing in the local area and oppressed the people in a "ten major crimes." Cai Gongting, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, filed a public prosecution with the judicial organs in his capacity as the head of the Suqian County Agricultural Cooperative Organization, so he arrested Ma Chengqian's son Ma Liangkai and imprisoned him, and dismissed Ma Chengqian from his local post.

In February 1929, the Suqian Knife Society rioted, and Ma Lun led the members of the peasant associations in the townships of Yundong to cooperate with the Knife Society to attack the county seat. After the defeat, Ma Lun's home was raided, and he sneaked to Shanghai, where he was introduced by the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to Songjiang under the cover of teaching to carry out underground party activities.

Heroically sacrificed by the enemy's plot

In May 1930, Ma Lun returned to Suqian from Songjiang to join the Cpc Suqian County Committee. In July, the county action committee was established, with Li Gancheng as secretary and Tang Difei as the commander-in-chief. Ma Lun participated in the work of the Party's Executive Committee and the Central Military Commission. Ma Lun, Xu Huaiyun, and Zhao Xuemen were responsible for forming the Third Division of the Red Fifteenth Army.

At that time, the main task of the Central Military Commission was to grasp the armed forces and engage in guns, and to prepare for the great riots in suining, Suqian, Pixian, Sixian, and Siyang counties. According to the instructions of the provincial administrative committee, all localities are required to list civilian armed forces as an important task in the scope of military movement work. Therefore, the county party committee and the people of the county committee have contacted various civilian armed forces in the southwest of the county, so that the guerrilla members of the county party committee and the civilian armed personnel can live together and take joint action.

In order to expand the armed forces, in late July 1930, the Central Military Commission decided to collect the armed forces under Tong Xijin, a member of the Gengche District Committee of the Communist Party of China, into the Red Third Division, and let Ma Lun and others do the work. Ma Lun went to Tong's house and talked about borrowing a gun, but Tong Sikkim refused to agree. Tong was originally a bully landlord who disobeyed the leadership of the organization, and there was a possibility of rebellion at a critical moment, and the county party committee decided to execute him.

On July 22, Ma Lun brought someone to the door to kill Tong and confiscated some of the guns. When Tong Sijin's relatives and bandit leader Wang Cunjiang learned of this, he vowed to avenge Tong Sijin. A few days after Tong Xijin's death, one night, a guerrilla led by Ma Lun was in the Tangjiaqun Wall (in present-day Suqian Economic Development Zone). At this time, the bandit leaders Wang Cunjiang and Wang Zhenbang sent more than 100 bandits to the Tangjiaqun Wall, and they went to a place east of the three trees together to attack the landlord's bunker, falsely claiming that they could get many guns.

Ma Lun, believing this to be true, readily agreed, and pulled out the team to join them. Unexpectedly, just after arriving at the edge of a mountain potato field 200 meters north of the Tangjiaqun Wall, Wang Cunjiang hinted at his cronies to prepare to move, and suddenly a gunshot rang out, and three or five bandits besieged the guerrillas, first taking the guns and then shooting. Mullen died on the spot at the age of 27. At the same time as Ma Lun, 15 comrades such as Xu Huaiyun and Zhao Xuemen were killed.

Under the influence of Malone, many of his family participated in the revolution, and 3 people died.

Revolutionaries cannot be killed. The hero's sons and daughters of Suqian, inheriting comrade Ma Lun's legacy, continued to advance on his blood, and finally won the liberation of Suqian.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangsu Province posthumously recognized Ma Lun as a revolutionary martyr and erected monuments in Maling Park and Daxing Town to commemorate it.

The red spirit is passed down in the hometown

In today's Huailun community, the people of the hometown inherit the revolutionary spirit of Ma Lun, root the red gene in the blood, have the courage to innovate, forge ahead, and build a beautiful home.

In the "Red Study" of the New Era Civilization Practice Station in the Huailun community, the reporter saw that there were many red books here, "We often organize community party members to study here, engage in book clubs, party history knowledge competitions, and whenever the deeds of the martyr Ma Lun are mentioned, young party members will have a fierce discussion and think about how young people can be like Comrade Ma Lun and become an excellent party member in the new period." Sheng Youfeng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Huailun Community, said.

During this year's Spring Festival, the Huailun community carried out the winter training activity of "theoretical 'New Year goods' delivered to home, young and old paired up to learn together". The old party members in the community told the deeds of Ma Lun and the story of his own joining the party to the activists and young party members, and used the pairing and study to build a bridge between the old party members and the party organization, so that they could feel the care of the party organization, prompt them to give full play to the residual heat, transmit positive energy, and as always walk in the forefront of the dream-chasing team, so that the winter training of party members would go deep and solid.

Malen gave his young life for the cause of the revolution, and the people of his hometown have not forgotten him. Through active visits and understanding of revolutionary history, Daxing Town, Suyu District, fully excavated the red cultural resources and connotations of the Huailun community, planned to build the Malun Memorial Park, and created a "party sex education circle" that radiated within a range of 5 kilometers, further promoting the revolutionary spirit, inheriting the red gene, and activating the "red magnetic field" effect of the party building position. At present, the main building of Malone Memorial Park has been basically completed, and the decoration design is underway, and it is expected to be completed and put into use in the third quarter.

"Behind every true historical story and every red building that stands, there are rich, vivid and vivid resources for the study and education of party history." Cai Yan, member of the Propaganda Department of the Suyu District CPC Committee, introduced that Suyu District promotes the study and education of party history in the form of "party lessons + movies", taking red movies and local red character stories as the starting point, and extensively carries out film party lessons into communities, villages, schools, enterprises, business circles, and family activities, interprets red movies, and tells the story of party history. History is the best textbook, and as the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China approaches, it is of great historical significance to implement well the study and education of party history.

Ma Lun's life was only 27 years, but he left a strong mark on the history of the Suqian Party. Today, we still have to reminisce about the era of heroes, look up at the sky of history, carry forward the national spirit of revolutionary martyrs, pursue red memory, and inherit red culture.

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